RG7321 mods

  • Thread starter JD80
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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2006
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This guitar made me a 7-string convert. I own a USA Jackson SL1, which I thought would be the ultimate guitar....it was like $1500 brand new. I find myself trying to think of reasons to play it anymore. I honestly like the neck and fretboard better on the 7321, aside from having the B string.

That being said, what kind of mods do you guys recommend? I'm thinking in terms of replacing the bridge and pickups. Or would I be better off upgrading to a higher end ibanez model? Even though I like the fretboard, some of the frets seem kind of sharp on the edges...theres definitely a large craftmanship gap between this and my jackson...but theres an even larger price gap.

Also, I've always played on 9s in standard tuning, so I'm using 9-52 right now. I think the B and E and possibly the A string seem too low on tension. Any recommendations? I've read a number of threads on string gauge on here, but I also hear that different 7s respond differently to different string gauges.

Thanks in advance

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Active Member
Nov 1, 2006
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I jsut recently switched to seven string and bought me an RG7321. Within the next month I plan on changing the pickups. I'm going with Dimarzio since I have never used them before, I'm just not sure what brand. I'm also playing around with string gauges. I play everything down 1/2 and the stock strings are a lil too loose. I'll keep you updated on my progress with mine.


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
I had a 7321 for a while, these are the mods I would do in the order I would do them if I bought another one (swap 2 and 3 if you're having tuning stability issues):

1) fret dress/crown/level
2) pickup replacement (I had DiMarzion DS7/An7 in mine, would probably go Blaze Custom/AN7 if I had it to do over again)
3) locking tuners
4) replace the nut with a Graphtech

Note that I'd do 1 & 2 at the same time as the stock 7321 pups are some of the worst I've ever heard.


Forum MVP
Sep 5, 2005
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Basildon, England

The RG7321 is a good guitar for the money. I'd replace the pickups, maybe some Duncans as you're a Jackson guy. JB7 and Jazz7 seem to be the accepted starting point there. The bridge is good as it is, but you may consider upgrading the tuners.

Alternatinvely you could find a used RG7621. The neck profile is slightly rounder (but not fatter) and the body has better contours for increased playing comfort. It also has Dimarzio "New 7's" as standard, they were specificly made for Ibanez. The neck pickup is pretty good, but most people like to replace the bridge pickup.

Try a 10-56 guage set of Ernie Ball's or 10-59 D'Addario's.


Manager / RHLC ©
Sep 21, 2006
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Hey, welcome to the forum!

A good mod for a RG7321 will be:

Locking tuners
Pickups (dimarzio blaze custom, EMG 81-7, Seymour duncan, lundgren)

That piezo thing it's a nice tuning to the guitar.

Come on,try new things!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2006
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The RG7321 is a good guitar for the money. I'd replace the pickups, maybe some Duncans as you're a Jackson guy. JB7 and Jazz7 seem to be the accepted starting point there. The bridge is good as it is, but you may consider upgrading the tuners.

Alternatinvely you could find a used RG7621. The neck profile is slightly rounder (but not fatter) and the body has better contours for increased playing comfort. It also has Dimarzio "New 7's" as standard, they were specificly made for Ibanez. The neck pickup is pretty good, but most people like to replace the bridge pickup.

Try a 10-56 guage set of Ernie Ball's or 10-59 D'Addario's.

I actually like the pickups in the RG7321 better than my jackson...for one reason, it seems they're way higher output. So if I switch out pickups, I definitely don't want lower output than I have right now. For the bridge pickup, I'm thinking either the Blaze Custom or the X2N 7. For the neck, I have no idea - maybe keep what I have in there now. I actually use the neck pickup almost exclusivly for playing lead right now, if that helps.

And as a general kind of noob question - obviously neck and bridge pickups sound very different from every guitar I've played on. Is that a function of the pickup or the pickup position? In other words, if I put the same pickup in the bridge and the neck, would they sound very different?

As for the bridge, I recall when I bought the guitar the guy at guitar center suggested some mods to me. I want to say he suggested a 'tone-pro' bridge, but I may be mistaken. One thing that annoys me about the bridge I have currently is that the little screws attached to the saddles seem to come unscrewed by themselves and stick out - which is very bad when I'm palm muting.

As for strings...I like 9s in general, but...it seems like the the heavier strings on the RG7321 don't have the same tension as on other 6 strings guitars I've played...I was thinking get a set of hybrids: like the g b and e from a set of 9s, the low e a and d from a set of 10s, then like a 59 gauge for the low B...? I tune in standard, btw.

Any thoughts?


7-string noob
Nov 4, 2006
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earth, at the moment:)
One thing that annoys me about the bridge I have currently is that the little screws attached to the saddles seem to come unscrewed by themselves and stick out - which is very bad when I'm palm muting.

two words:

blue loctite


don't use the red stuff (too permanent), unless you want to adjust the saddles later with a torch:lol:


Forum MVP
Sep 5, 2005
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Basildon, England
I actually like the pickups in the RG7321 better than my jackson...for one reason, it seems they're way higher output. So if I switch out pickups, I definitely don't want lower output than I have right now. For the bridge pickup, I'm thinking either the Blaze Custom or the X2N 7. For the neck, I have no idea - maybe keep what I have in there now. I actually use the neck pickup almost exclusivly for playing lead right now, if that helps.

And as a general kind of noob question - obviously neck and bridge pickups sound very different from every guitar I've played on. Is that a function of the pickup or the pickup position? In other words, if I put the same pickup in the bridge and the neck, would they sound very different?

The X2N7 gets good reviews and the Blaze Custom is pretty cool though it can get muddy on very high gain. If you like the tone of EMG's try an Evo7. The pickups sound different as the string is moving more over the neck pickup than it is over the bridge pickup. Look at it and you'll see it makes a curve as it vibrates. If you go for a very high gain bridge pickup like the Evo7 or X2N7, try the Blaze Custom in the neck, it sounds surprisingly good. I also like the Blaze neck in basswood.

As for the bridge, I recall when I bought the guitar the guy at guitar center suggested some mods to me. I want to say he suggested a 'tone-pro' bridge, but I may be mistaken. One thing that annoys me about the bridge I have currently is that the little screws attached to the saddles seem to come unscrewed by themselves and stick out - which is very bad when I'm palm muting.

Never had that problem with mine. :scratch: Maybe try a dab of threadlock when you've got the action set the way you like it? Tone Pro's bridges won't fit I'm afraid, they only come in tune-o-matic styles.

As for strings...I like 9s in general, but...it seems like the the heavier strings on the RG7321 don't have the same tension as on other 6 strings guitars I've played...I was thinking get a set of hybrids: like the g b and e from a set of 9s, the low e a and d from a set of 10s, then like a 59 gauge for the low B...? I tune in standard, btw.

Sounds like a good starting point. :yesway:


Manager / RHLC ©
Sep 21, 2006
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Nice selection a blaze custom or a X2N7.

Tuners of 7321 are so so, i tried and have to tune, but if you play normal are ok (not agressive like me hehe)

Metalfiend666 good info about the evo7!


Forum MVP
Sep 5, 2005
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Basildon, England
Thanks. I had it in my RG7321 for 18 months and tried it head to head against the EMG707 in my old RG7621. I posted a comparison somewhere, but it was over a year ago. The guitars are long gone, but all still in the family. Shikaru now owns my RG7621, 7 Dying Trees has my Evo7 and another user has the RG7321. Still have the Blaze Custom though. Might try it in my RG7421XL.

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