Running the marathon for spinal research! - shameless self plug fund raising


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Nov 6, 2012
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So my brother is running the London marathon next week with the money from donations going to spinal research. The goal is set at £1,800 and getting that from people we know has proved more than challenging, so I turn to the internet for help. He needs a minimum of £1,000 to actually run (small print eh).
If you know anyone that is effected (directly or indirectly) in any way by back problems or any form of paralysis, then any money donated will be indirectly helping these people.

There are more details in this picture here.


So please, if you are feeling generous or feeling pain in your back :)ugh:), then head over to Eric Keeler is fundraising for Spinal Research and pledge some money. It could be your good deed for the day. :)
He actually said that even if you just donate a pound then he is closer to his target.

I'm sorry to spam, but if you don't donate, perhaps at least spread it arround on FaceBook or something. I would love to see him hit his target. :hbang:

Just gonna Put that LINK in A few more times .

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