Schecter 7 necks?

  • Thread starter theleem
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2009
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I have a Hellraiser C7 and ATX C-1. The necks of Hellraiser is pretty huge, but you'll get used to it. I went for Ibanez 7 to Schecter, and the difference is noticable, yet the Schecters sounds MASSIVE. I believe the thicker neck adds more resonance to the sound. Its not a schredder, but for riffing its a killer.
Qualitywice, I prefer my ATX C1 much better. It looks better than Hellraiser, feels and sounds better.
If its ATX vs Hellraiser, I'd choose ATX any time. For the price i gave for my ATX, its a fucking insane guitar. Its a winner in its price range.

You should check out the LTD H-1007 too and Schecter Loomis before you decide what to pick. All great guitars in their own ways.

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