Seeking Guitars/Bass for ONLINE Slam/Death Metal/Grind Band (Ascariasis Vocalist)


New Member
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
London, ON

I'm a vocalist / audio engineer interested in starting an online based metal band for something to do on the side. I don't want this to be extremely serious as I'm involved in a couple other projects full time, but recording, merch and whatever are definitely an option depending how things go. In saying that, the more serious you are about things the better we'll probably get along.

I play guitar and bass as well, however I mainly want to focus on the vocal / production side of things including engineering and drum programming. If this sounds like something you're down for, send me a message or drop a post here.

Some of you may know me from my work in Ascariasis, but if not you can check out a sample of my vocals here (the 'br00tal' shit I want to do is at 4:08).

We released a 5 song EP last spring if you like what you hear.

I'm pretty open to genre (I love everything from goregrind to chillwave), but I'd definitely like to keep things heavy and groove oriented with a more modern sound.

- A working instrument (capable of low tunings)
- You should probably know how to play it
- Access to a recording rig is a HUGE plus
- I work a lot in Guitar Pro so if you have it, it also makes things a lot easier.
- Age isn't a huge issue but I'm 20 for reference.

I have a home studio I can use to mix/re-amp/track/etc..


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