Seeking Novice Students in the San Diego area


Jan 19, 2015
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Hey everyone, my name's Cody. I'm moving back to home turf, SoCal, this Saturday and I'm on the lookout for new students. After I get settled in, I'll be advertising locally for lessons. I'll keep this updated in case any of you nearby know someone who wants to start guitar or have kids that do (I'm assuming most people on this forum know how to play themselves).

About me: I'm twenty-one years old. I got my first guitar at six and quickly became frustrated and overwhelmed, shelving my guitar for years. I got "the bug" in middle school and played every waking hour that I wasn't at school. I took lessons from a Musician's Institute alum off and on for a couple years, but was mainly focused on my technique, being inspired by players like John Petrucci and Andy Timmons. My teacher praised me for how quickly I'd learn and master licks and catch on to new techniques and concepts. Even though theory wasn't my number one priority back then, the things he taught me stuck, albeit in a jumble in my head. So I researched online. I signed up for online video lessons. I wasted my money on chord and scale dictionaries. I bought instructional dvds. I filled in the blanks of my theory knowledge, and I'm now eager to help novices get on the right track so they won't have to deal with the years of frustration of trying to fill in gaps in their music education.

My method: For younger students, I like to incorporate non musical reward systems to better hold short attention spans. I teach my students how to practice, not just what to practice. I sneak theory into games and strive to appeal to my students' interests. I treat every student as an individual - some students excel under pressure, some students require a less intense regimen. I work well with students who have attention disorders, being someone who deals with such a thing myself. I work well with reserved kids too, and I find that music is empowering when trying to get a child out of their shell. I talk about how to get "from inspiration to gratification" and the "addiction of mastery" - in other words, how to keep from getting burnt out and discovering the ecstasy of creating the sound with your hands that you've been hearing in you mind. I test my students at certain intervals in their training based on my lesson plan.

I play and teach: electric, acoustic, extended-range, rock, metal, alternative, pop, folk, fingerstyle, percussive guitar, over-the-neck styles, etc. I'm not a classical guitar teacher, nor a jazz or blues teacher, though I implement some classical concepts in my teaching.

If a student doesn't have a guitar to practice on, I am available to help beginners find the best quality axe that fits them and their wallet. We can schedule a trip to a local Guitar Center or a similar store to get the right thing for you or your child. Since I became serious about guitar in middle school, I've relentlessly geeked out on current guitar manufacturers, models, and their pros and cons. I'll do this for free, simply because I think everyone should have that extra bit of help when they're unsure of what they should be looking out for in an instrument, and not just sold something for the sake of a commission. I don't work for any guitar store or brand, so I make nothing from this.

I believe a music teacher should be caring, available, communicative, and demand the best of his students' abilities. Nothing makes me happier in teaching than when I find a student that is passionate, because from there that energy just bounces from one person to another and inspires great music to be made. I'll give you/your child the tools to feel the joy of progress and plant the seed for passion, instead of overwhelming you with information, causing feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and even depression, ultimately resulting in their guitars to collect dust. I believe the psychological aspect of teaching is oft overlooked in any schooling environment, so I hope to make a positive impact on your musical journey!

Please leave feedback, ask questions, whatever you want to know I'm an open book. Or if you have suggestions to improve the quality of my ad.

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