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((952)³ + (-951)³)
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Costa Mesa, CA
Respond to any independent question as you please.

I've encountered quite a few statements I do not know to have a basis in fact, but seem reliable. First I wish to ask to what degree copper prevents microphonic hum(specifically in the case of pickguards). Do plastic pickguards truly dampen the resonance of the guitar? and would any of this apply to humbucker mounting plates?

Most recently I had installed an ivory nut into my Les Paul 7 and recognized an immense tonal variation(definately a positive one), which could derive from either or both a simple improvement in responsiveness or a superior resonance into the neck. Supposing the latter were true, would selecting mounting plates of an alternate material effect tone as well? Would copper be a viable substitute? and would it not additionally behave as a hum-shield?

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Feb 18, 2006
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I've seen copper tape used to shield guitars so it seems to work fine. The guitar also has to wired correctly using good quality parts help kill hum. But copper tape seems to help. Also its not microphonic hum it's killing. It the 60 cycle hum you pickup from electrical devices. Microphonic feedback comes from pickups that are poorly potted or not potted at all.

Plastic pickguards and pickup rings have been used by a lot of guitarists from Jimi to Jimmy Page to SRV to Petrucci and no one seems to complain about the tone they have. So I wouldn't sweat that too much.

The instruments resonance I think is more a product of the woods used and the quality of construction. Everything else is just a tweak here or there. But it's nothing I'd get worried about. Feel free to experiment you might find something you like but like I said it's just tweaking.


((952)³ + (-951)³)
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Costa Mesa, CA
I've seen copper tape used to shield guitars so it seems to work fine. The guitar also has to wired correctly using good quality parts help kill hum. But copper tape seems to help. Also its not microphonic hum it's killing. It the 60 cycle hum you pickup from electrical devices. Microphonic feedback comes from pickups that are poorly potted or not potted at all.

Plastic pickguards and pickup rings have been used by a lot of guitarists from Jimi to Jimmy Page to SRV to Petrucci and no one seems to complain about the tone they have. So I wouldn't sweat that too much.

The instruments resonance I think is more a product of the woods used and the quality of construction. Everything else is just a tweak here or there. But it's nothing I'd get worried about. Feel free to experiment you might find something you like but like I said it's just tweaking.

It is much apreciated, I was rather confused about the use of the term microphonic(as I have heard it in quite a few contexts). Believe it or not there are several sources claiming that plastic pickguards dampen one's tonality(by preventing the body wood to openly resonate) which is why, aside from shredder's(limited use) no longer requiring them, quite a few manufacturers have in their contemporary designs excluded it.

Personally I make much use of pickguards in my playing, but I am thoroughly interested in securing different varieties of tone wherever they are available.

The Dark Wolf

Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio. USA
Copper is used to shield the guitar's electronics from RF (radio frequency) interference. Pure and simple. They also use shielding paint, and sometimes aluminum.

The electronics of a guitar can be very susceptible to stray electrical fields. The copper shielding is connected to ground, and it basically seals all the electronics, and prevents them from picking up those signals.

As a corollary, if you were to take a cell phone, and stand inside a copper mesh cage (or any other electrically conductive material) that is grounded, you will no longer be able to send or receive cell signals. You're compleyely shielded from any RF signals. In theory, this would also protect your electronic gear from an EMP, as well.


Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
It is much apreciated, I was rather confused about the use of the term microphonic(as I have heard it in quite a few contexts). Believe it or not there are several sources claiming that plastic pickguards dampen one's tonality(by preventing the body wood to openly resonate) which is why, aside from shredder's(limited use) no longer requiring them, quite a few manufacturers have in their contemporary designs excluded it.

Personally I make much use of pickguards in my playing, but I am thoroughly interested in securing different varieties of tone wherever they are available.

Pickguards are cheap so feel free to expeiment. You mind find something really cool.