Shipping your albums for Crowdfunding

  • Thread starter rahul_mukerji
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rockville, Maryland, USA
Hello fellow string enthusiasts!! :wavey:

I will be starting my crowdfunding campaign for my album and was wondering if any of you have had experience with shipping CD's, Vinyl and T-Shirts from the US to Australia, India, Germany and other such places.

Would any of you be able to recommend:

  • What price should I set for international shipping for a Digipak CD weighing about 0.6 lbs, a standard vinyl and or T-Shirt [for reference the Pink Floyd Pulse Digipak weighs in at about 0.8, most of my normal jewel pack CDs weigh in at 0.1 lbs].
  • What is the best carrier, in your opinion, to use for sending out rewards that is cheap but reliable.

They say a lot of crowdfunding campaigns get gutted by the shipping and I'm beginning to see why.

I took the Floyd CD to USPS and asked them how much it would be to send this from Washington DC to Brisbane, Australia and they quoted $25.00. This is the basic price without tracking or insurance.

So I thought I'd ask the forum since a lot of folks now are crowdfunding their albums and I was hoping some of you might have answers.

Thanks so much in advance!

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