Siggery guitars


U gonna eat that?
Feb 23, 2009
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Is this BRJ?

I don't even want my Siggerys anymore.
I'm unloading them asap (if they ever materialize).
Even if they play well I won't be happy with them because of this experience.

I asked for different pickups,Lace and Painkillers and SS frets, everything else was "already cut" and couldn't be changed, implying the body was near complete and the neck was already in process...for both builds. That was said a year ago.

I'm with you about the waiting that long for mild changes. Honestly though, IF you choose to stick to the end and IF they indeed turn out good, why unload them? You're happy about a guitar when it plays, sounds, looks good, and that's unrelated with your experience with the luthier. I can get any concerns about what kind of future backing your guarantee will have, but apart from that it sounds like you put too much sentiment into it. If it really bugs you or are afraid it's gonna end up that bad (the guitar or the general situation since you mentioned BRJ) from what you've read, try to get a refund now, don't act all passive agressive grumpy against guitars that aren't even completed yet if you don't plan on acting to get your dime's worth :shrug: My two cents, it's your wallet.

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The Fruit Bat
Mar 13, 2013
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Myrtle Beach,SC
just to make it "easy access" :)

Once again,another old one. That one was sold recently.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Yes I do have one. I waited about 17 months. End of the year sounds a bit optimistic, unless he's really close. January sounds more plausible to me, and February seems to be even better in terms that you have given him enough breathing room, such that "will be done soon" in absolutely no way can be more than that.

Actually, truth to be told, Marty told me that my guitar will be in my hand before this year is out.
6 months ago or so, my guitar should have been done within " a week or two " in his terms. There s no chance I wait until January or February. I ll send him a message and it s going to be my last one...


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2012
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Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario/Michigan
I'm with you about the waiting that long for mild changes. Honestly though, IF you choose to stick to the end and IF they indeed turn out good, why unload them? You're happy about a guitar when it plays, sounds, looks good, and that's unrelated with your experience with the luthier. I can get any concerns about what kind of future backing your guarantee will have, but apart from that it sounds like you put too much sentiment into it. If it really bugs you or are afraid it's gonna end up that bad (the guitar or the general situation since you mentioned BRJ) from what you've read, try to get a refund now, don't act all passive agressive grumpy against guitars that aren't even completed yet if you don't plan on acting to get your dime's worth :shrug: My two cents, it's your wallet.

I mention BRJ because Marty appears to be ignoring current customers with outstanding builds. He continues to accept new orders and lie about the current situation he is in. I could have easily said Vik as well :lol

I'd unload them because I don't need them or want to support such terrible business practice. The sight of them will always be a reminder of the stress I'm currently experiencing with over 1000GBP invested in builds that were said to be completed within months of purchasing the slots (by the sellers and Marty), which then turned into an ETA of sometime last year, which has been missed/delayed a few times. I've tried to stay Neutral but the deceit and dismissal by the Luthier has been well documented by other customers, which corresponds with my personal experiences so far.
I wouldn't say I've put any Sentiment into this. I don't care about the guitars, only my financial situation post-BS.

I could re-invest this money with Ran and again have a better quality instrument (for a little more) within a shorter build period.

I have tried to get a refund with no luck (or response).
I think my first statement within this post clearly states my reasoning for being grumpy.
How am I being Passive Aggressive?
I've emailed Marty many times with my concerns with the lies and procrastination, but this point is meaningless when there is no confirmation it was even received or read by him.

I even sent 5 copies of my last email with no response.

I'm passive aggressive? :scratch:

I'd call this being direct as I've put effort towards resolving this. I have offered to accept the builds as is, a full refund, change specs to allow for a quick and easy completion (because upgrading pickups or fret material = months more in delays), all with no response or acknowledgment that he received the correspondence.
Despite my few posts in this thread I have been putting in the effort to try and stay informed through Marty, though I don't feel he provides the same amount of care to the customer base as is expected.


Aug 8, 2014
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Brighton, UK
just out of interest, as this is my first experience with a custom build, how does one go about selling a slot?


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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The biggest mistake I ve done in my life as a musician was to place an order with that guy ! Finally after 18 months I have to give up as I don t want to lose my energy anymore. I ve lost 500 pounds ( 600 euros ) unless someone is keen to buy my slot. Deposit was made June of 2013. If someone is interested let me know guys. And good luck to those who are thinking to take a risk with that guy. Don t be foolish guys !!!! I should have read this thread before ordering mine... Skervesen here I come !!!!!


U gonna eat that?
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'd unload them because I don't need them or want to support such terrible business practice. The sight of them will always be a reminder of the stress I'm currently experiencing with over 1000GBP invested in builds that were said to be completed within months of purchasing the slots (by the sellers and Marty), which then turned into an ETA of sometime last year, which has been missed/delayed a few times. I've tried to stay Neutral but the deceit and dismissal by the Luthier has been well documented by other customers, which corresponds with my personal experiences so far.
I wouldn't say I've put any Sentiment into this. I don't care about the guitars, only my financial situation post-BS.

I even sent 5 copies of my last email with no response.

I'm passive aggressive? :scratch:

I didn't mean that you're passive agressive in regards to Marty, it seemed to me that way with the comment about unloading them as soon as you get them.

I still can't get into the reasoning if the guitars turn out decent for their price. You're not supporting his business if you're honest about your experience with him, if he refuses a refund. In that case, you either choke the deposit loss and hurt his reputation further through internet, try to advance legally alone or with other clients, or you get the guitars, and be honest about what someone can expect (even if the guitars are good, the fact that the waiting time is huge can turn off a lot of customers).

Given that Marty can't keep up with the completion estimates he quotes, giving a refund, or producing good guitars (even if they come out late), are the 2 options he has to keep the name of his business from total downfall.

Let's face it, internet is a powerful tool, and you don't drop scratch to any luthier if you haven't looked into it first. You can encounter same or worse business malpractices in the real world, the kind of not being able to be informed about via the web.

The biggest mistake I ve done in my life as a musician was to place an order with that guy ! Finally after 18 months I have to give up as I don t want to lose my energy anymore. I ve lost 500 pounds ( 600 euros ) unless someone is keen to buy my slot. Deposit was made June of 2013. If someone is interested let me know guys. And good luck to those who are thinking to take a risk with that guy. Don t be foolish guys !!!! I should have read this thread before ordering mine... Skervesen here I come !!!!!

BTW, have both of you tried to email him from a second email adress? He claims that sometimes emails don't always come through to him, so I advise exhausting all communication options (hell even phone).


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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@ Deadnightshade, is email address work well believe me ! He is just a liar... I give him two more days to respond to my last message otherwise I m going to post on his Facebook page !!!


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Do you guys know how to contact him by phone calling from France ??? I ve tried but could t reach him. I ve just received an e mail from him telling me " good luck finding your perfect 8 string " I m devasted... He doesn t want to give my money back... Please help guys...


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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Do you guys know how to contact him by phone calling from France ??? I ve tried but could t reach him. I ve just received an e mail from him telling me " good luck finding your perfect 8 string " I m devasted... He doesn t want to give my money back... Please help guys...

sent you a pm dude :nuts:


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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it upsets me reading this thread, i never had any issues with marty, he got me my guitar on time and he quoted me 7 months, he updated me on a regular basis, the only issue i had was getting photos,
seems the guy is snowed under, it does sound like some people re been given the run around and there is a lack of honesty, i just never witnessed it first hand.

the guitar i got was good, real good, just wasnt what i wanted 7-8 months later


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
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Reading(ish), UK
Do you guys know how to contact him by phone calling from France ??? I ve tried but could t reach him. I ve just received an e mail from him telling me " good luck finding your perfect 8 string " I m devasted... He doesn t want to give my money back... Please help guys...

Phone number is on his website, just replace the first "0" with "00 44" and you should be set...


young scoundrel
Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
it upsets me reading this thread, i never had any issues with marty, he got me my guitar on time and he quoted me 7 months, he updated me on a regular basis, the only issue i had was getting photos,
seems the guy is snowed under, it does sound like some people re been given the run around and there is a lack of honesty, i just never witnessed it first hand.

the guitar i got was good, real good, just wasnt what i wanted 7-8 months later
This is exactly my experience too, although the guitar was still what i wanted by the time I got it. (I only sold when the opportunity to grab a strandberg randomly came up).
My opinion on the whole refund thing... Very tricky. I think when you enter into the agreement you acknowledge that the deposit (like any deposit) is not going to be refunded. He needs the money to spend on raw materials for your build and to put food on the table in the mean time. Ordinarily it seems fair that you would forgo that by pulling out, however there is also the point that when you entered into this agreement you were quoted a rough build time which wasn't met. From that angle you could say that Marty didn't hold his end of the deal but then again, how exact can a build time estimate be from a one man business? He can't predict the trouble he may run into and it would be naive to expect exact times.
Still, a tough situation. From an outside perspective I believe a fair resolution (though I suppose it depends just how long an individual has waited) would be a partial refund. Maybe the deposit minus the material costs?
Just my 2 cents (as they say on here :p).


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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What pisses me off the most, is that he lied to me from the beginning ! It s not about money actually. He quoted me 4-6 months and after 8 months I ve asked how far he is into the build. He didn t replied to my mails. After sending him tons of messages I was told my guitar will be ready in 5 weeks time. I didn t want to put him under pressure so I let him work on it. Last week I ve asked for my money back but he told me that is going to be impossible. He promised me to make it before this year is out ( mid November ) And when I ve asked for an update I haven t receive a response to my mail. How can someone lie like this ? I do not get it ! I want my money back or at least a part of it. He didn't even start building my guitar !!!!! That make me sick !!! I receive this from him " good luck finding your perfect 8 string " Guys ! Common the guitar is not even started !!!!!! I am devastated seriously... And once again it is not about money. I ve been waiting 18 months for it. And all of the sudden my dreams of getting an 8 string guitar disappeared...


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
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I don't understand what was the worst thing that could have happened if you had waited until the guitar was ready, even if it meant waiting for another year.
Now you've lost 600 euros and you still don't have a guitar.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Indeed MrTeatime. Be aware about that guys ! Don t let this guy stole your money. There s too many good guitar company around. I will try everything that is possible to get my money back just because I m in MY RIGHTS !!!!!