Siggery guitars


Kane's Bane
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Portland, ME
Nothing more to say, anyone expecting a Mayones/BM/Skervesen quality for 1000 pounds and fast doesn't know what he's buying

Except, I'd argue there is only one option out of the "good, fast and cheap."

The guitars aren't well built. They take forever. Compared to a other guitars that are factory made, I GUESS they are cheap. I'd put Siggery on par with Agile. 1000 pounds for an Agile is over-priced.

So, arguably, one can say they are cheap guitars for a guitar made in small shop.

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Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
none of this fills me with hope, I'm waiting on 2 builds that I was quoted 4 months for just over a year ago now... I have no idea if they've even been started and it saddens me that Marty seems more than happy to reply to new enquires almost instantly but ignores the people who have already given him money....
Maybe I should cancel the builds and spend my money elsewhere =/


May 27, 2014
Reaction score
none of this fills me with hope, I'm waiting on 2 builds that I was quoted 4 months for just over a year ago now... I have no idea if they've even been started and it saddens me that Marty seems more than happy to reply to new enquires almost instantly but ignores the people who have already given him money....
Maybe I should cancel the builds and spend my money elsewhere =/

Large disconnect from those who've made deposits? Large effort to entice new customers with unattainable quotes? Double, triple the quoted turnaround time?

Sounds like a familiar situation.

If you shoot him a message about your consideration of spending your money elsewhere, and he responds in a split second, that speaks large about the type of business he's running.


Biggest Newb Ever
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I'm in the same boat, was actually told the guitar would be done in Feb, I did not believe it but I thought at least I'd see some progress.
Still nothing, and no replies to emails.

It is not hard to create a working email account, I don't buy the "email problems" unless that is just a reference to the amount of them he gets.
Maybe he should employ a PR person or something ...

Not jumping ship, but I am getting annoyed.

Hey, first time posting on this thread. I put in my order in with Marty on May 2013. He told me It'd take 4-6 months.

He was great to communicate with as everyone has said in previous posts. There were a couple of pockets here and there of little to no communication for weeks at a time, but nothing too outrageous. I figured he's busy. He also told me about the email issues hes having. Which I'll mention more about later.

When it came to asking him what's going on with the build after it not being completed on time I got a lot of excuses. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, but for some reason has a really hard time being completely honest with people. Maybe because I paid through Paypal and could dispute at any time? I don't know, but if he was just honest from the start there wouldn't be any drama to begin with.

With that being said I believe he's finally done with my build, and ready to send it out soon. I actually got some photos of the finished guitar about a week ago. Obviously I cant post any of them on here (it's in the contract). But when I get the guitar I definitely will. He said he'll be shipping it Tuesday (August 12th), we'll see. I'm ridiculously excited about this guitar so I hope he keeps that promise.

So like most others on this thread I've had issues with Marty, but I've really only waited a little over a year. If he just worked on his PR side of things a bit, people wouldn't be so stressed out and his inbox wouldn't be bombarded so often. What I really don't get is why he has an AOL email when he's not even American, and even us Americans know AOL is garbage. He's told me about his issues and I've suggested changing his email to Gmail for example, but he said it's not that easy because he has a lot of customers already in contact to him on his current email. But to be honest you can just have a message you copy paste to each client saying you're switching emails. It doesn't have to be an overnight thing. I know it might be a bit overwhelming at first, but when your business really relies on it, I believe it's pretty important. What if people sent in new specs and Marty never received the email and made the guitar with the old specs? Things like that aren't good for business, if it was me I'd switch email right away. That's one reason why I'm not really sure all the "issues" are really legitimate and could tie in with the honesty problem stated earlier.

Anyway I really hope everyone whose been waiting as long or longer than I have (3 years what the hell?) gets theirs soon. Marty seems to do a pretty fine job on these. Looking at all those fairly new pic's on his FB makes me anxious as hell to get mine in my hands at last.
Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
Quick Email Reponse to a new potential customer within the same day.
Short quoted build time.

I'm sure being located relatively close to him also prompted the quick reply as well.

Makes me believe there may actually be no issues with his internet/AOL, just an easy scape-goat to ease all of our dissatisfaction with things moving incredibly slow...if at all.
I really hope he isn't at the point of needing new customers to finance our builds to completion.

This thread makes me sad everytime I see a new post and it's nothing positive. It must be nearing 3 years for my orders.
By the time these customs arrive I won't even want them anymore :noplease:

I live in the West Midlands which isn't very far from him, but all this has definitely put me off it. I'll just go to a local luthier I know. More expensive but he knows how I like my guitars haha.

3 years?! ****ing hell! :wallbash:

Danny Husk

Active Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Sol 3
:lol: Any of you chaps living close to him want to offer to head over there and take some progress pics and send updates to everyone? :worth:


Jun 26, 2009
Reaction score
South Haven, MI
Hell....I was with an Ormsby run last year that just finished with mine, that's one year, and he built like 9 guitars in that span, kept us updated with info and images the whole time. Excellent businessman too that really pampered us.

Then we got Siggery....I'm over 2 years wait, along with a few others, but 3 years is pushing the BRJ Black Friday vibe.....I hope this doesn't happen. But I'm thoroughly disappointed with the lack of communication, especially when he's prompt with responses when someone wants a quote.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Shelton, CT
Hey everyone just wanted to keep you all in the loop. I heard back after emailing Marty a number of times in the last two weeks. He said he emailed me back last week but it must have not got to me.

Last night I received an email for him apologizing and that he was "virtually finished" with my guitar and that he has "a few parts to still get."

I'm assuming that probably means the hardware like pickups, tuners and whatever.

I emailed him right back and asked if he could please send some pictures....hopefully I see something soon.


Biggest Newb Ever
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hey everyone just wanted to keep you all in the loop. I heard back after emailing Marty a number of times in the last two weeks. He said he emailed me back last week but it must have not got to me.

Last night I received an email for him apologizing and that he was "virtually finished" with my guitar and that he has "a few parts to still get."

I'm assuming that probably means the hardware like pickups, tuners and whatever.

I emailed him right back and asked if he could please send some pictures....hopefully I see something soon.

Just don't post any progress pictures on the forum. It's stated in the contract if you weren't aware.


Biggest Newb Ever
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Does everyone who ordered have a "contract"? First I've heard it mentioned on here...

I do, I had one attached to my initial invoice. I asked for it though, because when it comes to something like this I expect it. Perhaps he only gives it to those who ask.


Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
I do, I had one attached to my initial invoice. I asked for it though, because when it comes to something like this I expect it. Perhaps he only gives it to those who ask.
I don't remember having one with my invoice, what other things are mentioned in it just out of curiosity?


Active Member
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
i didn't get one either. i had no idea you weren't allowed to post progress pics. i'll have to go back and delete the ones i posted here a few months ago....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
Just don't post any progress pictures on the forum. It's stated in the contract if you weren't aware.

What the hell?!
Custom guitars aren't just about the final product, they're about the experience, and part of that experience is sharing the joy of a custom guitar's build progress.


Biggest Newb Ever
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Boston, MA
i didn't get one either. i had no idea you weren't allowed to post progress pics. i'll have to go back and delete the ones i posted here a few months ago....

Well, if you never agreed to a contract, I don't think you have to worry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
I thought I didn't get the "no pics on forums allowed".
That was until i checked out the far bottom of my receipt.
Which is sad. This is one the things I was really looking forward to.

I've tried to be as understanding as I can regarding marty's situation(s),
But I gotta admit, I'm beginning to get a wee bit ticked off.
4 mails sent, no reply, but people who are asking for a build gets quick responses.
Several inquieries about pics, these are being completly ignored.
In my last mails I've aske kindly if could tell me if there is a hickup.

Now. Marty. We now you read this thread.
Can you PLEASE address the matters at hand?
We are all grownups here, and can appreciate some honesty if you got too much on your hands (if that's the case.)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Shelton, CT
I thought I didn't get the "no pics on forums allowed".
That was until i checked out the far bottom of my receipt.
Which is sad. This is one the things I was really looking forward to.

I've tried to be as understanding as I can regarding marty's situation(s),
But I gotta admit, I'm beginning to get a wee bit ticked off.
4 mails sent, no reply, but people who are asking for a build gets quick responses.
Several inquieries about pics, these are being completly ignored.
In my last mails I've aske kindly if could tell me if there is a hickup.

Now. Marty. We now you read this thread.
Can you PLEASE address the matters at hand?
We are all grownups here, and can appreciate some honesty if you got too much on your hands (if that's the case.)

Hmm strange my invoice/receipt does not say I can't post any progress photos... But I would try emailing Marty every other day to see if you get a response. That is what I do. I'm kind about it and ask if everything is going well and eventually I get a response. I only did this for about 2 weeks before I got a response this time.

I believe he does have server issues as we all know AOL is probably the worst type of email you can have haha. I wish he'd switch to something else but I am sure it is tough when you have so many clients.

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