Signature guitars. Discuss.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Halifax NS
I know many people use signature guitars (Jems, UVs, etc)

Does anyone feel kinda like they are not really forging their own identity by using a signature guitar (or a guitar very exclusive to someone?) Like if you see someone use a black BC rich Stealth, you can pretty much assume they like Death, a black Jackson KV-2, can assume they are a Dave fan, with a Jackson KE-1, Can assume they are a Marty fan, Any white JEM, Can assume they are a Steve Vai fan..

Now like Dave Weiner said in one of his videos, He avoided guitars like these because unfortunately, our world is very Image based in this day and age, and if someone sees you with some sort of guitar that relates closely to a certain artist (like lets say an Alexi RR) then you can be playing anything, but psychologically they could link you to that artist. And of course, thats not a good thing for making your Identity known in the music world.

Im just wondering this cause well Its no secret I love Marty, and I learned the majority of my guitar playing on a Jackson Kelly, so Thats the shape thats most comfortable to me, but I just kinda feel like if I played on stage with one, Along with all the marty covers I do, along with my songwriting/improvising being very Marty-esqe also, people MAY assume im just a Marty clone.. lol Of course I love his stuff by I by no means want to be a Marty clone, I want to be ME. Hmmm.

Whats your guys opinion of this.. if people saw someone on stage with a JEM, doing crazy whammy bar stuff and Vai like music, Its easy for them to just associate this guy with being a Vai wannabe, and write off checking him out more if maybe they dont like Vai.. I know its unfortunate and stupid to do this, but Thats what some people actually do. Our world = crap O_O

Edit :: Heres that Dave Weiner video. ACTUALLY.. I dont think this is the one he mentions what I was talking about, but its a cool video anyways..

Heres the actual video.. =

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Feb 1, 2007
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Olympia, WA
in my personal opinion, i dont think people really care. honestly, i was using a schecter jerry horton (papa roach) signature model for 5 years, it was the white one with the black roach, and while i was in korea performing with my southern rock band, we played a lot of country and hard rock but noone ever asked me about the whole signature thing. all they did was compliment me on my playing. so you really just have to make sure you ARE making a name for yourself. Do whatever you need to do to make that when the set is over, the people remember YOUR NAME and not your guitar. I think then you will be squared away bro.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2005
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I think only foolish guitarists really care about that crap.


Mar 12, 2005
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Ramsey, NJ
The only signature guitar I've ever owned and still own is the Ibanez Universe. I was quite shocked to see that most people didn't realize it was a Steve Vai model. I guess it's because he never plays it live ever. I would do clinics and people would ask me, "Did Ibanez make that for YOU??" LOL!! Ah, only in a perfect world...


F'king ............
Forum MVP
May 2, 2005
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Melnibone (duh!)
Technically the Les Paul is a signature guitar, and plenty of people have forged individual identities playing those...


Apr 8, 2005
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Most people have no idea whether a guitar is a sig or not. They also can't tell the difference between a Jackson and an ESP copy. So it doesn't matter. If someone actually cares, that's their problem.

Metal Ken

Hates the Air
Jun 27, 2004
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I play the UV cause i like how it feels and i like how it looks. I could care less about that signature stuff. I cant stand Korn, but their guitar is awesome, and i'd play it.


Aug 28, 2005
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Here is a better question - is any KxK 7-string V a signature Noodles guitar?

I don't really bother about that shit tbh. I've never wanted a guitar because of its signature status - with the JS, I actively hated it because of who endorsed it.

Its an interesting point though - in a recent interview Adam and Joel from KsE said they were offered an endorsement by Ibanez but they went for Caparison amongst other reasons because Ibanez didn't want them playing other Ibanez sigs on stage (Joel was playing a UV at the time and Adam a JS). It seems odd they would say that since Mushroomhead played UVMC's in a recent video and onstage and Gizmachi openly play UV's as well. Still.


ESP • Ibanez
Forum MVP
Apr 2, 2005
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Southern Maine
I play the UV cause i like how it feels and i like how it looks. I could care less about that signature stuff. I cant stand Korn, but their guitar is awesome, and i'd play it.

:agreed: Although I did like Korn's first 3 albums, especially their first 2, Morbid Angel was more an influence to me than Korn and Vai. I still love the fact that Vai put "Universe" on his guitars rather than "Steve Vai". :yesway:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
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I think sig guitars are kind of silly just because they tack on a shit load of cash for a name. Sig guitars can be kick ass guitars, but the price difference just doesn't make any sense. I don't think most people will consciously or unconsciously associate you with whatever artist whose sig guitar you happen to be using. Like someone said, maybe a hand full of your audience will recognize whatever guitar you're playing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Halifax NS
I think only foolish guitarists really care about that crap.

Yea, Dave Weiner is quite the foolish guitarist.

It doesnt change the fact SOME people who do recognize the guitar, is going to make assumptions based on your guitar about what you sound like, just like when people see a guy with long hair, He instantly is linked to metal. Im not saying I personally do this alot, but this is the SOCIETY we live in, Appearance is everything. And its sad but true, but this happens more often than not. And if you are using a Sig guitar on stage, chances are at least ONE person in the audience knows what it is and might make the assumption that you are a clone of that person (esp because like JJ said, Sig models tend to be priced retardedly, anyone to buy one should be a major fan.. Not saying this applies to 7 strings because they are so few good 7s, but for 6 strings.. Who honestly is going to spend $3000 on a Slipknot Mick Thomspon model with "EVIL" inlaid in it or wahtever, except a hardcore fan?)

I know personally when I see someone on stage with that Dean dimebag model with the rebellion flag on it, it kinda turns me off from listening to them, thinking Oh great, another wannabe skinhead dimebag clone.. Not saying its right to do that, but it happens at times, APPEARANCE means alot in the music business, weither you like it or not. And its not going to change either.


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
Ok, who are you worried about, 99.9% of your audience of the .1% who are guitarists that will recognize it as a signature guitar? That's really the question you need to ask yourself, beacuse the majority of the people watching you won't have any idea you're playing a signature guitar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2005
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Yea, Dave Weiner is quite the foolish guitarist.

Well, in this case I think he's being a bit foolish. I don't care what guitar someone's playing - if someone plays good music, he/she is good, no matter what guitar he's/she's playing.


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
(esp because like JJ said, Sig models tend to be priced retardedly, anyone to buy one should be a major fan.. Not saying this applies to 7 strings because they are so few good 7s, but for 6 strings.. Who honestly is going to spend $3000 on a Slipknot Mick Thomspon model with "EVIL" inlaid in it or wahtever, except a hardcore fan?)
First of all, i'm willing to bet you'd pay $3000 on a Marty Friedman signature if it was a blue quilt top kelly personally signed by him and you had $3000.

It doesnt change the fact SOME people who do recognize the guitar, is going to make assumptions based on your guitar about what you sound like, just like when people see a guy with long hair, He instantly is linked to metal. Im not saying I personally do this, but this is the SOCIETY we live in, Appearance is everything. And its sad but true, but this happens more often than not. And if you are using a Sig guitar on stage, chances are at least ONE person in the audience knows what it is and might make the assumption that you are a clone of that person...
I know personally when I see someone on stage with that Dean dimebag model with the rebellion flag on it, it kinda turns me off from listening to them, thinking Oh great, another wannabe skinhead dimebag clone.. Not saying its right to do that, but it happens at times, APPEARANCE means alot in the music business, weither you like it or not. And its not going to change either.

Second, you seem to be reading into this a bit deep - you talk about people being narrow minded in this day and age - then you go and say that you automatically stop listening to band if they are playing Dean Dimes. :scratch: Where is the logic in that? It seems quite hypocritical.
Thirdly, i hope you weren't referring to's skinhead when you said

Oh great, another wannabe skinhead dimebag clone..

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I believe he's referring to the confederate flag on the guitar, that some people use it as a symbol for racism.


F'king ............
Forum MVP
May 2, 2005
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Melnibone (duh!)
How many signature guitars are immediately identifiable anyway?

The Alexi Laiho model is basically a tweaked Rhoads...
The K7 is based on the Universe...
The Kelly is a pointier Explorer...
Jeff Loomis' is based on the Hellraiser...
Even the Signature Dimes are basically exagerrated Explorer shapes...
Countless signature models are based on the strat-with-humbuckers-and-a-floyd design...

I can understand not wanting someone else's name on your guitar, but most signature models are variations on old designs, unless you want to do something totally radical, like some of those Japanese ESP sigs... Only eagle-eyed guitar players are really likely to notice you playing one.

Second, you seem to be reading into this a bit deep - you talk about people being narrow minded in this day and age - then you go and say that you automatically stop listening to band if they are playing Dean Dimes. :scratch: Where is the logic in that? It seems quite hypocritical.


Wouldn't it be pretty annoying if every time you took out your sevenstring, someone (likely a non-guitarist) said, 'oh, you must like can't be that good a player'?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Halifax NS
Not syaing I automatically stop listening to bands playing dimebags guitar, but it does abit turn me off of it, Just like everyone, I get assumptions about what they are like, but my guitar teacher owns like 6 sig Dimebag models and hes possibly the best guitarist ive ever heard in person..

Theres NO way I would spend $3000 on a signed marty friedman guitar, unless he was exact to the specs I wanted, which I need 27 frets, higher cut away, etc, Something Marty would never order for himself, and the signature even then would have to be washed off, I dont want anyones name on my guitar.

Not skinheads, Im talking about the ones (mainly where I live) who fight blacks and jews just because they're race, Praise the rebellion flag for a symbol of white power and Phil anseno or whatever his name is because he has racist remarks and act like whites are superior to everyone. Phil somehow became the posterchild for racism, with their confederate flag and all.. If people on these forums are racists and hate people for the colour of their skin, Then I guess I would be referring to them too.


Wouldn't it be pretty annoying if every time you took out your sevenstring, someone (likely a non-guitarist) said, 'oh, you must like can't be that good a player'?

It is annoying, and it happens, Im sure everyone one of us had it happen to us before.

Just proving my point again, This DOES happen, and often, Appearance is everything in this world. So I just obviously dont want to be asked every single day "You must be a fan of so and so, because you own this guitar, right?" Because thats what people do.


Apr 3, 2005
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Not syaing I automatically stop listening to bands playing dimebags guitar, but it does abit turn me off of it, Just like everyone, I get assumptions about what they are like, but my guitar teacher owns like 6 sig Dimebag models and hes possibly the best guitarist ive ever heard in person..

Theres NO way I would spend $3000 on a signed marty friedman guitar, unless he was exact to the specs I wanted, which I need 27 frets, higher cut away, etc, Something Marty would never order for himself, and the signature even then would have to be washed off, I dont want anyones name on my guitar.

Not skinheads, Im talking about the ones (mainly where I live) who fight blacks and jews just because they're race, Praise the rebellion flag for a symbol of white power and Phil anseno or whatever his name is because he has racist remarks and act like whites are superior to everyone. If people on these forums are racists and hate people for the colour of their skin, Then I guess I would be referring to them too.

It always surprises me that people still use that rebel flag graphic. I guess it's a 1st amendment thing.

I have had experience with four signature items - Joey Jordison snare, Anton Fig snare, Hendrix Schecter and Zakk Wylde overdrive. Oh, and I also had a UV7bk for some time. It's a fact of life that people will try to make money, regardless of what happens. Still, I have yet to deal with one that doesn't stand up.

Good and bad.


F'king ............
Forum MVP
May 2, 2005
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Melnibone (duh!)
It is annoying, and it happens, Im sure everyone one of us had it happen to us before.

Just proving my point again, This DOES happen, and often, Appearance is everything in this world. So I just obviously dont want to be asked every single day "You must be a fan of so and so, because you own this guitar, right?" Because thats what people do.

So the best response is to sink down to that level? Do you really care if people are shortsighted enough to make assumptions like that?