Slayer Guitarist Jeff Hanneman Passes Away

  • Thread starter Symb0lic
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Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
Uh, no, he died of liver failure.

First of all, there is an inaccuracy in the post above yours, not even touching on the point about being "open to 700 bacterias" etc, which is a minefield of inaccuracies in itself, but the treatment for necrotising fasciitis is not "amputation", it's usually surgical excisement, but it can also be treated with larval biosurgery in some cases. Amputation would be left for the most extreme of cases, which is actually relatively few.

I did my Bsc (Hons) dissertation on larval biosurgery appilcation modus for NF, so I read a fair bit on it.

Jeff did die of liver failure, but systemic illness is a common effect of Brown Recluse bites, and a common effect of NF. While your body is giving all it's got to fend off the bacterial infection that is destroying the tissue in the wound, immense stress is put on the other organs of the body. It completely wipes you out - no doubt aside from the issues of arm muscle strength and stamina barring Jeff's return to Slayer, he would have been feeling wiped out for the last two years. Lethargy, high susceptibility to infections, taking a long time to hear wounds and clear infections, messed up appetite, mental depression etc.

While drinking beer would likely not have helped in this state, I would not begrudge the guy his booze, it's hard to argue that the spider bite was not the eventual cause of his death, even if the way it claimed him was convoluted.

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Mar 13, 2012
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He died of a Brown-Recluse Spider. He got bitten by one in his friends hot tub a few years ago and never got treated for it. What happens is when it bites you, you are open to 700 different bacterias and infections. Now with all of those different infections it eats away at your skin and the only way to stop the flesh-eating disease is to amputate that part of the body that got bitten...




Hairy Old Bloke
Jun 25, 2008
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London, UK
About the WBC....

They make their money through law suits so assaulting them could be counter-productive.

However, I'm a Slayer fan, although not a fanatical one. I know a couple of fanatical fans and what seems to be a common factor amongst said fanatics is that zero fucks are given whatsoever.

If WBC do protest I think that I'll start a sweepstake on how long it will be before they get bombarded with bottles of piss.


Los Cochinos
Sep 20, 2012
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Houston, TX
I just stumbled-upon this, demo recorded at Jeff's house with him on vocals. RIP, brother.


New Age Moron

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
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This is awful news. Rest in peace Jeff Hanneman. Thanks for the riffs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Looks like there's an official cause of death. Cirrhosis. And by the looks of it, he wasn't really on a liver transplant list.

Tom and Kerry also talk about the good times they had.

While the details are being worked out now, Slayer wants its fans to know that there will be a celebration of Jeff Hanneman's life sometime later this month, along with Jeff's family and friends, the public will be invited to attend. More information will be posted here soon.

Kerry King and Tom Araya are trying to deal with the loss of their brother by remembering some the good times they shared.

KERRY: "I had so many great times with Jeff... in the early days when we were out on the road, he and I were the night owls, we would stay up all night on the bus, just hanging out, talking, watching movies... World War II movies, horror movies, we watched "Full Metal Jacket" so many times, we could practically recite all of the dialogue."

TOM: "When we first formed Slayer, we used to rehearse all the time, religiously, 24/7. Jeff and I spent a lot of time hanging out together, he lived in my father's garage which was also our rehearsal space. When he got his own apartment, he had an 8-track and I would go there to record songs I'd written, not Slayer songs, other stuff I'd written. At a certain point, you still have the band but you start your own lives outside of the band, so that 24/7 falls to the side, you don't spend as much time together as you once did. I miss those early days."

KERRY: "He was a gigantic World War II buff, his father served in that war, so when Slayer played Russia for the first time - I think it was 1998 - Jeff and I went to one of Moscow's military museums. I'll never forget him walking around that place, looking at all of the tanks, weapons and other exhibits. He was like a kid on Christmas morning. But that was Jeff's thing, he knew so much about WW II history, he could have taught it in school."

TOM: "We were in New York recording South of Heaven. Jeff and I were at the hotel and we had to get to the studio - I think it was called Chung King, a real rundown place. So we left the hotel and decided to walk, but then it started raining. We walked maybe five blocks, and it was raining so hard, we were totally soaked, so we decided to get a cab. Here we are, two dudes with long hair and leather jackets, absolutely soaked, thumbing to the studio. No one would stop. We had to walk the entire way."

TOM: "Jeff was a lifeline of Slayer, he wrote so many of the songs that the band will always be known for. He had a good heart, he was a good guy."


We've just learned that the official cause of Jeff's death was alcohol related cirrhosis. While he had his health struggles over the years, including the recent Necrotizing fasciitis infection that devastated his well-being, Jeff and those close to him were not aware of the true extent of his liver condition until the last days of his life. Contrary to some reports, Jeff was not on a transplant list at the time of his passing, or at any time prior to that. In fact, by all accounts, it appeared that he had been improving – he was excited and looking forward to working on a new record.


Spanish Thrasher
Sep 5, 2010
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So Kerry/Tom and Dave are releasing statements separately? This is gonna end well...


Jan 31, 2009
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Phoenix, AZ
actually I hope this sad event brings to light liver illness more - often it is symptomless until it is too late. Just watch how much you're drinking guys...