So Gaga wants to meet with Obama about bullying

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Nov 12, 2009
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Pittsburgh PA
seriously, all these kinds of issues can be solved if parents would step up and do their job.

you find out your kid a bully? why dont you take a look at what you do that makes him act out (they get their traits from you!). then set him (or her) down and teach him to show others respect, no matter what, take necessary steps to imprint this thinking into their life

find out you kid is being bullied? teach your kid to learn how to deal and adapt with these people, they'll always exist, and show that they usually act out to compensate for how bad their own life is.

i got bullied on occasion when i was in school
i learned to fight with words.

example: one time in wood shop (9th grade?) this fat redneck kid, thought he was funny, kept making smart remarks, and one day he said the wrong thing
i snapped, got loud with him, told him how the only reason he makes fun of other people is because they weigh less than him, and he's a miserable waste, so he takes his time insulting others to try and make himself feel better, and look cool to everyone else.

no one laughed that time

when you break people down to their basics, and expose them, its hard for them to react, because they know how true it is

never had an issue with that kid from that day on

i never got in a physical confrontation, i was taught to avoid that by all means, and i learned how to carry my own with words

who do i have to thank: my parents

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Countless times I've seen the parents of problem children and it starts to make sense. Idiocy breeds idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Often a bully is more insecure than those they are bullying, which is why a bully often backs down when someone confronts them. They are not big nor strong, physically or mentally which is the exact reason they bully to make themselfs feel the above.

...Gaga wants to speak to obama about this, ok so where is her politcal training and why should her word matter any more than any one elses. I hate how people can become famous and influencial if enough money is just thrown their way for the crap they produce instead of becoming famous for something truely 'worth' being 'famous' for.

This world is so fucked.


Mar 28, 2005
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New York, NY
She wouldn't have made herself look anywhere near as stupid if she had instead said that she wanted to speak with Michelle Obama about it.



Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
cause that would have been just as effective:lol:

Michelle Obama is a scary lady if she wants to be and I'm pretty sure it's not really about getting something done anyway. It's about "increasing awareness." She'll probably sit down and have a chat IF either party even agrees. And they'll televise some small portion of that meeting where it seems like they're "really getting to the heart of the issue." Then nothing will change bc you can't get rid of bullies, bigots, criminals, etc or anyone you disagree with. They're simply always going to exist... You might just call them something different as time goes on. :shrug:
Dec 19, 2007
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Michelle Obama is a scary lady if she wants to be and I'm pretty sure it's not really about getting something done anyway. It's about "increasing awareness." She'll probably sit down and have a chat IF either party even agrees. And they'll televise some small portion of that meeting where it seems like they're "really getting to the heart of the issue." Then nothing will change bc you can't get rid of bullies, bigots, criminals, etc or anyone you disagree with. They're simply always going to exist... You might just call them something different as time goes on. :shrug:

I agree. Although I do think it was smart of her to do it, IF the intent was to get people talking about it. Yeah it's a PR stunt but it's got a guitar forum discussing it and many others around the world, so the bullying topic hasn't been swept under the rug. Not saying she did it for that reason but if she did, smart move.

Blind Theory

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2011
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Countless times I've seen the parents of problem children and it starts to make sense. Idiocy breeds idiocy.

Seriously! I was at a park one time and this little kid, couldn't have been older than 4-5, started flipping me and others off and saying things like, "Fuck you asshole" for no reason at all. I thought it was funny but I went and informed his grandma because that was all that was there. Her response..."his mom isn't very strict. It isn't his fault she just isn't good at parenting." :holy: Then it hit me, the grandma obviously was a horrible parent, and leading by example as most parents do, turned her daughter into a horrible parent...the cycle will continue forever in that family:lol:


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
Someone needs to remake that Lord of the Rings GIF. Boromir should say "One does not simply walk into the White House." Lady Gaga should then say "Um... Yes you do."

Mr Violence

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
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Syracuse, NY
She's going to bat for this because she was requested to by the friends and family of a young gay high school kid, Jamey Rodemeyer, who committed suicide.

This hasn't been noted by many of the posts.

While I'm not sure government can do anything about bullying, her intentions may be heartfelt or a PR stunt, but to ignore this kid and his family would've been a bad move on her part, so I don't think she's crazy. :2c:


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
her intentions may be heartfelt or a PR stunt, but to ignore this kid and his family would've been a bad move on her part, so I don't think she's crazy. :2c:

While your sentiments might be hearfelt or a PR stunt I still say she's crazy!

All joking aside, what would this world be like if every time a drunk driver killed someone, a kid committed suicide over being bullied, a person was beaten into a coma over their skin color, a person was killed for liking a certain type of music, a person got shot from a stray bullet during a gang shootout, a woman was raped, etc etc etc etc someone went to the president or got lawyers and politicians involved?

This is the way the world is going. Personally, I think the family's help and input could've probably helped the kid to rid himself of the idea of suicide. Not blaming them, I don't do the blame game. Problem is EVERYONE else plays the blame game and it always seems the parents are 100% faultless in this kind of circumstance.



Forum MVP
Apr 25, 2006
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Austin, TX
Late to the party here. And she's hoping to accomplish what by doing this? :spock:


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
While your sentiments might be hearfelt or a PR stunt I still say she's crazy!

All joking aside, what would this world be like if every time a drunk driver killed someone, a kid committed suicide over being bullied, a person was beaten into a coma over their skin color, a person was killed for liking a certain type of music, a person got shot from a stray bullet during a gang shootout, a woman was raped, etc etc etc etc someone went to the president or got lawyers and politicians involved?

This is the way the world is going. Personally, I think the family's help and input could've probably helped the kid to rid himself of the idea of suicide. Not blaming them, I don't do the blame game. Problem is EVERYONE else plays the blame game and it always seems the parents are 100% faultless in this kind of circumstance.


After reading your post, first of all I agree. But looking at it in that light makes this look like a PR stunt 100%. If she was asked to do it, it would reflect poorly on her in the public eye to disregard such a request. Someone who relies on the public for their livelihood would be wise to mind the opinions of the public. Or completely disregard them and still sell records if you're a white guy with a knack for putting words together creatively...



Aug 13, 2011
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vancouver bc
She's going to bat for this because she was requested to by the friends and family of a young gay high school kid, Jamey Rodemeyer, who committed suicide.

This hasn't been noted by many of the posts.

While I'm not sure government can do anything about bullying, her intentions may be heartfelt or a PR stunt, but to ignore this kid and his family would've been a bad move on her part, so I don't think she's crazy. :2c:

hmm... i wonder if that student was a fan of hers and she might feel guilty that he may have been bullied for listening to her popish music(aside from being gay that is. lets face it; in high school if you're gay, you're green lit and i mean no humour in that).

i don't like her very much. i think she makes ignorant, over dramatic statements at times, but if she takes this seriously then i will support it.

however, knowing it's her i doubt she'll be taking this in a formal fashion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
She's going to bat for this because she was requested to by the friends and family of a young gay high school kid, Jamey Rodemeyer, who committed suicide.

This hasn't been noted by many of the posts.

While I'm not sure government can do anything about bullying, her intentions may be heartfelt or a PR stunt, but to ignore this kid and his family would've been a bad move on her part, so I don't think she's crazy. :2c:

Exactly. This thread makes me violently angry. how many of you have been bullied becuase of your sexuality? Show of hands? Yeah, it's fucking brutal, I've been through all of it, it cuts you like you wouldn't know. So maybe, I dunno, step off a little bit. This poor kid was bullied to the point of suicide, to the point where he felt so goddamn alone that he took his own life, something I can relate to. This isn't "Ha Ha boys will be boys" Shit here, this is a hate crime, and should be treated as such.


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
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Lancaster, CA
I've been bullied for my size because I am skinny.
I've been bullied for my religious beliefs because Christianity isn't cool apparently.
I've been bullied through verbal harassment that sometimes gets extremely personal.
I've been bullied physically.

I've been bullied for as long as I remember. This is why I agree with your last sentiment. It is SO much more than harassment. There have been points where I didn't like myself because of what others have said to me. I knew they weren't true but shit carries further than a lot of people think. I am guilty of bullying because of being bullied. You get put down so much it makes you do anything to feel a little better about yourself. It can have serious mental, physical and emotional consequences. It took me a long time to be able to shut it out of my mind and be able to work on improving my self esteem. So while I agree something needs to be done, I also understand that no law is going to fix it. Hence why I said the solution is found in the home.

I've been bullied for all of those things as well as:
- Being too fat. (was skinny as a kid, then just exploded sideways)
- Being bisexual (bisexuals get shit from both the gay and straight communities. We get bullied by straight people for obvious reasons, and we get it from the gay community because we are all supposedly whores and that we're "secretly gay and want to use the term bisexual because it's 'safer'" and that we just need to "pick a side")
- Being Half Deaf (who get shit from both the hearing and deaf communities)
- Coming from a very poor and broken home

Do I think we need to legislate bullying? Yes to some degree. But I feel that we don't necessarily need a whole new law. We just need to rework the harassment laws that we currently have on the books. Also, I feel that we should rework laws to be more lenient in terms of criminal actions against those individuals that can completely prove they were forced into using force to defend themselves from bullying. Much like how no charges are filed if self-defense can be proven. Obviously there's many grey areas there that need to be worked out, but that's why I said that we need to rework them. Hell, the grey areas that are currently in place allow people to bully and harrass the hell out of you, the police can't do a damn thing about it, and any personal attempt to defend yourself can land YOU in jail, instead of the person bullying. :nuts:


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lancaster, CA
Exactly. This thread makes me violently angry. how many of you have been bullied becuase of your sexuality? Show of hands? Yeah, it's fucking brutal, I've been through all of it, it cuts you like you wouldn't know. So maybe, I dunno, step off a little bit. This poor kid was bullied to the point of suicide, to the point where he felt so goddamn alone that he took his own life, something I can relate to. This isn't "Ha Ha boys will be boys" Shit here, this is a hate crime, and should be treated as such.

My hand is raised. That's for goddamn sure. Why the hell do you think my previous band (re: see sig) fell apart? :mad: