So Gaga wants to meet with Obama about bullying

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Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
Exactly. This thread makes me violently angry. how many of you have been bullied becuase of your sexuality? Show of hands? Yeah, it's fucking brutal, I've been through all of it, it cuts you like you wouldn't know. So maybe, I dunno, step off a little bit. This poor kid was bullied to the point of suicide, to the point where he felt so goddamn alone that he took his own life, something I can relate to. This isn't "Ha Ha boys will be boys" Shit here, this is a hate crime, and should be treated as such.

I understand that bullying is fucked up. But you can be bullied for any number of reasons. I understand "fat kids" have it pretty goddamn rough too. I knew kids that got bullied bc they were "late bloomers" and maybe their voices didn't change as quickly as the rest of the guys. Or maybe one guy is a little smaller than the rest of the guys so the big guy has to go fuck w/ the little guy to show he's big... The list goes on and on. Fuck... In some places ppl will kill you for being different. They don't even give you a chance to do it yourself.

Not to sound like an asshole, but what makes homosexuals so special? It happens to everyone and the severity doesn't peak at homosexual bullying. Everyone always wants *their* struggle to be the toughest one. :2c:


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
I understand that bullying is fucked up. But you can be bullied for any number of reasons. I understand "fat kids" have it pretty goddamn rough too. I knew kids that got bullied bc they were "late bloomers" and maybe their voices didn't change as quickly as the rest of the guys. Or maybe one guy is a little smaller than the rest of the guys so the big guy has to go fuck w/ the little guy to show he's big... The list goes on and on. Fuck... In some places ppl will kill you for being different. They don't even give you a chance to do it yourself.

Not to sound like an asshole, but what makes homosexuals so special? It happens to everyone and the severity doesn't peak at homosexual bullying. Everyone always wants *their* struggle to be the toughest one. :2c:

Because being anything other than a heterosexual is still considered taboo, and people are regularly ostracized for it. Homosexuals and Bisexuals are regulary shunned by whole communities simply for what they are. So yes, it's a little more "Special" than just being fat, which you can change. Just because it happens in "Some places" means we shouldn't address the issue? Whoever said anything abot this being a struggle contest? Not sure I follow your logic here, man.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Exactly. This thread makes me violently angry. how many of you have been bullied becuase of your sexuality? Show of hands? Yeah, it's fucking brutal, I've been through all of it, it cuts you like you wouldn't know. So maybe, I dunno, step off a little bit. This poor kid was bullied to the point of suicide, to the point where he felt so goddamn alone that he took his own life, something I can relate to. This isn't "Ha Ha boys will be boys" Shit here, this is a hate crime, and should be treated as such.

Dude you are so way off base and are still missing the point. This shit is a fact of life and will NEVER EVER fully go away. Our society is becoming way over-pacified. No one is saying people should ignore this type of thing. You seem too be missing the point that this is NOT a matter for the president. You are behind it cause you had a bad experience, I've had tons and in my much younger years had a bully at one point as well in my life. I grew to kick ass and was never bullied again. Not saying that is always the solution, I'm saying do you think everyone with bad life experiences deserves to see the president and discuss creating laws to punish those that upset them?

Then what happens if we have laws for bullying and several other various issues and someone commits suicide? Cause it will still happen. Wake up.



Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I didn't say it was a struggle contest, it just seems that people are trying to act like bullying a homosexual is in any way worse than bullying anyone else for any other reason. The bottom line is that you're doing something to make someone else feel bad about themselves. The reason doesn't matter. :shrug:

Peep it...

When my sister was in elementary school and I was roughly 13 years old there was a group of white children that would follow them home and harass them for no reason. So my mother requested that I walk them home so that the kids might just leave them alone. It didn't work. They still did it and one of then even called me a ...... to my face--a seven year old child...

The girl then proceeds to go home and tell her mother that I attacked her. With nothing to go on but an untouched little girl's imaginary story, the parents called the cops and fairly soon after I'd gotten home that day police were SWARMING my house.

They were in the front yard knocking on the door and windows...

They were in the backyard climbing the fence to knock on my basement sliding glass door.

They were climbing my deck to knock on that door and try to peep in as well.

I peeked out a window upstairs and noticed 5 or 6 squad cars, 2 police SUVs and a paddy wagon... All this for a 13-year-old boy that they can't even prove was guilty? Or was it because I was the "big black boy"? You have no idea how often I'm guilty until prove innocent for that fact alone.

Call it a stretch if you like, but that at age 13 is fucking terrifying and it comes across very strongly as bigoted bullying. A lot of white people where I live act that way and some will even openly tell you they feel that way.

Just the other day wasn't there a thread about a man that dragged a from a fucking car simply for being of another nationality? Oh right... We all go through shit, man.

Mind over matter. That's the reason anyone in here that's been bullied hasn't killed themselves like the kid discussed in the OP. Then again my father has been telling me since before I could understand words that you can overcome all obstacles with "strong will, strong faith, strong mind..." Granted that's what we call *guidance*.... :idea:


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
Dude you are so way off base and are still missing the point. This shit is a fact of life and will NEVER EVER fully go away. Our society is becoming way over-pacified. No one is saying people should ignore this type of thing. You seem too be missing the point that this is NOT a matter for the president. You are behind it cause you had a bad experience, I've had tons and in my much younger years had a bully at one point as well in my life. I grew to kick ass and was never bullied again. Not saying that is always the solution, I'm saying do you think everyone with bad life experiences deserves to see the president and discuss creating laws to punish those that upset them?

Then what happens if we have laws for bullying and several other various issues and someone commits suicide? Cause it will still happen. Wake up.

Where the fuck did you get that from my post? Things won't ever change? Jesus, it's people like you that drive kids like this to suicide.
I never said it was a matter from the president. try actually, you know, reading my post next time.


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Who cares? Someone is going to disagree with what you do no matter what. Why would you want to change for these ppl? Fuck them!

"This will all go away when..." When you stop letting ignorant fucks dictate how you feel about your self.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
Who cares? Someone is going to disagree with what you do no matter what. Why would you want to change for these ppl? Fuck them!

I don't want to change, I'm saying that it's something that we'll carry with us the rest of our lives. You can lose weight, you can get a deeper voice, but when a mob of people surround you and threaten you with death becuase of your sexual orientation? (to use an example from my life) It's a lot worse because society is telling you what you are is wrong, will always be wrong. Can you not understand how that hurts? That these people often have no one to turn to, and are convinced by religious bigots that they are evil and wrong? It's not just bullying, it's bigotry. I never said that I thought lady gaga going to the president was a good idea, but society's attitudes about this need to change.


Mar 28, 2005
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New York, NY
Where the fuck did you get that from my post? Things won't ever change? Jesus, it's people like you that drive kids like this to suicide.
I never said it was a matter from the president. try actually, you know, reading my post next time.

Oh really, but you said this thread makes you "violently angry". Funny how you now accuse people of my character as being responsible for this kids suicide. It shows you're still *blaming* others. If someone kills themselves it's their own doing. Some can handle things better than others. That one college student killed himself after being videotaped making out and having it uploaded on YouTube. From what I recall that was the only one instance and he wasn't violently bullied daily. So are those kids responsible for his *death*? Sorry, but I don't think so. They should be punished but I don't think any of them thought he would kill himself.

LOL, I can't believe after what I said you pointed blame at "people like me". Seems I had you figured right.



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
Oh really, but you said this thread makes you "violently angry". Funny how you now accuse people of my character as being responsible for this kids suicide. It shows you're still *blaming* others. If someone kills themselves it's their own doing. Some can handle things better than others. That one college student killed himself after being videotaped making out and having it uploaded on YouTube. From what I recall that was the only one instance and he wasn't violently bullied daily. So are those kids responsible for his *death*? Sorry, but I don't think so. They should be punished but I don't think any of them thought he would kill himself.

LOL, I can't believe after what I said you pointed blame at "people like me". Seems I had you figured right.

You really don't fucking get it, do you? You had me figured right? You don't know a thing about me. You're just another bigot, as far as I'm concerned. Do a little research about this case, maybe, I don't know, get some perspective. Besides, that post doesn't even make any sense. Coherence, how does it work?


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
People get bullied all the time for things they can't change. That's why you learn to love yourself and say fuck what everyone else has to say about it. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE IN HISTORY TO HAVE GONE THROUGH SOME BULLSHIT FOR SOMETHING YOU CANT CHANGE.

And just because you lose weight or get a deeper voice doesn't mean that having been bullied for it isn't something you carry with you. That's what we call a life experience... You know... The things that shape who we are. We carry them ALL with us. Stop being emo.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
People get bullied all the time for things they can't change. That's why you learn to loe yourself and say fuck what everyone else has to say about it. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE IN HISTORY TO HAVE GONE THROUGH SOME BULLSHIT FOR SOMETHING YOU CANT CHANGE.

And just because you lose weight or get a deeper voice doesn't mean that having been bullied for it isn't something you carry with you. That's what we call a life experience... You know... The things that shape who we are. We carry them ALL with us. Stop being emo.
Where did I say I was the only one? You're reading things I didn't type.
I'm not being emo.
Jesus christ, whatever. You win, you completly understand my position and what I've been through, and whatever I say on the subject is negated becuase everyone else is bullied too.


Aug 13, 2011
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vancouver bc
lets calm down, peoples. everyone has a valid point and i don't think anyone here should take it personally.


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Plenty of ppl get bullied for being different. Sadly a lot of animals do this. I've seen the equivalent of bullying in lion populations against inbred lions with birth defects. It gets to the point that they sometimes kill them or come damn close. It's sad, it's unfortunate, but it's nature. No one said it was right or that you're wrong for feeling strongly about the subject, but your posts just sound whiney. Those who spend too much time dwelling on the past never grow.

So ppl bully you. Are you gonna let it get you down forever or are you going to rise above that bullshit and move the fuck on with your life? By being a depressed little bitch you're giving the bully what he wants hence part of the reason they continue doing it. The other reason is that they don't like themselves and feel the need to bring you down to that level bc they see you as an easy target. Don't be that easy target.

Perhaps I was just lucky to have been born of VERY strong minded parents that talked to me about the things that were going on in my life and guided me appropriately. I just really hate when people wanna play the damn victim all the time. "But you don't know how I feel!" Well I'm not you so technically I never will.

"It's called SELF esteem for a goddamn reason." -- Katt Williams


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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There is a lot of idiocy in this thread. I think you all need to take a step back and think about what you're saying more.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
I suffer from severe depression, so sorry for being a "depressed little bitch" it's not something I have total control over. Not trying to play the victim card, just telling my side of the story. It doesn't even really bother me anymore, but I have friends who have killed themselves over this, and its an issue I feel passionately about. Sorry if that offends anyone. I'm glad You hade such a strong upbringing, but many people lack that, or any kind of support network. Anyway, this got heated, and I'm out. Goodnight gentlemen.


Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
vancouver bc
i'd like to add that even though lady gaga is trying to help, i don't think she is the right person to help in this situation. now i've been bullied before and though i never thought of suicide, i did skip out on class a lot.

i did however use my time wisely and enrolled in a boxing club. keep in mind i didn't have many friends nor family to understand what i was going through. the thing is, despite how caring my mother is, she didn't notice anything was wrong because i came home happy anyways. :)

maybe i wasn't bullied harshly like other people. my point is, each individual person has to be responsible for what they're doing. it's hard and i understand... but someone cannot simply make it go away. the only person who can is yourself and i swear by this.