Solid State amps.

  • Thread starter Fryderyczek
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Theta Preamp pedal is the same, or did they change stuff up? I see the Crate powerblocks for cheap here, any good?
There's probably a slight difference with the pedal, but if there is, it still shouldn't be deterring since the pedal still sounds really badass, at least IMO. And the Powerblocks are very solid as power amps. 150W in a very small package. The on-board distortion isn't that bad either, but doesn't have too much gain on top. Probably as much gain as an AC30 or a JCM800, but sounds nice and tubey.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Wait, you CAN'T bypass the cab sims on a PSA stock?


Like all Tech 21 gear, the PSA isn't exactly a "modeler" in the sense that it doesn't actually emulate any specific kind of amp. Since it was designed to go directly into a power amp, they probably never thought that anyone would want to actually defeat the 'speaker emulation'.

Also, since the unit originally came out in the 90's, it's held up pretty well considering what companies like Line 6, Digitech & Fractal have come out with over the years.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2013
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I have a Laney Cab. Whilst I'm really interested in getting the head or the combo of the Ironheart, I'll get it when I'm a bit older(I'm 15 and in Europe, so tubes are a bit more expensive here). But yeah, I'll definitely get one.

I was 16 in Australia and running an Egnater Tweaker 88 :lol:
But yeah, I know what you mean.
With the Orange, from what I've seen, it does a good job at sounding like a tube amp so you might not want to go for it if you were looking specifically at SS tones.
I gotta say, I do tend to agree with Cath and his Jet City recommendations. They are great value and tend to be suitable for a lot of stuff. So they're a fair recommendation for most stuff, especially if you're in Europe.
Apr 4, 2014
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Halifax, NS
I know it's been spoken of but I just love the Randall rg series amps. I also seem to always have one kicking around. Currently have a RG75 and is killer for those 90's thrash tones


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2013
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Pittsburgh, PA
I've heard about those on here. I don't know too much about them I'm afraid.

This thread is near and dear to my heart. Like what other posters have mentioned, the Ampeg VH-140C (if you can find one...somehow I got lucky with mine:cool:) is the holy grail of solid state tone. I also have an ISP Theta head and an AMT Stonehead, both of which I got second hand for very reasonable prices.:hbang: I also used a Peavey Supreme XL for gigging, and while it isn't what I'd consider the best tone, it was absolutely indestructible.

As mentioned before, the ISP Theta head is very, very versatile and very powerful! Splashy, deep sounding reverb, footswitchable boost, excellent built in preamps, excellent built in noise suppression...can you tell I'm a fan? :lol: This is a bold statement, but in my 14 years of guitar playing, the ISP Theta head has the best clean tone of any amp I've ever played. Ever.

The Ampeg VH-140C has the ultimate solid state distortion to me: aggressive, toothy, responsive, thick, balanced...I could go on. What's the best is the lack of harshness; the VH-140C's distortion always stays musical. I love it. Probably my favorite solid state distortion. The only possible usurper....

The AMT Stonehead is a darkhorse. I can't believe this amp doesn't get more attention. Beautiful spanking, high-fidelity clean tone, a very, very close second to the ISP Theta. Distortion so sick I'd call it ebola. All the tones in between are right at your finger tips! A 5 kg amp that sounds like gold, what more can you want?

Sorry for the the long winded response, I simply love solid state amps.

Full disclosure, I love tube as well, and own a Quick Rod and an original VHT Pittbull, and solid state squeaky cleans and super distortions win for recording every time. Tube, for me, is best suited to in between tones, or pedal applications (1979 Ibanez ST-100 + the Splawn or the Pittbull...Van Halen tone immediately:agreed:).

PS I don't know what the used market is like over there, but Peavey XLs/XXLs can be found for absolutely dirt cheap in USA (just find someone willing to ship).
Jul 19, 2008
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Wait, you CAN'T bypass the cab sims on a PSA stock?


Like all Tech 21 gear, the PSA isn't exactly a "modeler" in the sense that it doesn't actually emulate any specific kind of amp. Since it was designed to go directly into a power amp, they probably never thought that anyone would want to actually defeat the 'speaker emulation'.

Also, since the unit originally came out in the 90's, it's held up pretty well considering what companies like Line 6, Digitech & Fractal have come out with over the years.

Marketing. :rolleyes:

It's a glorified LPF. So they call it "speaker simulation" with "universal outputs" because you can kinda-sorta compensate by jacking up the treble with some post EQ. They finally added a bypass on the Character Series, probably around when IRs became all the rage and obviously took a massive dump on plain old eq filtering. Maybe in another 10 years we'll get a PSA 1.2 with a bypass.

Pretty cool unit otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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I just found it weird because I could have sworn I've seen guys run them into power amps and not being affected by the cab sim. Is it like the Cab Clone in which several of the outputs have cab sims, while others don;t?


Theta Sagan Swords
Feb 21, 2012
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Boston, baby!
\ I also have an ISP Theta head and an AMT Stonehead, both of which I got second hand for very reasonable prices.:hbang:

As mentioned before, the ISP Theta head is very, very versatile and very powerful! Splashy, deep sounding reverb, footswitchable boost, excellent built in preamps, excellent built in noise suppression...can you tell I'm a fan? :lol: This is a bold statement, but in my 14 years of guitar playing, the ISP Theta head has the best clean tone of any amp I've ever played. Ever.

Are you kidding me? I thought I was the only one on this forum with the Theta gear! You got any recordings anywhere? I'd love to hear what other folks are doing with theirs... what cab(s) do you use with your Theta head? The rack, head and combo have the best cab sim I've ever heard....


Hates UG, the ....s
Apr 5, 2015
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Zgorzelec, Poland
Okay guys, you helped me a lot. :hbang:
You rock

I have this other question, can you get Spectraflex cables in Europe without having to pay these horrible shipping fees? The shipping costs more than the cables.
Jul 19, 2008
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I just found it weird because I could have sworn I've seen guys run them into power amps and not being affected by the cab sim. Is it like the Cab Clone in which several of the outputs have cab sims, while others don;t?

I've never seen ANYONE use one live. :lol: All outs have cab sim, even the effects send. (THAT I don't understand.) Since it's just an eq filter, the basic tone and response is the same. It's not the end of the world, but bypassing sansamp is like taking a blanket off it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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If I remember correctly, one of the guitarists of Rammstein used a Sansamp PSA + Mesa Strategy power amp for his live setup for the longest time. The guys in Clawfinger used them live as well, but used a Digitech unit for cab sims. I know Peter from Hypocrisy uses one in the studio, but I think he used them live, as well?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2013
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Pittsburgh, PA
Are you kidding me? I thought I was the only one on this forum with the Theta gear! You got any recordings anywhere? I'd love to hear what other folks are doing with theirs... what cab(s) do you use with your Theta head? The rack, head and combo have the best cab sim I've ever heard....

I don't have any recordings up online, but I used the ISP Theta head for all the 8-String and leads on my upcoming album. I'll have to post them to SoundCloud for you. I'm running an ISP Theta head into a VHT Deliverance 4x12, with close miking and no effects or equalization. I've never heard of the rack mounted unit you use! How did you come by that? ...also why did ISP stop making the Theta head?:wallbash:
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Theta Sagan Swords
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Boston, baby!
I don't have any recordings up online, but I used the ISP Theta head for all the 8-String and leads on my upcoming album. I'll have to post them to SoundCloud for you. I'm running an ISP Theta head into a VHT Deliverance 4x12, with close miking and no effects or equalization. I've never heard of the rack mounted unit you use! How did you come by that? ...also why did ISP stop making the Theta head?:wallbash:

I don't think they have stopped making the head, the rack or the combo. Big dealers like Guitar Center, Musiciansfriend, etc., just stopped stocking them. Contact the folks at ISP, Buck and Shell and the gang are the nicest folks and can help you find anything you need....

I found the rack unit back a few years ago on eBay... I had seen a vid on youtube that got me interested, was actually searching for an ADA MP-2, bumped into Ethan Brosh in Boston who had just picked one up, and then later did a video of his tune "Ancient Land" and I couldn't pass up the one used on Ebay... I had the combo for a couple of years, but it was just a lot of amp for me... there's a used one in town for dirt cheap, and I might go get it again just to have! (or pay some bills...whatever...)

There's a few used Theta heads on the Guitarcenter site and they'll occasionally pop up on eBay or craigslist...

Can't wait to hear what you've done with your Theta head! I'm cranking my Theta preamp through an Engl 2x12 with V30's and and Avatar 2x12 with Creamback 65's. MASSIVE.
Jul 19, 2008
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If I remember correctly, one of the guitarists of Rammstein used a Sansamp PSA + Mesa Strategy power amp for his live setup for the longest time. The guys in Clawfinger used them live as well, but used a Digitech unit for cab sims. I know Peter from Hypocrisy uses one in the studio, but I think he used them live, as well?

According to Tech21, Rammstein recently used a GT2 to FoH, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they used the PSA. Sure enough, his rig also consisted of Dual Rec, Powerball and/or Rath. The stock PSA tone is pretty awesome for that sound. As far as Clawfinger, "all setups have been eq'd heavily" and there's no indication they used cab sims with the PSA. The PSA was used by Hypocrisy direct in the studio. And you can tell. :lol:

I've heard more people using it for bass than guitar.


Forum MVP
Oct 1, 2005
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I know it's been spoken of but I just love the Randall rg series amps. I also seem to always have one kicking around. Currently have a RG75 and is killer for those 90's thrash tones
The Seymour Duncan Livewire/Blackouts metal pickup in combination with that line is unbelievable for the old school no-bass sound. I should pull mine out again and make a demo. The combination is super grindy while still being clean and not fuzzy. If you've ever listened to Neaera's Rising Tide of Oblivion it has this sort of sound.

Also the T2 has no solid-state preamp, the V2 has solid-state clean and distortion then an additional tube distortion, the T2 only has tube modes. They're both nice but you really need an EQ to dial out some of the bass which for the V2 is built-in thankfully. For the really dry, tight type tone the V2's solid-state channel really nails it though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2012
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I would get AMT stone head head(lol) based solely on O. Englund`s demo on the amp - one of the best high gain tones I have experienced from this guy...


Hates UG, the ....s
Apr 5, 2015
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Zgorzelec, Poland
Slight Necrobump(Update). Here's what I found:
Ibanez TBX150H for 190USD
Marshall VS100+ some ....ty homemade 4x10 cab for 300USD
Hughes and Kettner Warp7 2x12 combo for 275USD

What would be the best choice to run with my RG?
Also, what are some good wireless units? I heard of the Line 6 Relay G60 or whatever it's called. Are there any cheaper ones?

Also, is it possible to run two amps into one wireless unit?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
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Birmingham, AL
Slight Necrobump(Update). Here's what I found:
Ibanez TBX150H for 190USD
Marshall VS100+ some ....ty homemade 4x10 cab for 300USD
Hughes and Kettner Warp7 2x12 combo for 275USD

What would be the best choice to run with my RG?
Also, what are some good wireless units? I heard of the Line 6 Relay G60 or whatever it's called. Are there any cheaper ones?

Also, is it possible to run two amps into one wireless unit?

don't know any entry level wireless units that would have 2 outputs like that but you really don't need that per se. Out of the wireless, you can run an A/B box to both amps.