Sounds of the Underground

  • Thread starter King Snarll
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King Snarll

Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Palo Alto, CA
Has anyone seen this tour yet? I am going this weekend. I am curious on how this show is run. Multiple stages going at the same time? Will two bands play at the same time (on different stages) like early years of Ozzfest? Or will I be able to see all the bands play?

Any highlights to mention?

Also, how many songs does Opeth get? Long set, or 30-40 minutes?

Thanks in advance,


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Mr. Fumblefingers
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
No good metal comes to Charleston, but I have heard rave reviews of the tour. The show in Philly, my real home, was apparently bad ass. Unearth is said to have torn it up, and Lamb of God is the main act. Can't beat that with a lead pipe.

King Snarll

Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Palo Alto, CA
I've seen Lamb of God a bunch of time before. I saw them at a club a few years ago, and only maybe 50 people showed up. Nobody had heard of them yet. T-shirts were on sale for $8.00 each, lol. Great show too, they even took requests!

Unearth was good last time I saw them as well, so I expect the same.

Still, Opeth is the best band in the world, so I expect them to rip-it as well!

I guess nobody on the boards has see this tour yet, so I guess I will let you guys know Sunday....or Monday if I'm still recovering (or if I have a groupie or two.) :hbang:


No Soul

bringer of mosh
Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Unearth rules my face
7-stringers too


Jul 24, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Just caught the last show of the tour, thought I'd let you guys know how it went!

first off, i hate hardcore, and i thought all the hardcore bands there sucked. The only decent one was poison the well, but since i don't like hardcore to begin with my opinion on whether they suck or not shouldn't be taken to heart.

Bands that kicked ass: All that remains, chimaira, devildriver, opeth (having never heard opeth before in my life, i am now amazed and a full fan. simply awesome stuff), unearth. Unearth were using their black s-series 7's (one of them custom shop, the other one with all the stickers on it). I also thought lamb of god put on an awesome show, but i just don't really like em all that much.

I was anxious to see strapping young lad, but i was kinda let down. they were good, just not what i was expecting (given i have only heard one song from them) and let me tell you, devin sure is a WEIRD guy....funny, but very odd...oh, he also used a stephen carpenter 7 the entire time, looked like the regular model and not the baritone to me but i couldnt tell.

i don't know bout you guys, but I hate gwar. It's all a gimmick to me with them. You go to see their show, not listen to their music. If their lyrical content wasn't so silly the music would actually not be half bad, but i just can't take that band seriously. And i don't come to a show to get showered with fake blood either (thank god i moved away from the front), i already was showered by enough beer as it was.

There was one band there that I did not understand why they were there, but after they played I sure as hell was glad they were. Clutch. Man, those guys are awesome. Not hardcore or metal at all really. More like bluesy southern rock on testosterone. Just awesome grooves. Even the venue staff was getting into them.

on a side note, i have never seen so much band member swiping in my life! one of the guitar players from unearth was playing bass for all that remains, the bassist from devildriver played bass for strapping young lad, and the drummer from strapping young lad played drums with opeth. odd so many people were gone, oh well.

Overall, GREAT show for the 30 or so dollars spent on it. :yesway: