Stainless Steel JAZZ III shape Picks

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Awful Jack-ass
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I ordered one...and due to my dumb ass not updating my paypal info after I moved - it was sent out to the wrong address. Thankfully, Steve is an awesome guy and sent me one to the right address! (Steve - if I get the other one I'll let you know...and pay for it! Sorry again man!)

Anyways...I've been using Jazz III's for quite a while...and I've never been QUITE happy with any different version for various reasons, mainly because of the scratches and click type sounds they produce under heavier playing as Darren pointed out, and also because of the grip issue I've always had with them.

The grip on this pick is quite nice...very solid. I will say that I would probably be a bit happier if the holes were inverted...but that's about the only thing I can possibly think of that might need improvement.

As far as the general feel and quality go - the edges of this thing are like glass...seriously...I wasn't expecting them to be as polished out and clean as they are. It's also thin and feels very solid, which is awesome because I've always thought normal III's were a bit on the chubby side. The biggest thing I've noticed with these though, is the attack on the strings. I ran through some crunchy blues rhythms and fell in love when I hit a few rakes with it. I also ran it through clean and on my normal rhythm and lead hot channels - it failed to disappoint no matter what I threw at it.

I do believe I'll have to buy strings more often from now on. I am going to be using this thing no matter what from here on out. I love it.

Thanks Steve. :yesway:

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Fairfield, CA
I ordered one...and due to my dumb ass not updating my paypal info after I moved - it was sent out to the wrong address. Thankfully, Steve is an awesome guy and sent me one to the right address! (Steve - if I get the other one I'll let you know...and pay for it! Sorry again man!)

Anyways...I've been using Jazz III's for quite a while...and I've never been QUITE happy with any different version for various reasons, mainly because of the scratches and click type sounds they produce under heavier playing as Darren pointed out, and also because of the grip issue I've always had with them.

The grip on this pick is quite nice...very solid. I will say that I would probably be a bit happier if the holes were inverted...but that's about the only thing I can possibly think of that might need improvement.

As far as the general feel and quality go - the edges of this thing are like glass...seriously...I wasn't expecting them to be as polished out and clean as they are. It's also thin and feels very solid, which is awesome because I've always thought normal III's were a bit on the chubby side. The biggest thing I've noticed with these though, is the attack on the strings. I ran through some crunchy blues rhythms and fell in love when I hit a few rakes with it. I also ran it through clean and on my normal rhythm and lead hot channels - it failed to disappoint no matter what I threw at it.

I do believe I'll have to buy strings more often from now on. I am going to be using this thing no matter what from here on out. I love it.

Thanks Steve. :yesway:

WOO HOO!!!:shred: I'm really glad you like it!

You guys give great reviews here. :hbang: I'm going to hold on to these, for future shameless-self-promotion.

Thanks again.



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Brussels, Belgium
Ordered five, they arrived this morning in the mail.

Jazz III's user here.

Awesome stuff, makes you realise how "thick" regular picks are. Maybe it's the enthusiasm or I'm in a good day but so far it makes me play better. Kind of like the bite of a coin but in the correct shape of a pick. I don't see those loosing their edge/shape over time, so that's a huge plus. As 6o66er said above, the attack is great. And the edges are amazing, smooth as hell.

Oh and I love where the holes are located, enables me to grip tight onto the pick with the side of my index finger rather than the thumb. Actually the grip on those things is phenomenal, in my case I don't have to push so hard to keep it in place.

A bit of a raving fanboyish review here but I can't help it, they're just great.

so a big :yesway: to Steve


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Fairfield, CA
Ordered five, they arrived this morning in the mail.

Jazz III's user here.

Awesome stuff, makes you realise how "thick" regular picks are. Maybe it's the enthusiasm or I'm in a good day but so far it makes me play better. Kind of like the bite of a coin but in the correct shape of a pick. I don't see those loosing their edge/shape over time, so that's a huge plus. As 6o66er said above, the attack is great. And the edges are amazing, smooth as hell.

Oh and I love where the holes are located, enables me to grip tight onto the pick with the side of my index finger rather than the thumb. Actually the grip on those things is phenomenal, in my case I don't have to push so hard to keep it in place.

A bit of a raving fanboyish review here but I can't help it, they're just great.

so a big :yesway: to Steve

Right On!!!:hbang: That's great!

I'm so glad to hear that. I was hesitant to say it, but they actually improved my picking technique. They allow you to be more economical with your pick-strokes.

Thanks again.:metal:


JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Is it possible to get them in 1.5mm or so? That's about the thinnest I can go with picks :lol:

Also, I grip tape my picks, so no holes would be necessary.


Awful Jack-ass
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Oh and I love where the holes are located, enables me to grip tight onto the pick with the side of my index finger rather than the thumb. Actually the grip on those things is phenomenal, in my case I don't have to push so hard to keep it in place.

Actually, I agree with this now that I've been using them a while. The grip is a little odd at first if you're not used to it, but it's slowly grown on me and I notice I pick a lot lighter and faster while still keeping my accuracy in check.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Fairfield, CA
Is it possible to get them in 1.5mm or so? That's about the thinnest I can go with picks :lol:

Also, I grip tape my picks, so no holes would be necessary.

I'm sorry. No. These are the only style I make. They take SOOOO long to make that special orders would be crazy-expensive.

I was a fan of thick picks before starting to use these. I now find thick picks awkward. But, that's just me.

Thanks though.


JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score

What's the approximate thickness compared to a Jazz III, which I think is 1.13mm or so, and would the no holes be doable since you just wouldn't drill them, or you just trying to sell what you have in stock?


Power Metal Cellist
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
JJ, I got a pair, and I usually use reasonably thick ones. They feel fine. Not something I'd use everyday as I'm not a super-attack-metal person, but nice to have in the toolbox and they give a surprising amount of tonal difference compared to vinyl or plastic Jazz IIIs.


Awful Jack-ass
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
They're a little over 1/2 a jazz III I'd say. I was surprised by how thin they were at first. it was kind of weird. After you get past the "it's thin so it must be floppy" idea, you really start to realize it's rigid as fuck and doesn't need to be thick anyways.


Causal Anomalie
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Taneytown, Maryland
:hbang:I might have to pick up a few of these. I was just thinking a few weeks ago "damn...wouldn't a metal Jazz 3 be BADASS?!". Need some DR's, and a few of these and i'll be set! I just need to stop loosing picks...:wallbash:


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Fairfield, CA
Any idea on the thickness? Like, half a Jazz III or so?

I believe that Dunlop Jazz IIIs are 1.38mm. My picks are .51mm. Stainless Steel doesn't need thickness to achieve total rigidity. These allow the stiffness without the drag of a thick nylon pick. It takes very little pick-travel to clear the string with my picks. When I have tried a Jazz III (over the last few years) I actually hear dead notes because of the extra thickness.

JJ, I got a pair, and I usually use reasonably thick ones. They feel fine. Not something I'd use everyday as I'm not a super-attack-metal person, but nice to have in the toolbox and they give a surprising amount of tonal difference compared to vinyl or plastic Jazz IIIs.

I understand completely. I personally use them for everything. In the last year alone, I have recorded 30 +, songs on my main 7 string and a dozen or so songs on my Telecaster, and have used nothing but these picks. For me, they are invaluable! I've never been a self-promoter (that's why I'm still not a commercial success), but I do believe in the discoveries I have made, that allow me to be the player I want to be. These picks are a big part of that.



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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This is a cool idea. I bought a standard-shaped aluminium pick some years ago but never used it because the edge was a little rough and I didn't like the profile. Being an exclusive Jazz-III player now, I just sandpapered down the aluminium pick to a Jazz-III profile, going from 600 grit to 1000 and then to 1200. It's smooth now, plays a lot better, but I think the little bit of flex that I get from the red Dunlops helps me a lot, since my strings are on the tighter end of the spectrum (.068 on 27" for Low A). Also, I noticed that on the higher strings, the aluminium pick gives more of an ice-picking sound, although the difference is subtle.

So all in all, metal picks are not for me I guess, but I left some rep to you for doing such a nice job with those picks. I hope your hobby will earn you some bucks on the side, you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Zagreb, Croatia
I got mine, so here's a mini review.

It's thin alright, but you can definitely get a firm grip on it.

The edges are indeed very smooth, they glide over strings with minimum effort.

The grip holes are better than i expected, the edges on these holes are rough, and they kind of lock into your skin, works better than the standard jazz III and stubbies I drilled myself.

The attack is very different, obviously it's a more metallic attack, there is a hint of upper harmonics that accompanies every note with this pick, that may or may not be your thing, and it's less noticable the more distorted your tone is, I may need more time to decide whether that's a good, bad or moot point.

Overall impression, I'm glad I got it, and unless I lose it (which I probably will), it'll last a long ass time!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Fairfield, CA
I got mine, so here's a mini review.

It's thin alright, but you can definitely get a firm grip on it.

The edges are indeed very smooth, they glide over strings with minimum effort.

The grip holes are better than i expected, the edges on these holes are rough, and they kind of lock into your skin, works better than the standard jazz III and stubbies I drilled myself.

The attack is very different, obviously it's a more metallic attack, there is a hint of upper harmonics that accompanies every note with this pick, that may or may not be your thing, and it's less noticable the more distorted your tone is, I may need more time to decide whether that's a good, bad or moot point.

Overall impression, I'm glad I got it, and unless I lose it (which I probably will), it'll last a long ass time!

Very good review :yesway: Thanks.

I try to leave the holes a bit rough for that very reason. I find the grip to be better than the first ones I made, that were really smooth.

As for the overtones; that's why some players don't dig steel picks. I'm so used to it that I really don't even notice it anymore. I love the sound of the attack. It's become part of my sound. It really brings my Tele to life!

Thanks again.


JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I'll take one and see how I dig it. My never ending quest for a pick that won't wear out :lol: I'm just concerned I won't dig the thickness of it (gripwise, I know it will be plenty rigid :lol:).

Let me know where I can PP the money to, and I'll send you my shipping address (it's in Canada). Let me know the total.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Fairfield, CA
Do you accept to ship to France (I asked you on EBay too) ?

Absolutely. Free shipping for as many as you want. I give discounts for more than 2 picks. My email (and PayPal address) is This way, there's no shipping charges (unlike Ebay).



Let me know where I can PP the money to, and I'll send you my shipping address (it's in Canada). Let me know the total.

I too was concerned about the thickness, but got over that very quickly. I always thought thickness was the key. As it turns out, rigidity was the key. That, and the string-contact point.

My PayPal address is: $9.95 total.

I found that I can send them in regular envelopes, so I no longer charge shipping. I'll make that up to anyone who bought them in the past, on their next order.




Awful Jack-ass
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
I'll take one and see how I dig it. My never ending quest for a pick that won't wear out :lol: I'm just concerned I won't dig the thickness of it (gripwise, I know it will be plenty rigid :lol:).

Let me know where I can PP the money to, and I'll send you my shipping address (it's in Canada). Let me know the total.

Pretty sure it won't ever wear out on you. It tears strings up pretty fast (I pick pretty hard sometimes), but the edges are still same as they were the day I got it. I don't mind changing strings out once a month (or sooner depending on how often I play)...this thing makes it worth doing. :yesway:

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