Star Wars ruined (Episode 7, Disney)?

  • Thread starter Xiphos68
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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The new Indy was like, 6/10 to me. I didn't dislike it but it had a lot of annoying things about it that made me like it a lot less than the old ones. The main problem was all the CGI made it feel like a cartoon instead of the old ones where it was exciting cause it felt like the characters were actually doing all the ridiculous stuff. The worst example of this would be the part where a CGI shia lebouf is swinging around like tarzan on cgi vines while cgi animals run out of his path. Blech. The "Nuke the Fridge" part is a lot stupider than anything in the older 3 imo, but I didn't really have any problem with the idea of aliens. I mean, they're not any more unrealistic than the holy grail or rituals to kali that involve guys' gaping chest wounds healing themselves instantly or the ark of the covenant.

I also agree with some of the points brought up in that redlettermedia guy's review, like, the fact Indy never casually murders anyone like he does all the time in the first three makes it less fun. :p

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oaf tobar
May 6, 2010
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Death is imminent, and is also a great addition in storytelling.
Yoda dies, Obi-Wan dies, Anakin dies. People die.
Their deaths led to great realizations of the characters
who were impacted, and allowed them a chance to grow
as that everyman because we can relate to that. We will all
experience loss one day.
As far as Harrison Ford's recent films, they be bad to some of you
but you should probably realize that's your opinion and your questions
of "why" will never be answered


SS's Only DemiGod
Nov 23, 2012
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North Carolina
As long as Johnny depp is not in the movies and they are not animated I will give them a shot. I'm not a huge star wars nerd and actually enjoyed the prequels excluding attack of the clones. All I have left to say is I hope Disney doesn't ruin this. Maybe they'll pull a TS3 and the movies will actually be good. As long as there are still "dark" parts to it and it's not all kid friendly.


Pardon my french
Dec 24, 2009
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Le Mans, France
I saw ESB at 7 in the cinema and I liked it. I'm a starwars junkie, played all games, bought all books etc etc.
Being "kid friendly" doesn't necessarily mean "stupid film". Jar Jar walking in shit isn't kid friendly, it's just dumb.
ESB had no blood, no sex, and no swearing. That's fine for kids, I'd say.


Jan 22, 2005
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How on earth is this ruining Star Wars? The last three films *ruined* Star Wars, that said, just ignore it if you don't like it. George Lucas ran his franchise into the dust, much rather a Star Wars film from Disney than him.


Nov 19, 2007
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How on earth is this ruining Star Wars? The last three films *ruined* Star Wars, that said, just ignore it if you don't like it. George Lucas ran his franchise into the dust, much rather a Star Wars film from Disney than him.

Of course the prequels are terrible and basically killed the ability to look back in loving memory of Star Wars without having to also think about them, even if in the back of your mind. Personally though, I'd rather not see another Star Wars film, no matter who makes it lol. It's just not going to feel the same as when we saw the original trilogy for the first time.

If they do another Star Wars, I'd be hella surprised if they let it be more reserved, and don't have lightsabers flashing every 10 minutes like the prequels did.


Jan 22, 2005
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Of course the prequels are terrible and basically killed the ability to look back in loving memory of Star Wars without having to also think about them, even if in the back of your mind. Personally though, I'd rather not see another Star Wars film, no matter who makes it lol. It's just not going to feel the same as when we saw the original trilogy for the first time.

If they do another Star Wars, I'd be hella surprised if they let it be more reserved, and don't have lightsabers flashing every 10 minutes like the prequels did.

I don't see the harm in their being more. It's not going to be the same for you, because you're now not at an age when something can be that special any more, but it might be special for someone else, and it'll create a lot of jobs, generate some interest for people. They're not being made for you, they're being made for kids, and adults who in the future will feel nostalgia and familiarity when watching them. People like things they recognise, it's that simple, it makes us feel safe.

I don't understand how the prequels ruined anything, the original films are still what they are, it's a bizarre mindset.


Master of Chihuahuas
Jun 14, 2011
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Jacksonville, FL
I don't see the harm in their being more. It's not going to be the same for you, because you're now not at an age when something can be that special any more, but it might be special for someone else, and it'll create a lot of jobs, generate some interest for people. They're not being made for you, they're being made for kids, and adults who in the future will feel nostalgia and familiarity when watching them. People like things they recognise, it's that simple, it makes us feel safe.

I don't understand how the prequels ruined anything, the original films are still what they are, it's a bizarre mindset.

The prequels gave us Star Wars: Episode One Racer. That's all I need to say.


The Reverend

Dec 12, 2010
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Arlington, TX
I don't understand how the prequels ruined anything, the original films are still what they are, it's a bizarre mindset.

Right? If that mindset prevailed in everything, then the first time someone had bad sex would be the last time.

A lot of people, myself included, prefer the 'first' of something. I used to only hear songs on Myspace, and new or old, I'd like those songs more than anything else from the artists I heard later on. I think that with Star Wars, unless you grew up having access to all the movies like I did, you're likely to enjoy the first trilogy more because it set the standard, so to speak.


Nov 19, 2007
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I don't see the harm in their being more. It's not going to be the same for you, because you're now not at an age when something can be that special any more, but it might be special for someone else, and it'll create a lot of jobs, generate some interest for people. They're not being made for you, they're being made for kids, and adults who in the future will feel nostalgia and familiarity when watching them. People like things they recognise, it's that simple, it makes us feel safe.

I don't understand how the prequels ruined anything, the original films are still what they are, it's a bizarre mindset.

I think it's pretty rude to say that someone can be at an age where something can't be that special to them anymore :scratch:. In any case, I'm in my mid 20' I've had and continue to have plenty of things be really special to me since I originally saw Star Wars, Star Wars just happens to be one of those things for me. Is it really age-related anyway? I'm not sure that's true at all. I think most Star Wars fans before the prequels wanted desperately, and probably continue to hope for a new Star Wars that is of good quality. The amazing hype for ep1 was proof of that. However after being let down three times, it's hard to stay optimistic about it. There was better plot in Star Wars video games, man. That is saying something.

Anyway, the movies are made for all ages (except lol ep 3, which was pg13 for its violence). The prequels even go out of their way to try to include something for everyone to enjoy. I'm sure all of the political stuff and murder, decapitation, gambling, etc in the prequels was for kids too, right? I would say you were right in that people generally like things they recognize, but it's not even a good example because the prequels were just bad as movies themselves, not only as parts of the Star Wars universe. The original 4-6 trilogy can stand strong as movies, not just as science/fantasy fodder.

An example of how prequels ruined a part of Star Wars: In The Phantom Menace it had to be rationalized that the Force was tiny life forms inside everything, and was so dumb that it never gets explored again in the other two prequels. It definitely could have helped them catch Palpatine before it was too late by checking his midi-chlorian count when the jedi became suspicious of his intentions! More importantly though, it reduces the force to something genetic and ruins the magic of it.

Star Wars is a bad example for saying that the original movies are still what they are, too, because you should know that they have been altered per the special editions multiple times, and the prequels even affected some of the changes. I'm lucky I have the theatrical releases on dvd, but not everybody has those. I could go on for a long time about the prequels vs the original Star Wars, but I won't, because this isn't the thread for that and I believe it's been done already here.

What I mean to say is, don't try to spell things out to me like a child when you clearly aren't knowledgeable on the subject. :squint:


Baby seal will destr
Jan 23, 2010
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Bath, England
^You're over reacting...WAY too much.

fps' point about the age thing is perfectly acceptable (and not rude in anyway what so ever). Things that you see as a child can/do mean a lot more to you, because they are your first experiences and therefore have no comparison (at the time). There's no need to be disrespectful with your comments.


Nov 19, 2007
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Sorry, I shouldn't have been nasty. I apologize, fps :<. However I think my comment has some validation! You're right, certain things do seem more special at a younger age, but I feel like Star Wars was at least widely accepted as awesome by multiple age groups. I just don't want to be let down again, the prequels promised greatness and were just lazy. I don't expect it to feel the same as when I first watched Star Wars, but I'd really like for it to feel like it belongs with the original 4-6 and not be reduced to just the surface qualities that make Star Wars cool, you know? The prequels kind of did that, like who cares about storytelling, we have a gajillion lightsabers going at once! etcetc


Jan 22, 2005
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Oh I agree entirely the last three are an abomination, and I take no offence nor mean any, so no problem. I have a few things on my mind that bleed into this debate, that's all. I have a feeling Disney might well make a terrific Star Wars movie, or at least a better one than Lucas would have. To say they have a lot riding on doing so is an understatement, I am not sure they'll break even on this investment until the 2030s, and that's if things go well.