String winding techniques (which is best for tuning)

  • Thread starter Alexjorgenson667
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Active Member
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Sugarhouse, UT
I am a very novice luthier. Can't ever get my guitar stringed properly. I briefly learned a bit about the over and under technique for winding, but it never seems to work out at all and I am sure I am doing it very wrong. I have the tools etc. but would really like to get some pro tips, step by step instructions: video or reading. Also trying to get the quickest way to do this as I have some gigs coming up and my recent attempts have been nothing but frustration. Please offer some advice or instructions. I have seen some youtube videos, but nothing that is very simple and to the point.

Thank you:hbang:

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Spaced Out Ace

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for posting that video, Spaced Out Ace, very clearly demonstrated.

No problem. It's what I do and it keeps tuning much better than just a simple wrap. I also do this as well, because it -- especially on plain strings -- keeps it wrapped around the post much better, even with the string locking method, because it won't slip at all.

EDIT: Here's a newer video from Bill Baker explaining what I was trying to. You can do the 3 finger method Bill shows OR the 1 fret [1.5 frets on the plain strings] that Gary Brawer uses. Basically what I do is thread it in the tuner based on the Bill Baker method, then take it a step further with the string locking method. Intonate and you should be golden! Oh, and don't forget the pencil shavings or nut sauce.
