Struggling with Anxiety Support Thread

  • Thread starter Church2224
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Guitar Whore
Oct 6, 2008
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Richmond VA
I tried looking for some mental conditions threads but after searching for a while I decided it was just worth starting a new one instead of resurrecting an old one.

This is a thread for those of us who struggle with anxiety conditions and have a hard time dealing with them. General Anxiety Disorder, OCD, even Aspergers, this is a support thread for those who have anxiety, depression and any other

The reason I am starting this is because I was recently diagnosed with OCD and I found out for all of my life I have had Aspergers, which I never knew, but looking back on it I can see how these two have impacted my life for the almost 20 years I have been on this earth. These two things have cause great amounts of anxiety, depression, and other areas I just feel to ashamed to talk about. So I know what it is like to be there, and I want to help others deal with their conditions as I do mine, as I need the support as well. And since there are a lot of good people in this forum and I spend a lot of my web time here, might as well.

Note I do not want to see any neg rep for people saying shit about us "Bitching about our problems and we need to get over it." You do NOT know what it is like until you are in this position.

Again to the mods if this is a repost/another thread like this I am sorry. I might have missed it when searching for it....

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Traverse City, MI
I use to have this REAL BAD. I sort of grew out of it though. I meditate now, and do Tai Chi. Those help a lot, as does my world view.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Humble, TX
OCD and anxiety, been taking Lexapro for a long time. My life is much better than before when I was doing a lot of drugs and alcohol to deal with it. I have tried to get off the Lexapro before, but that was not a very good idea. I'm okay being medicated if I can have a normal functioning life as a result.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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I have a small problem with social anxiety; I find it rather difficult and awkward talking to and expressing myself to people who I don't know very well. I'm fine around family and friends (less so with friends). Just talking to new people, going into shops if it involves extensive conversation, and talking on the phone I get very anxious about. I come across a little weird and quiet until people get to know me.

I have self diagnosed OCD... only a little. Untidiness annoys me and I prefer organization and daily routine.

Btw there's a thread similar, though it touches on mental illness too


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Yeah dude anxiety is still something I have to deal with on a daily basis. The anxiety always kicks in when I'm around a lot of people, especially when I'm sitting for longer than a couple minutes. So as you can imagine, being in class is hell for me. I used to get anxiety attacks sometimes when it got really bad. Although, I usually tried to remove myself from the situation before it got that bad(I would fake having to go use the restroom or go to my locker.)

Thankfully it's getting better though. I haven't had any anxiety attacks in about a year. What helps me a lot is to not think about it. Don't think about what's making you anxious and don't think about being anxious, because the more you do the more anxious you'll become lol.


May 23, 2011
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Phoenix, AZ
I started experiencing severe anxiety along with panic attacks my junior year of college. I also ended up developing bruxism (from the stress) and had torn my hip abductor exercising. Needless to say, I was a complete wreck: I was constantly stressed out about school deadlines, I couldn't sleep thanks to grinding/clenching my teeth at night and when I did, I awoke with a nice headache and pains down my neck and into my back, and I couldn't even exercise to help relieve stress. I ended up putting on about 30 pounds in a matter of months and just went into a downward spiral of depression.

Luckily, school ended, I was able to get a mouth guard to stop my teeth from grinding and my hip healed. It took some time, but everything got better. While some things in life may be unavoidable (school/work), things will get better for the most part. What helped me out the most was writing down what I was thinking/feeling, doing a lot of stretching and breathing exercises, and also cleaning up my diet. It's tough and I feel for everyone who goes through anxiety or depression.

The Reverend

Dec 12, 2010
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Arlington, TX
I was depressed from the time I was 7 until about when I turned 20. There were too many factors to explain, but once I started slowly turning things around, one decision at a time, things started changing. I'm now completely fine, aside from the occasional spat when something bad happens. I am, however, starting to develop an anxiety problem. Certain things like my legal issues, major life changes I'm about to undertake, and dealing with "adult" responsibilities on my own are huge triggers. I start getting anxious, hyperventilating, my heart starts going crazy, and I can't sleep. I've been dealing with it by forcing myself to concentrate on something else, or removing myself from the situation, but lately it seems like that's losing its effectiveness. If it gets much worse I'll have to get medical help. :noplease:


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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London, Ont
I used to be pretty riddled with self-esteem and body-image issues while growing up, which made my teen years particularly difficult. I'd say I still deal with them, to a lesser extent, but no where near the severity as other posters.


Bringer of Storms
Jun 7, 2011
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Vancouver Island, BC.
I have a small problem with social anxiety; I find it rather difficult and awkward talking to and expressing myself to people who I don't know very well. I'm fine around family and friends (less so with friends). Just talking to new people, going into shops if it involves extensive conversation, and talking on the phone I get very anxious about. I come across a little weird and quiet until people get to know me.

I'm the exact same. Even over social networking sites, I try to avoid talking to people as much as possible, which defeats the purpose of using the social networking sites... I also try to not go out as much as I can, with the exception of music or family related stuff. And even then...

I also have sleeping anxiety and separation anxiety but I take pills for that from time to time.


Oct 27, 2010
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Senatobia, MS
I have terrible anxiety issues, but once i start doing what im worrying about it goes away.


Deftones Guru.
May 25, 2009
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Colorado Springs, CO
I have a small problem with social anxiety; I find it rather difficult and awkward talking to and expressing myself to people who I don't know very well. I'm fine around family and friends (less so with friends). Just talking to new people, going into shops if it involves extensive conversation, and talking on the phone I get very anxious about. I come across a little weird and quiet until people get to know me.

I have self diagnosed OCD... only a little. Untidiness annoys me and I prefer organization and daily routine.

This right here is pretty much me in a nutshell.

I've always had problems with anxiety and paranoia.

Though, the weird thing is, I can be at a show and be perfectly fine, but going to a party where there are only a few people I know there is a different story, until I get a couple of drinks in me.

I'm also fairly convinced that I have slight BPD and I definitely have had issues with temper in my past.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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I'm the exact same. Even over social networking sites, I try to avoid talking to people as much as possible, which defeats the purpose of using the social networking sites... I also try to not go out as much as I can, with the exception of music or family related stuff. And even then...

I also have sleeping anxiety and separation anxiety but I take pills for that from time to time.

Ah, see I'm fine talking on social network sites because it's not face to face.

I always find it is better to try to conquer the anxiety by doing the thing that makes me anxious, and hopefully to overcome it. I am slowly getting better at public interaction. I've seen a significant improvement since this time last year.

This right here is pretty much me in a nutshell.

I've always had problems with anxiety and paranoia.

Though, the weird thing is, I can be at a show and be perfectly fine, but going to a party where there are only a few people I know there is a different story, until I get a couple of drinks in me.

I'm also fairly convinced that I have slight BPD and I definitely have had issues with temper in my past.

I've never had paranoia problems, just anxiety of unknown cause. I'm fine going to see shows and such because I'm not talking to people, and if I am it is usually quite quick. I hate parties too, moreso because of the fact I hate the atmosphere than the anxiety.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2006
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new jersey
i fully understand man, i fell into a deep depression and then after that i quit school. became a shutin ,besides hanging out with friends.

i dont like being around people that much anymore cause it just makes me feel anxious. so i haven't really done anything in a long time, and the only place i do go is to shows with friends or guitar center on a week day.

its bad enough i am skipping summer slaughter cause i dont like people enough to not want to put myself in a situation to were there everywere, even for within the ruins and TBDM.

i dont go outside and do stuff anymore, i dont do stuff with my friends if it involves going to most public places.

i used to play tons of shows, competitively speak, and be a really outgoing person.

now i hardly play guitar, do lots of drugs, and watch reruns of king of the hill i have seen 1 thousand times on netflix.

My GF told me recently that she has OCD. It doesn't bother me and I love her anyway. Sometimes we're harder on ourselves. She really was afraid to tell me that she was OCD and on medication for it. She has anxiety and I'm real good at helping her stay smoothed out. Drugs are easy to get sucked into. It really holds us back from what we should really be doing. It's good to talk about this stuff and share and get it all out. I've recently been working on my "follow through" with things. I usually start things and don't finish them, but that's been changing. Once you get your groove on with whatever you want to accomplish you'll have the momentum to help carry you through. You've just got to allow yourself the chance to get started and make positive changes in your life. It's tough man, I know, but don't give up and remember that inner strength that's always there. We just sometimes cover it up with all of our insecureties and mental woes. Not to sound lame, but love can do miraculous things. I've found that it's absence in my being and life had been the cause of a lot of my problems and issues. I used to not tell anyone that I loved them, but once I started doing it and realizing how good it made me feel, I say it a lot more often. Sometimes in life we need some problems to help fuel us on. A kite can't rise up without resistance from the wind. It's what gives us resistance and trouble in life that ultimately spurns us on to bigger and better things. I also think positive thinking is way important as is meditation and finding a creative outlet to ground yourself and channel out the negative energies into something positive and healing. Daily affirmations may sound lame too, but it's important in rewiring the brain. Remember the brain is programmable and it's up to us to program in the good stuff. It takes repetition and time, but you can actually rewire stuff up there. It's really quite empowering. (TV, evening news and advertising will also suck out your soul too if you're not careful!) Tune back into nature. It's healing.


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
anxiety, depression, ocd it all sucks :( i dealt with it through high school and a bit after college...i was so fucked from the meds that i fealt like a robot and quit taking them. and i have been fine for three years up until about 3 weeks ago :/ its getting better tho :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2006
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new jersey
Eating healthier foods and getting rid of the fast food crap was a big step in my life. I used to feel a lot more depressed before I went the more vegetable organic style of eating. It's taken me years and i've still got more to go in terms of eating as best as I can. Money does factor into it too unfortunately. They don't make it easy to eat healthy, that's for sure.


Talk To DeWalt
Jul 27, 2008
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sinsi ohio
i felt the same as 100% of you. then one day i said I DONT GIVE A FUCK.


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Eating healthier foods and getting rid of the fast food crap was a big step in my life. I used to feel a lot more depressed before I went the more vegetable organic style of eating. It's taken me years and i've still got more to go in terms of eating as best as I can. Money does factor into it too unfortunately. They don't make it easy to eat healthy, that's for sure.

THIS!!! :agreed:

People don't realize how much food effects their 'chemicals' i have have been eating healthier and getting rid of the 'crap' and within a week i started to feel better


Guitar Whore
Oct 6, 2008
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Richmond VA
It is good to see other people on here are struggling with the same issues I have. When I get in groups of people I feel very uncomfortable and scared. Then I get depressed and feel that I have no friends and I am lonely because I an nervous and I do not want to talk to people. So I leave and just go home and sleep.

Talking to attractive and nice girls make me depressed too, as I always think that I will never be with one and I will be single forever, that I am too big of a looser to be with anyone. Which sucks, because I work at a Hooters and some of the girls are actually pretty cool.

I also am recovering from HOCD, which was a very rough patch for me...

We will get through this djentlemen, just need the strength to do it.


Nov 5, 2009
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odenville alabama
anxiety , it used to be really bad but its not half as bad now a days.

Sucks man. Right now i'm trying to deal with it, i've been working my ass off trying to get jobs an finally get an interveiw for a job that would be perfect for me. My girlfriends mom said she could take me to interviews and all that if I get them.
So I tell her I have an interveiw tomorrow at 6 30 at night . She says she will see if she has gas money.
I've done decided if she can't take me then i'm moving out.
I'm trying my best to fight off an anxiety attack right now. No I don't take medication for it, I smoke cigs and that helps some but i haven't had one in two days.