Sup killasss

  • Thread starter mikeYekim
  • Start date
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4 8 15 16 23 42
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Boston, MA

I created this account a while back but idk why I didn't do anything with it, anyway I've been interested in 7 strings for years now (been playing for about 7 years). I've owned B.C. Rich (ugh...) an Epi Les Paul (loved it) and a Jackson DX10D (awesome axe) but I had to sell all my gear to pay off some bills, I ended up joining the Army and now I'm about to buy my first seven string!! I think I'm gonna go with the Schecter Omen 7, I'm not really an Ibanez guy...

I look forward to entering the 7 string world and bothering you guys with questions along the way!

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