Tell me about payment methods on American deals over the internet


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all,

I have been wondering about a few things regarding transactions on forums and other Internet platforms.

A few days ago I posted some pedals on craigslist, for local pickup only since I didn´t want to deal with sending out stuff.

Two of the people interested in one of the pedals are telling me that they can´t pay cash and that because they are busy they would want to pay me with a check and then they would arrange to pick up the pedal.

I felt this was weird. So I stood firm and asked for cash. Deals have not gotten through of course.

While this example might be some sort of scam person trying to trick me into a longer conversation with them it has made me think.

In Europe I have traded things locally and bought a few things online through forums like this one. Transactions on those platforms were finalized either by direct deposit into my bank account or via paypal. In other cases people came to my house, tried the gear and payed cash or we´d go to the bank to do the transaction together.

Now, my wife tells me that in America transactions directly to strangers accounts aren´t common and even that some people don´t even do paypal. This makes me wonder if there are other ways that people do business like this not he second hand market.

Can you share what payment methods are common in the US? How do people pay for things on this forum? I am particularly interested if that money order and cashiers check thing these people tested me about is a thing here in the US. To me it seems a pretty risky thing.


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Is a Lurker
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
Paypal seems to be the most common method around here. I certainly would not take a check from some random stranger on CL. Personally speaking, it is cash, paypal, or trade. Anything else is just entirely too risky and has the potential to blossom into a pain in the ass that can get out of hand. I can't speak for all of America, but we do seem to buy as much junk online (ebay, forums, etc..) as anywhere else. We do conduct business with strangers pretty regularly. The way you do it there in Spain sounds like the same way we do things here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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practically everyone i know under 40 or who has a ebay account has a paypal. hell, I have a paypal that i don't even use but i have just incase something comes up. The I've almost always arranged deals with strangers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Paypal seems to be the most common method around here. I certainly would not take a check from some random stranger on CL. Personally speaking, it is cash, paypal, or trade. Anything else is just entirely too risky and has the potential to blossom into a pain in the ass that can get out of hand. I can't speak for all of America, but we do seem to buy as much junk online (ebay, forums, etc..) as anywhere else. We do conduct business with strangers pretty regularly. The way you do it there in Spain sounds like the same way we do things here.

Thanks!!! Now I am here and these messages I was receiving were weird. My wife does´t go on forums so she could´t give me an answer other than paypal.

All my transactions in Spain have been direct deposit into my account before I packaged, documented and sent the guitars out. My rep on that forum is impecable. But with these episodes on craigslist this week I was getting a bit worried. Because that stuff is pedals only... so I figured, what if I try to sell a guitar on the forum, will it be strange like this too?

SO yeah, so far so good. I see people prefer paypal and that´s good. Do you guys do paypal gift or just regular? I have done regular mostly when buying from the Uk and Germany over ebay and this forum.

Have a good day and thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
practically everyone i know under 40 or who has a ebay account has a paypal. hell, I have a paypal that i don't even use but i have just incase something comes up. The I've almost always arranged deals with strangers.

Good. Makes sense. In Spain the preferred method was direct account deposit. People want to know who is sending the money and have something traceable in case stuff goes wrong. If you get scammed you´d go to the police with that info and if the quantity is high they´d be able to help. Paypal is a good option I have used through European deals. I never imported stuff from the US, except stuff I could check in as a carry on.

Does PayPal do a good job in backing up sellers? I have no clue how that works now that you guys mention it.


Is a Lurker
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
Thanks!!! Now I am here and these messages I was receiving were weird. My wife does´t go on forums so she could´t give me an answer other than paypal.

All my transactions in Spain have been direct deposit into my account before I packaged, documented and sent the guitars out. My rep on that forum is impecable. But with these episodes on craigslist this week I was getting a bit worried. Because that stuff is pedals only... so I figured, what if I try to sell a guitar on the forum, will it be strange like this too?

SO yeah, so far so good. I see people prefer paypal and that´s good. Do you guys do paypal gift or just regular? I have done regular mostly when buying from the Uk and Germany over ebay and this forum.

Have a good day and thanks for the info!

I don't think it would be weird to sell a guitar on your forum, unless the rules prohibit it. As far as PPG vs PP, it just depends on the deal. I think you are more protected when using regular PP, but there is that damn 3% fee. If the buyer/seller has a high FB score, I would think PPG would be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
I don't think it would be weird to sell a guitar on your forum, unless the rules prohibit it. As far as PPG vs PP, it just depends on the deal. I think you are more protected when using regular PP, but there is that damn 3% fee. If the buyer/seller has a high FB score, I would think PPG would be just fine.

Got it. I never understood the difference, really as I have never used PPG. We just agreed to share the fees.

About the selling on forums what I meant is that my wife does´t get or trust these online interactions/transactions for items that are admittedly expensive. I have been coin this for long. I have bought from a former here but not sold. However, since moving to the US I put a hold on trades and guitar gear, but now that I am selling those pedals locally those messages popped up and made me scratch my head. :nono:

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
St Petersburg, FL
Those messages are from scammers.

Real people pay with cash in person and paypal over a distance, generally.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Those messages are from scammers.

Real people pay with cash in person and paypal over a distance, generally.

Just what I thought. It's all cleared now. I went into I don't acknowledge your presence mode and they didn't insist... hahahah.

I am opening a new account and will link my PayPal to that.
