Tell us 5 bands you can't stand AT ALL !

  • Thread starter 8Fingers
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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2005
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1) Every pop band
2) Every rap band
3) Every death metal /deathcore/harcore/grindcore/metalcore/black metal band
4) Every band with the word "the" in their title
5) (I have to fit everything here) Every blues/j-pop/new romantic/fusion/country/ "hard rock" (not 70's stuff but today's version)/brit pop/ brit rock/ acoustic/ alternative/ acoustic alternative/beatles/rolling stones/Soloist bands


Being so narrow won't lead anywhere, dude. Nor musicwise, neither socialwise. Keep in mind that that the very musicians that you do listen to aren't as limited. Just to mention a less obvious example, there's a Symphony X song out of Twilight in Olympus that is completely ripped off a Seal song (Kiss From A Rose). This fact is admited by Romeo himself, a declared Seal fan.

Ideas must come from somewhere. If you close your doors to different stuff, you just repeat the same things over and over, falling to obsolescence like post-medieval China.

Not to mention that someone who likes 5 bands is a very boring company, to say the least.

why man whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ????????????

You see, there are so many truly horrendous bands out there that I happen to find amusing the ones that aren't so bad. ;)


the Experimetalist
Mar 16, 2008
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the rain soaked post industrial wasteland known as
They do have some other hideous stuff on the same level as "Last Nite", but I admit I kinda like some of their stuff...

:yesway: I'm glad it's not just me that likes The Strokes they are a pretty good band sometimes but like most of the bands in this thread they got lumped into a genre by the media so people automatically hate the band for it.


Jun 2, 2007
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I really don't hate much music, and I'm normally not the guy who hates things because they're not metal enough, but...

I hate this pussy shit. I fucking loathe it. Everything about it sucks. This is music for 13 year old girls.

Everything about this music is overplayed and cheesy. The gang vocals, the scene vocals, the breakdowns. They take things that used to work well in metal (sans scene vox), and turn them into jokes.

I hate it so much, I can barely put it in to words. Maybe I'll edit this later when I can collect my thoughts.


Such a strange numb
Aug 2, 2009
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Lost Angels
I'll sub-categorize:

The pop music division:
1. Dave Matthews Band. Enough already. Don't fucking tell me how the musicians are talented blah blah blah. It should a sin to be this dull.
2. Jack Johnson/Jason Mraz/John Mayer. Could you imagine funneling every iota of supposed talent into making a song that only chicks would find "cute" while the rest of the population thinks that you're a douchebag?
3. Faux Country... um, hell, real country, too. It's the opposite of hip-hop, each artist trying to prove how down to earth they are. Bullshit. I saw a country music magazine cover with Alan Jackson, with a quote about how his music heals people. People shit all over Bono for much less.
4. Children's Rock and Roll. Jonas Bros., etc. It's all a symptom of how kids are too spoiled nowadays. Kids are told that everything they do is great by their parents, and now A&R reps are cruising middle schools like drug dealers or child molesters normally would. Would you want to be out of musical ideas at 22?
5. Jangle pop. I made up the term for adult contemporary pop rock where the chorus just sound like a wash of high-pitched noise. I've also heard it called "last 5 minutes of Grey's Anatomy" music, which makes sense- when my wife plays her iPod I'll be like, "oh, I remember this song from when I was trying to figure out why you were crying last week while watching TV- did a fictional bad event happen to a fictional person?"

The "Imma gettin' banned" division:

1. Mars Volta. 3 minutes of spazzy music that's kind of cool, followed by 5 minutes of Pro-Tooled post-production effects processing somehow equals the new wave of progressive rock. I don't buy it.
2. Mastodon. It must be some Buddhist concept, being all over the freaking place but taking up no space simultaneously.
3. Necrophagist. I like Death. Necrophagist likes Death. Did Necrophagist know that Death wrote actual songs? Off kilter riff salad with death metal lyrics that win the "most obvious use of violent actions as metaphors for attempts to stifle one's self-actualization" award just don't cut it.
4. The -core band of the week. I was kind of hoping that the trend would only last a week itself, but I underestimated Hot Topic's marketing skills. I fear that after all is said and done, having a band name also be a prepositional phrase will be illegal.
4a. The hack polyrhythm band of the week. Usually a -core band that has a couple riffs in a compound meter. All of a sudden, playing 4/4 riffs on my 6-string is appealing again.
5. Nu-metal. It's so dated. It just sounds like a time and a place to me, and I'm sorry, kids, that time was 10 years ago and the place was high school.

On a positive note, "backlashes against bands- the backlash itself I cannot stand" division:
1. Opeth. 83% of Opeth fans seem to only have the last 2 albums and maybe Blackwater Park. How am I supposed to believe that the haters are somehow familiar enough with the material to pass judgment?
2. Nirvana. Not the greatest band ever, but not the worst, either. People say that Nirvana's popularity "killed" metal's popularity. O rly? The so-called Grunge era did real metal a favor by making that god-awful "hair metal" unpopular. As far as Cobain's lack of talent, people are all over the respective dicks of much less talented musicians on a daily basis here. Call off the dogs.

3. Slayer. I would like to hear somebody remix a Slayer song and replace Kerry's solos with jazz/fusion noodling and try to say that it's better. It won't be.
4. U2. Earlier in the thread, someone said that this we could all agree on hating. Nope. I'll even confess that my favorite album of theirs is "Pop."
5. The Beatles. I can't see why some people are so angry that the new Rock Band game is just going to feature their music. What the fuck did they ever do to you? The two best ones are dead, I'll give you that.
6. BONUS! Black metal. Realizing that Mayhem sucks is like kissing your sister. Want an award? Like any genre, a million shit bands, handful of great ones. Unfortunately, Hot Topic will not be able to help you on your journey.

thank you :yesway:

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
why 83%?

Opeth and Meshuggah have so much material, I find it hard to believe that people that say that they dislike them have given them a fair chance.

+1 on U2 though, The Joshua Tree is a sick album, I would say flawless.

+1 on Black Metal. I also feel this a genre where people don't give the bands a chance, because like Demiurge said, there are a million shit Black Metal bands and handful of great ones. and boy oh boy are the great ones great :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2005
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^ Dimmu Borgir was actually the band that hooked me into metal. :shrug: I have a serious kick outta them and Vortex (which only joined later) is an amazing clean singer.

Yeah, even though they're deemed "mainstream" by tr00 black metal fans.


Lazy Ryebread Viking
Mar 8, 2008
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Iqaluit (Nunavut), Canada
I'll limit myself to big and successful bands as I'm sure there are unknown bands of 13-year-olds that are way worse than these guys. But there's not much point in mentioning them.

Pantera (they seemed as full of themselves as their music was full of suck)
AC/DC (awful songs and really annoying to watch)
The Rolling Stones (what did they do that the Beatles had not already done better? They are a rock'n'roll one trick pony and even then, A Hard Day's Night had songs way more rock'n'roll than what they did)
Slayer (do I really have to explain why I don't like them?)
Eric Clapton (the guitar equivalent of a stale and moldy hot dog bun)


king of the monsters
Jul 6, 2007
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I can't tell you 5 just a date

Anything post 1999 music wise is shit. No one relies on actual instrumental playing anymore. Its all digitized and alternated so it sounds better then what they actually play. Its fucking disgusting.

I also understand the means of using 7 and 8 strings but whats with all this newer experimental shit.. I didn't buy an album to listen to 65 minutes of someone just dicking around on a extended guitar.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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St Petersburg, FL
I would say more like 1993 and even then only the stuff that got radio play was bad. There have always been bands playing great stuff, it just hasn't been on the radio in over 15 years.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2005
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Heh. When you start making speeches such as these, it means you're getting too old ;)

Most of my favorite albums were released past 1999 - metal and non-metal alike.

I mean, Opeth, Cynic, Meshuggah, Porcupine Tree, Tool, Soilwork, Scar Symmetry, Dream Theater, Evergrey, Nightwish, Pain of Salvation, Necrophagist; or, if we're looking away from metal, Radiohead, Muse, The Gathering, A Perfect Circle, Sigur Rós, Loreena McKennitt... none of these have released anything that's not complete horseshit in the last 10 - or worse, 16! - years? :nuts:

May I ask what do you guys listen to? I suppose you're grunge, hard rock, or, perhaps, power metal afictionados.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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St Petersburg, FL
AFAIK the 60s/70s/80s all had some good music on the radio. Sure there was plenty of shit too, but they also had the likes of Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, Queen, etc.

Nowadays there is nothing even close to that good on rock/metal radio. What happened?
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