Thatcher's Dead.

  • Thread starter Varcolac
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Sep 13, 2012
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Swansea, United Kingdom
Comparing Thatcher to Hitler is stupid. Thatcher may have done a lot of bad things, but she was NOWHERE near as bad as Hitler. Not even close.

What Thatcher did was typical Conservative "oh, we need to save money" by closing the mines and factories. Problem was, 1. no mines and factories = unemployment in several large areas of the country and 2. some of those mines she closed would have still been economically viable today. I live in what used to be a major industrial area in South Wales and my mum's side of the family are from the north, I have seen the effects of Thatcher's policies - there is rampant unemployment and they turn to drug abuse because there is quite literally nothing else to do.

I REALLY don't like Thatcher, but seriously guys, celebrating over the death of a person is just plain stupid. Have a joke about it etc., but don't go and throw parties and get pissed just because a very controversial politician has died. There are much more important things to do, and much more important things that need fixing.


Ronda Rousey Fanboy
Mar 12, 2013
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London, ON
I found out while listening to Sanctuary by Iron Maiden. Twas erie.

Her death doesn't much affect me, but, those celebrating it need to get checked.


Mar 9, 2011
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corncountry IL
I not only liked her, but I'd replace our current pretender in chief with the likes of her asap if I had my way about it.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
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So, I don't know much about her, but I've been listening to the news reports and it seems she's pretty well respected from the left and the right. They said that, with respect to the union busting, it resulted in unemployment for 10% of the nation by the other 90% showed a marked increase in wages, and trade with foreign countries took off because they could count on there not being so many strikes. That all sounded good. But it sounds like everyone on here that is from the UK doesn't like her actions. Can you guys give me some stuff she did that was bad to balance the glowing rememberances I've been hearing? I was alive during her term, but just barely!


Sep 13, 2012
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Swansea, United Kingdom
So, I don't know much about her, but I've been listening to the news reports and it seems she's pretty well respected from the left and the right. They said that, with respect to the union busting, it resulted in unemployment for 10% of the nation by the other 90% showed a marked increase in wages, and trade with foreign countries took off because they could count on there not being so many strikes. That all sounded good. But it sounds like everyone on here that is from the UK doesn't like her actions. Can you guys give me some stuff she did that was bad to balance the glowing rememberances I've been hearing? I was alive during her term, but just barely!

She shut down a lot of the industry in the UK (mines, factories), causing huge losses in employment, which has led to a lot of the issues we have today in places like Merthyr; the people who would have worked in the coal mines or the factories had no option but to go on the dole, and their kids are on the dole too or dealing drugs to keep financially afloat.

She also ordered the sinking of the General Belgrano during the Falklands war, which is a fairly controversial thing because the ship was outside the maritime exclusion zone that Britain had set up (basically, if you went into that zone and you were an Argentine ship, the British subs were fair game to torpedo you). BEFORE ANYONE STARTS A FALKLANDS WAR DEBATE - Argentina invaded the islands, which the majority of the islanders were very opposed to since they identified themselves as being part of the British Commonwealth and have done so for several generations (it's not as if Argentina would have gained much by taking the islands anyway, it's a barren wasteland).


Aug 23, 2010
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Who exactly is "Comparing Thatcher to Hitler"? Neither I or the other person who brought up Hitler were actually comparing them. We were demonstrating that the idea people are trying to demand for new social norm of "not speaking ill of the dead" or "celebrating the dead" would not hold if we used someone with a less debatable life. IE, since the primary reason for this respect and silence they demand comes from the death and not the person then by their standards Hitler should be treated the same as her, which is where the real comparison between them is located. Read what I wrote and you will see how I attack the notion that they could be compared or treated the same under the social norm people are trying to push. If your not referring to this forum post, then I apologize.

I wasn't referring to you, just the general notion which, while mentioned here in jest or rhetoric, is actually popping up on my Facebook and other places.

Your point of clarification was interesting no less, certainly no need for apology regardless of my intentions.

She shut down a lot of the industry in the UK (mines, factories), causing huge losses in employment, which has led to a lot of the issues we have today in places like Merthyr; the people who would have worked in the coal mines or the factories had no option but to go on the dole, and their kids are on the dole too or dealing drugs to keep financially afloat.

Arguable wording... The trade union leaders used their influence over the country's lifeblood industries to push the government into doing what they want on threat of strike, Thatcher told em to stick it, the unions for lack of a better word collapsed. That plus higher interest rates and taxes because of the horrendous recession the precious labour government had left the country in, meant jobs got cut, but the same measures did curb the ridiculous 15-20% inflation and allow the economy to get back into growth.

Allowing inflation to continue like that leads recession to depression, which would have been 10 million plus unemployed, not 3m...


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
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Lancaster, CA
I won't pretend to know about her or her politics, but what my limited understanding of her politics were is that many regarded her as the UK's version of Reagan. If there is any truth to this, then fuck her and her politics. But again, I'd rather enlighten myself on her than knee-jerk to anything. I do have one thing I've read up on her about that I draw a great deal of contention with and that is this:
LGBT community remembers Margaret Thatcher for the homophobic Section 28 law | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

So again, if there is any truth to this (perhaps someone from that time and from the UK can explain it better to me and others) then again, fuck her and fuck her political stance on this.

Even if I had better knowledge and understanding of her and the way she rolled, I still don't celebrate her death. It's not a 'white knight' thing, just that unless she rounded up people third reich style and machine gunned them and their babies and forced everyone into labor camps, I see no real reason to have the lollipop guild come out, sing "ding dong the witch is dead", and welcome all to munchkin land.
That said, I don't exactly mourn it either. I'm just one more American that is pretty ignorant to how the governments outside our own works; I'm ashamed to admit it, but there it is. The best way I can put it is that I'm sorry for her family's loss, but I'm more or less indifferent on the issue.

But again, I'm down for any and all enlightenment before I cast the judgment of "haha! the wicked witch is dead!". So far, what little I do know is making me not like her at all.

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
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I see no real reason to have the lollipop guild come out, sing "ding dong the witch is dead", and welcome all to munchkin land.

I dunno, man. Do we need a real reason to want that to happen? The Lollipop Guild is pretty tits.


Pretty wisdomous
Oct 1, 2010
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In a van... DOWN' BY THE RIVER!


Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
I won't pretend to know about her or her politics, but what my limited understanding of her politics were is that many regarded her as the UK's version of Reagan. If there is any truth to this, then fuck her and her politics. But again, I'd rather enlighten myself on her than knee-jerk to anything. I do have one thing I've read up on her about that I draw a great deal of contention with and that is this:
LGBT community remembers Margaret Thatcher for the homophobic Section 28 law | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

So again, if there is any truth to this (perhaps someone from that time and from the UK can explain it better to me and others) then again, fuck her and fuck her political stance on this.

Even if I had better knowledge and understanding of her and the way she rolled, I still don't celebrate her death. It's not a 'white knight' thing, just that unless she rounded up people third reich style and machine gunned them and their babies and forced everyone into labor camps, I see no real reason to have the lollipop guild come out, sing "ding dong the witch is dead", and welcome all to munchkin land.
That said, I don't exactly mourn it either. I'm just one more American that is pretty ignorant to how the governments outside our own works; I'm ashamed to admit it, but there it is. The best way I can put it is that I'm sorry for her family's loss, but I'm more or less indifferent on the issue.

But again, I'm down for any and all enlightenment before I cast the judgment of "haha! the wicked witch is dead!". So far, what little I do know is making me not like her at all.

That was one of the most biased things I think I've ever read. If you want to know about things do your own research rather than reading other people's opinions on it.


Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Swansea, United Kingdom
Arguable wording... The trade union leaders used their influence over the country's lifeblood industries to push the government into doing what they want on threat of strike, Thatcher told em to stick it, the unions for lack of a better word collapsed. That plus higher interest rates and taxes because of the horrendous recession the precious labour government had left the country in, meant jobs got cut, but the same measures did curb the ridiculous 15-20% inflation and allow the economy to get back into growth.

Allowing inflation to continue like that leads recession to depression, which would have been 10 million plus unemployed, not 3m...

Fair point. She was under pressure. However, she still made decisions which we are still feeling the negative effects of very much today, because she was an incredibly strong-minded woman who wouldn't back down.

Ted Heath's government weren't exactly saints either:lol:. Not to mention we had Blair and Brown not long after Thatcher...