The EB MusicMan 7 Club

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Hwat you call me?
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
Who here has aftermarket pickups in their JP6 or JP7s? I'm not getting along with the crunchlab in my JP7, too bassy and mushy for my tastes, and I already knew the short comings of the crunchlab because I had one in a previous 7 string guitar and I'm facing the same exact problems.

I've been eyeing a set of illuminators or a set of BKP nailbombs, with the stock Alinco V magnet in the bridge. Any suggestions what sounds good in a JP7 for metal, but still cleans up well for other genres (reggae & jazz)?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2013
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New Orleans Area, LA
Who here has aftermarket pickups in their JP6 or JP7s? I'm not getting along with the crunchlab in my JP7, too bassy and mushy for my tastes, and I already knew the short comings of the crunchlab because I had one in a previous 7 string guitar and I'm facing the same exact problems.

I've been eyeing a set of illuminators or a set of BKP nailbombs, with the stock Alinco V magnet in the bridge. Any suggestions what sounds good in a JP7 for metal, but still cleans up well for other genres (reggae & jazz)?

JP6: You can pretty much put any pickup in it (covered ones may require a little bit of routing) uncovered you are good to go.

JP7: BKPs you have to route. I have blackhawks in my JP7 (which sound amazing) but I had to get it routed. Both the illuminators and the nailbombs would be awesome. Might also wanna check out the BKP juggs too. All of those will clean up like you want them to while bringing the brootz.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Carlsbad, NM
I have it on the opinion of a fairly prominent member here, one who most would agree knows a thing or two about tone, that non-BFR JPs don't sound very good, despite how well they play. As a counterbalance, I'd like to solicit some opinions here. I've played a couple JP6s at guitar stores down south, but never through an amp (the last time I wanted to play one, this one guy hogged the only amp with a power cord the entire time I was in the store and played literally nothing except Van Halen). Thoughts?

I searched and waited a long time to specifically find a pre d-sonic JP6 and JP7. I've tried a JP6 from a PD run and a couple BFRs and I definitely prefer the feel and recording tones of the standard model. Most will agree most all EBMMs are made on the same level of quality, and it just comes down to taste. Doesn't hurt that I got both of mine for about the same price as one of the new models either.


Hwat you call me?
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
JP6: You can pretty much put any pickup in it (covered ones may require a little bit of routing) uncovered you are good to go.

JP7: BKPs you have to route. I have blackhawks in my JP7 (which sound amazing) but I had to get it routed. Both the illuminators and the nailbombs would be awesome. Might also wanna check out the BKP juggs too. All of those will clean up like you want them to while bringing the brootz.

Routed as in the routes were too shallow? Or routed as in the routes are too narrow(for the BKPs to fit.)

I was comparing dimensions to dimarzio 7s to BKP 7s directly from each brand's websites, and BKP 7s (uncovered) have nearly the same dimensions give or take .01" for both length, width, and height, with the blackhawks and juggernauts being the exception IIRC.

Then again, real life is different than what's on a document.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
New Orleans Area, LA
Routed as in the routes were too shallow? Or routed as in the routes are too narrow(for the BKPs to fit.)

I was comparing dimensions to dimarzio 7s to BKP 7s directly from each brand's websites, and BKP 7s (uncovered) have nearly the same dimensions give or take .01" for both length, width, and height, with the blackhawks and juggernauts being the exception IIRC.

Then again, real life is different than what's on a document.

Too shallow. Most people just shave or sand where the pickup sites at in the cavity to get it to sit lower. Yes, the pickup can fit fine, you just wont be able to move it up and down. The JP7 has the dumbest cavity ever. There is a lip all the way around the cavity because the back of the dimarzios are fiberglass and sit on that lip. The JP6 doesnt have this issue at all. It is deep enough to fit most pickups.


Hwat you call me?
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
Too shallow. Most people just shave or sand where the pickup sites at in the cavity to get it to sit lower. Yes, the pickup can fit fine, you just wont be able to move it up and down. The JP7 has the dumbest cavity ever. There is a lip all the way around the cavity because the back of the dimarzios are fiberglass and sit on that lip. The JP6 doesnt have this issue at all. It is deep enough to fit most pickups.

Thanks. Seeing that the stock JP pickups already cannot move up and down,I should be fine, but if I ever run into problems I know where to take my guitar to get it routed.


Djento ergo sum
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Who here has aftermarket pickups in their JP6 or JP7s? I'm not getting along with the crunchlab in my JP7, too bassy and mushy for my tastes, and I already knew the short comings of the crunchlab because I had one in a previous 7 string guitar and I'm facing the same exact problems.

I've been eyeing a set of illuminators or a set of BKP nailbombs, with the stock Alinco V magnet in the bridge. Any suggestions what sounds good in a JP7 for metal, but still cleans up well for other genres (reggae & jazz)?

My :2c: is the Illuminator set.

They are extremely versatile, clean up well and are very tight and articulate at any level of gain.


Djento ergo sum
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
"tone" is not the electric guitar's greatest strength. :cool:

You do realize that this forum acts as the official communication channel of the Tone Nazi R&D/Enforcement brigade right?

You'll get shot leaving that sort of anarchist propaganda lying around -.-


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Nimbus III
That's a ridiculous claim, tell him to post on here and explain why. I can say anything doesn't sound very good despite how well they play, but if he doesn't have anything to back it up it should be taken with a grain of salt.

Whoa there, hold the phone. He wasn't trying to make a personal attacks against JP7s, and he even loves their playability. However, he said that he's tried several different pickups in them and has never found one that sounded good to him. I'm not saying who it is because we don't need that kind of drama, but I promise you, this is someone who has knows pickups.

My baby is my RG1527, which is basswood, so that factor doesn't scare me off. For what it's worth, I'm still considering buying one, but I wanted to make sure that I'm tempering my expectations.


Djento ergo sum
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Whoa there, hold the phone. He wasn't trying to make a personal attacks against JP7s, and he even loves their playability. However, he said that he's tried several different pickups in them and has never found one that sounded good to him. I'm not saying who it is because we don't need that kind of drama, but I promise you, this is someone who has knows pickups.

My baby is my RG1527, which is basswood, so that factor doesn't scare me off. For what it's worth, I'm still considering buying one, but I wanted to make sure that I'm tempering my expectations.

I think the Illuminators are the best sounding of the bunch- but the JP13 aesthetic turns me off a little.

The 12 is probably my favorite overall package, love the ebony and the cherry finish + sounds and plays amazing.

The standard 7 and the 11 tie.

I've played I think every permutation of that guitar- there's not one I did not like. They compete with each other but I have yet to try another guitar that competes with any of them.

I really don't think you'll regret it.

If you're some kind of sicko and you do, sell it to me :p


Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Whoa there, hold the phone. He wasn't trying to make a personal attacks against JP7s, and he even loves their playability. However, he said that he's tried several different pickups in them and has never found one that sounded good to him. I'm not saying who it is because we don't need that kind of drama, but I promise you, this is someone who has knows pickups.

My baby is my RG1527, which is basswood, so that factor doesn't scare me off. For what it's worth, I'm still considering buying one, but I wanted to make sure that I'm tempering my expectations.

Sorry :lol: whiskey and late nights make me get rustled easily, that was overly hostile of me, haha.

I hear you, I'd say really get the chance to know one in and out. It's definitely not for everybody, and even some of my students dislike them but it's more because of how they feel vs their tone. I'm waiting on a Titan to replace the bridge on my JPXI, I feel like it will work better than the CL for Drop C on it. The low end on it feels a bit woofy, which is strange but I do play in Standard on the other guitars so that might be why.

+1 on the Illuminators, I just bought a set and I'm waiting to install them in my JPX7. I really liked them for low tuned riffage, it tightens up that low end immensely and makes it really easy to work with. I would probably just get the bridge though, the neck Illuminator is so similar to the Liquifire that I wouldn't really spend the money unless it was to get a matching set with colors and stuff.


Djento ergo sum
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry :lol: whiskey and late nights make me get rustled easily, that was overly hostile of me, haha.

I hear you, I'd say really get the chance to know one in and out. It's definitely not for everybody, and even some of my students dislike them but it's more because of how they feel vs their tone. I'm waiting on a Titan to replace the bridge on my JPXI, I feel like it will work better than the CL for Drop C on it. The low end on it feels a bit woofy, which is strange but I do play in Standard on the other guitars so that might be why.

They don't like them? WTF? Do they even djent brah?

And no worries comrade- you didn't overreact.
Rule number 1 of life; protect the balls. Always. Protect. The balls.



Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Nimbus III
I think the Illuminators are the best sounding of the bunch- but the JP13 aesthetic turns me off a little.

The 12 is probably my favorite overall package, love the ebony and the cherry finish + sounds and plays amazing.

The standard 7 and the 11 tie.

The JP12 is also the one appeals to me most, with the standard and JPXI coming after that. The BFR is also obviously quite nice too, but the price difference turns me off those.

The JPX always just seemed a bit too plain for me, and I've heard mixed opinions of the how the chambering affects the tone. And yeah, the JP13 definitely comes across as being a bit too... spangly. :lol:

User Name

Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
elizabeth colorado
a friend of mine recently purchased a jp7 and i played it... damn, what a guitar those things are. never played a more comfortable guitar. soo anyone want to trade theirs for my robbins 7 string? :lol: :lol:

Given To Fly

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
You do realize that this forum acts as the official communication channel of the Tone Nazi R&D/Enforcement brigade right?

You'll get shot leaving that sort of anarchist propaganda lying around -.-

:lol: The Tone Nazi brigade needs to play more acoustic guitars, or wooden acoustic instruments in general, before they shoot me.

The JP12 is also the one appeals to me most, with the standard and JPXI coming after that. The BFR is also obviously quite nice too, but the price difference turns me off those.

The JPX always just seemed a bit too plain for me, and I've heard mixed opinions of the how the chambering affects the tone. And yeah, the JP13 definitely comes across as being a bit too... spangly. :lol:

The mixed opinions on the JPX are what I love about the guitar. :lol: The reason I call it the experimental Anniversary model has mainly to do with the chambered body, largest frets out all the JP models (not necessarily a good thing), and of course the color: sparkly purple....I mean Barlo. :spock:


Djento ergo sum
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
:lol: The Tone Nazi brigade needs to play more acoustic guitars, or wooden acoustic instruments in general, before they shoot me.

The Tone Nazi brigade has taken your insight into consideration.

Our R&D department reports the following:

Start Communication-
-Our tests have been completed
-It does not djent
-Proceed according to protocol
End Communication-

So as you can see by our formula here:

(Fsgiven{given lack of djent capability})=((X-X)/(pi^2)(x^4))sin(djent@220Hertz)

Or in its simplified form


So following protocol I am required to direct at you the following note:


You have now been educated about tone.

Heil Misha.



Curl of the Burl
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
The Tone Nazi brigade has taken your insight into consideration.

Our R&D department reports the following:

Start Communication-
-Our tests have been completed
-It does not djent
-Proceed according to protocol
End Communication-

So as you can see by our formula here:

(Fsgiven{given lack of djent capability})=((X-X)/(pi^2)(x^4))sin(djent@220Hertz)

Or in its simplified form


So following protocol I am required to direct at you the following note:


You have now been educated about tone.

Heil Misha.


Thanks, i needed that...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
New Orleans Area, LA
Which one will win?? Disclaimer: Yes I know the first solo has timing issues. I figured this out after I sold my JP70. Nothing I could do to fix it.



Terribly Unlucky
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Carlsbad, NM
Well after owning a couple of JP6s but never trying out a 7 string. I'm pleased to announce I shall be joining your ranks in a couple of days. :)