the new Fishman Fluence Mick Thomson signature pickups

  • Thread starter soldierkahn
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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I could not take anything he said seriously after that. I'm not sure how people did not pick up on it but he says it right before he starts the actual demo. I am not taking reviews of pickups that have been put through a digital detuner as accurate. I know some bands do this live when they don't have a tech or can't take several guitars out but its considered a band aid.
I kinda just skipped over the video since I was busy at work, I just re-watched it and he brought up the DT so quickly I definitely skipped over it lol. It he seriously wanted to tune down he should have set up the guitar for that to get an accurate representation.

He does turn it off later in the video but like 80% of the demo is using the DT pedal, so yeah this video is pretty useless lol

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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I just put a set in my horizon and I'm on the fence about them. On one hand I really like that and can confirm the fishman cocked wah mids sounds is much more subdued and tolerable (barely there). On the other hand, I think this is just a lower output emg 81/89tw set lol...I actually wish this one was a bit hotter. Coming from the Townsend set in this particular guitar it's definitely not as hot. I however do just enjoy a ton of saturation so that's just me. Overall though pretty good. Going to keep tinkering with them.