The New Fryette Amplification (VHT) Site Is Up!

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'stortion junkie
Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Sparks, NV
I could pick random letters out of the alphabet and the result would still be better than "Fryette" for an amp company. God awful company name.

Hmm...this is like insulting Albus Dumbledore in front of Hagrid. Best of luck with this, buddy.:wavey:


Murder Machine
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Oshawa, ON, Canada
heck the site is even more informative and in depth with pics too than the old site, good work on their part, light years better than the old site.

as a name, Fryette, who cares, compare it to the LOOK of the old VHT logo, yes the logo looked more bad ass. but who cares, it's the tone and the reputation of making amazing quality amps that counts, not the mans name on the amps. and why not, Jim Marshall put his name on his amps.

Randall Smith could change Mesa/Boogie to Smith amplification tomorrow, and I'd still play it with pride. you're buying the tone, not the look of the logo.

hell why not call it PINK amps, i could care less, so long as they don't change their tone.

if only they made an amp though closer to the character of the mesa's, if Fryette and mesa got together, fuck that'd be some amp. really it was only the dryness that killed it for me, i was looking for cannibal corpse out of this and i didn't get it so i passed. but imagine the mesa heavy chug tone with the tone shaping of the UL. I'd cum blood.

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, the dryness is one of the things I love about the UL :lol: I wish they'd come out with a UL model for the Axe. Also, if they came out with a triaxis equivalent for their amps, I'd probably snag it in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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glasgow scotland
indeed the dryness is its main selling point for me. im really not that sophisticated with regard to harmonic content i just like it to sound brutal and dry as i find that dryness = tight brutality :lol:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, it's tighter than a nun. I would drink a cup full of bovine AIDS for a MIDI switchable VHT preamp like the triaxis.

EDIT: Oops, I meant Fryette preamp :lol:


Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
ok 'Natron808' :lol:

Oh please. It's not a public company name. I doubt you'd make "Nick Amps" either. Just because it worked for Jim Marshall doesn't mean it works for everyone. It's a silly sounding amp name in my opinion, that's all. I even think Mat Mathias shouldn't have picked "Matamp" for his company name but that's just me. Love their products regardless.

INTERNET: Where a difference of opinion causes people to douche-out to ridiculous levels :rolleyes:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
JJ Rodriguez amps: Free pair of soiled panties with every amp.


Agent of Chaos
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
I just got my FRYETTE UL and im not totally sure people bug out about the "dryness" of these amps because i must say this thing is fucking awesome. Id take it anyday over the Diezel i used to own.

Oh and of course JJ has to include soiled panties with every amp:lol:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
I have yet to try a Diezel, but I could see myself liking that too. I would have to have both and A/B something like that, because I really like the super saturated wet sound of the Mark IV CentaurPorn used to own, and naturally I'm using that as my lead model on the Axe :lol: The Diezel is along the same lines eh, super saturated?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Sheffield, UK
Awesome website, those high quality shots of the Sig X make me love mine even more :)

Also JJ, I only have experience with the Deizel Herbert model, but i'd say its a very fat and open sounding amp, and does appear to have quite a bit of saturation to it but (as Stuh84 would probably tell you) it has a strange almost hi fi smooth quality to it. Not a bad amp by any means though.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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Yeah, it's tighter than a nun. I would drink a cup full of bovine AIDS for a MIDI switchable VHT preamp like the triaxis.

EDIT: Oops, I meant Fryette preamp :lol:

Well, they're pondering coming out with another tube preamp. They want to get a sense of the demand for it out there, so if that's something you and others would want, email me and I can bring it up when I chat with them.

I'm going to call them later today and see. I looked around on the net and MAN are these expensive! But you really do get what you pay for IMO. I speak from experance with all the cheapo amps I have owned and then playing other peoples gear.
I got plulled up on stage one night at a local bar to play a song and I got to play the guys LP in to a Dual Rec and I just fell in love on how it sounded.
Ireally want to try out the sig-x.

I wouldn't say they're that expensive. Most of their models are in the $1499-2399 range, which is along the lines of most high-end american amps (Rivera, Mesa, etc). Of course the Ultra-Lead and CLX are over $3000 but otherwise... :)

I have yet to try a Diezel, but I could see myself liking that too. I would have to have both and A/B something like that, because I really like the super saturated wet sound of the Mark IV CentaurPorn used to own, and naturally I'm using that as my lead model on the Axe :lol: The Diezel is along the same lines eh, super saturated?

The Diezels are really nothing like the VHTs, or anything for that matter. Just a totally unique sound. They both are amazing and do a lot of the same things well, but the character and feel are just completely different. I have a Herbert and VH4 here, and they're incredible. However I still prefer the VHT at the end of the day, but it's very close. I'd be more than happy with either being my main amp.

Diezels have more of a polished, incredibly 'professional' almost hi-fi sound. The tone that comes out of the speakers sounds like it's too good to be true, like it's pre-recorded or something. Excellent for recording I'd imagine. Just an awesome sound, especially with the VH4 IMO. However I know a lot of people who just don't like the way they sound or feel, which is okay too. They definitely have a unique 'love it or hate it' vibe to 'em.

The Fryettes such as the Pittbulls are more organic, raw, and gutteral. Sound amazing in a live mix and IMO have the best responsiveness of any amp ever. Brutal riffage and incredible lead tones. The Diezels are definitely brutal as well, but just in a different way. The midrange isn't as over-the-top aggressive on the Diezels, it has more of a compressed full/thick sound which can be a bit scooped if you're not careful (on the Herbert I had the mids almost dimed). It's just way more refined and huge sounding, again the word I keep coming back to is 'polished'. Both are tight and heavy as hell, just very different.

At the end of the day, I'd be overjoyed to own either, but the Pittbull UL is just 'my sound' :)

I just got my FRYETTE UL and im not totally sure people bug out about the "dryness" of these amps because i must say this thing is fucking awesome. Id take it anyday over the Diezel i used to own.

Yeah that's because you're not using it with the VHT speakers. The Pittbull UL is not really a dry amp. The speakers Fryette designed to go with his amps are what is more responsible for that sound. He did so because it perfectly compliments the huge, thick, brutal, juicy sound of the Pittbull. The P50E speakers in their front-loaded cabs produce a tight, clear, crisp sound with a really cool 'snarl' to it. When you run it thru different speakers, it likely won't sound 'dry' at all.

Then again, I use the full VHT stack and I don't think mine sounds dry. The tubes and even more importantly how its biased can give it more of a wet sound, same goes for using a boost in front. But yeah... in the case of Fryettes 'dry' isn't a bad thing, it just means it has loads of attack, definition and tightness. You can still get it to sound thunderous and juicy too.

Why do you insist on increasing my GAS yet again, Nick :lol::drool:

Sorry dude ;)

Thanks for the heads up dude. I have actually been checking the site every week or two waiting for it to come alive. I am not 100% sure why since I own a UL but I often find myself just searching random VHT stuff.

No problem, I know how that goes :)


'stortion junkie
Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Sparks, NV
Oh please. It's not a public company name. I doubt you'd make "Nick Amps" either. Just because it worked for Jim Marshall doesn't mean it works for everyone. It's a silly sounding amp name in my opinion, that's all. I even think Mat Mathias shouldn't have picked "Matamp" for his company name but that's just me. Love their products regardless.

INTERNET: Where a difference of opinion causes people to douche-out to ridiculous levels :rolleyes:

Yup. :lol: Incredible. - and when you try to explain to other forumites how "two different amps can do similar things really well" it's interesting to see just who is the first to be all...:nono:

Ever the professional salesman.


Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Peterborough, UK
Fantastically cool site and I think perhaps that I might love the tone of an UL more than a Bogner Uberschall....GAS!!


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Fantastically cool site and I think perhaps that I might love the tone of an UL more than a Bogner Uberschall....GAS!!

Yep it's real sleek :)

Yup. :lol: Incredible. - and when you try to explain to other forumites how "two different amps can do similar things really well" it's interesting to see just who is the first to be all...:nono:

Ever the professional salesman.

Are you taking shots at me here? He wasn't even talking to me dude, I didn't make any comment about the name change, 'Nick' did. My username is Zimbloth, not Nick.

Next time you should read what was posted instead of jumping to dumb conclusions. If you're still upset that I rightfully pointed out that a Peavey JSX could not sound exactly the same as a VHT, get over it already :) :nuts:

JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah that's because you're not using it with the VHT speakers. The Pittbull UL is not really a dry amp. The speakers Fryette designed to go with his amps are what is more responsible for that sound. He did so because it perfectly compliments the huge, thick, brutal, juicy sound of the Pittbull. The P50E speakers in their front-loaded cabs produce a tight, clear, crisp sound with a really cool 'snarl' to it. When you run it thru different speakers, it likely won't sound 'dry' at all.

Then again, I use the full VHT stack and I don't think mine sounds dry. The tubes and even more importantly how its biased can give it more of a wet sound, same goes for using a boost in front. But yeah... in the case of Fryettes 'dry' isn't a bad thing, it just means it has loads of attack, definition and tightness. You can still get it to sound thunderous and juicy too.

Yeah for sure, that's what I actually like about the UL. It's really unique sounding, and that dryness is fucking awesome.


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah for sure, that's what I actually like about the UL. It's really unique sounding, and that dryness is fucking awesome.

Yeah, it definitely is distinct. Paired with the right setup it can be glorious. The thing I like most about my Pittbull is how well it plays, it's addictive in a way. The responsiveness of it, how it's tonally unforgiving but forgiving in the way it plays...just really cool. Of course the sound is awesome too, but I think playability is an often overlooked aspect of an amp :)