The Pickup Question We've Heard A Million Times


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
I'm certain everybody about to buy an Agile has asked this, but I just want to know what you think.

I'm probably getting a new Agile 8, which usually come with Cepheus passives, EMG 808s, or Seymour Duncan Blackouts. Personally, I don't love the sound of the EMGs and generally prefer passives. However, I am willing to give the Blackouts a try because I have heard that most passive players don't mind them. I've never used actives before, so I don't even know how often you have to change out the batteries. Of course, there is the option to just get new pickups after one purchases the guitar (Right now, affordability is the primary issue for me, so I don't really want to get separate pickups).

As for sound, I prefer to use the 8-string as an extension for heavy-riffing, but I probably won't use it for djent-style chugs. Favorite bands are Korn, Deftones, and Rammstein if that gives you an idea for what kind of sound I'm looking for. Two of these bands don't even use 8-strings, but I just love Korn's riffing style and Rammstein's dense sound (even though they only use baritones tuned to drop C).

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TimeTravel Innovator
May 10, 2011
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Vancouver, BC
what are you asking here? You just want to know which of the 3 pup options to go with ?

You said the you don't like EMGs, so just scratch those off straight away. For Blackouts vs Cepheus, I would personally go with the SD's based on the bands you mentioned (not to mention they're considered a "higher-tier" pup for the most part).

Unless you're in the habit of leaving your cable plugged into the guitar all the time, the battery shouldn't ever really be an issue. I've had the same battery last for well over a year on a guitar that I was using daily. That said, always carry backup batteries if you're gigging, but that pretty much applies to any gigging musician; always carry spare 9 volts.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
what are you asking here? You just want to know which of the 3 pup options to go with ?

You said the you don't like EMGs, so just scratch those off straight away. For Blackouts vs Cepheus, I would personally go with the SD's based on the bands you mentioned (not to mention they're considered a "higher-tier" pup for the most part).

Unless you're in the habit of leaving your cable plugged into the guitar all the time, the battery shouldn't ever really be an issue. I've had the same battery last for well over a year on a guitar that I was using daily. That said, always carry backup batteries if you're gigging, but that pretty much applies to any gigging musician; always carry spare 9 volts.

Yeah, I guess my question is just Blackouts vs. the Cepheus Passives. Any advantages/disadvantages of either. Good input, though. Thanks! :hbang:


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Paragould, AR
Ironically, you're choosing NOT to go for the EMG's even though that's what Stephen Carpenter had in his 8 string until he went for the Fishmans.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
Ironically, you're choosing NOT to go for the EMG's even though that's what Stephen Carpenter had in his 8 string until he went for the Fishmans.

I actually did think of that. He also uses a 27" scale, which I would try to go bigger than that. I just don't like the quality of compression that the EMGs put onto the sound. Also, listening to EMGs side-by-side with the Blackouts, I liked the latter more. Supposedly, those also give more character than the average active pickup. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's what I've heard. But if you love the EMGs, do tell. I'd like hear about those too (even if I may not choose them). You might change my mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
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Lexington, Ky
In my experience I've liked Blackouts just slightly better than EMG's. Slightly. They both have that characteristic active compression and way too much output, (for me). If you prefer passives i'd say order the Cepheus pups that way a swap down the road isn't a very big deal.


Jan 11, 2013
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Personally, I don't love the sound of the EMGs and generally prefer passives.

I've never used actives before

Favorite bands are Deftones, and Rammstein

I don't love the sound of the EMGs

Ok my man.

In all seriousness though, EMGs and actives in general get critique for not being that diverse but if you're looking to be primarily focused on heavy riffing, especially downtuned stuff then then they're some of the best pickups for that specific thing and used by so many bands on so many great sounding records.

Plus there seems to be so many posts like "I want to sound like [band that has always used EMGs] but I really hate EMGs" which is kind of baffling to me.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
Plus there seems to be so many posts like "I want to sound like [band that has always used EMGs] but I really hate EMGs" which is kind of baffling to me.

You have a valid point, sir. I admit the fault here is just me not doing my research as thoroughly as I thought I was. :lol: The things one learns after the fact. :flame: However, I know for a fact Korn uses passives. They seem to have been omitted from my list over the course of this thread.

I may as well give EMGs a try to find out what I really think. I just want to observe this from all angles before I decide on a set of pickups (which is why I mentioned Rammstein and Deftones). In the side-by-side comparisons of various pickups I've listened to (out of the musical context I enjoy), the EMGs were not my favorites. I want to make it clear that I don't hate EMGs; I can't say that because I've never used them before. I just thought the Blackouts were a better choice for actives, judging from these comparisons.

So, all that being said, let's just clarify the original question. Agile Stock Pickups: Cepheus Passives or any of the actives (EMG included)?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Barrington, IL
Try going to a guitar center or a guitar store near you. There is bound to be at least one guitar loaded with EMGs. Try them out and see if you like them or not! While your at it you can try guitars with pickups from other brands such as Dimarzio. Personally, I usually load my guitars with passive Seymour Duncans.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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My 828 came with blackouts and I liked them for the most part.
I love the PUSH that active pickups give but, I fvcking hate batteries.

I swapped the blackouts with a set of Lundgrem M8's and I'm in love. They're just very balanced and clear sounding pickups that do everything well.

At least the bridge pickup. The neck is a little bland to me, but it gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
Try going to a guitar center or a guitar store near you. There is bound to be at least one guitar loaded with EMGs. Try them out and see if you like them or not! While your at it you can try guitars with pickups from other brands such as Dimarzio. Personally, I usually load my guitars with passive Seymour Duncans.

You know, that is SUCH a good idea that I probably never would have thought of (I tell you, I'm subconsciously agoraphobic or something because I never really think that into that realm of being a go-getter). Part of me just wants to try something out of my usual comfort zone just for fun. I've only ever owned one sevenstring, and it still has its stock pickups. So my knowledge/taste of pickup choice comes only from arbitrary bias or listening to demos.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
My 828 came with blackouts and I liked them for the most part.
I love the PUSH that active pickups give but, I fvcking hate batteries.

I swapped the blackouts with a set of Lundgrem M8's and I'm in love. They're just very balanced and clear sounding pickups that do everything well.

At least the bridge pickup. The neck is a little bland to me, but it gets the job done.

It seems I only ever use the bridge pickup, so that's not a problem to me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
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It seems I only ever use the bridge pickup, so that's not a problem to me.

If you did want a nice neck pickup, I'd suggest a BKP warpig.
I haven't tried an 8 string version but the 7 string BKP Ceramic Warpig Neck pickup is highly underrated in my opinion.

It sounds cliche but, "Bell-like" is the best way I can describe it. Very pretty sounding.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Barrington, IL
You know, that is SUCH a good idea that I probably never would have thought of (I tell you, I'm subconsciously agoraphobic or something because I never really think that into that realm of being a go-getter). Part of me just wants to try something out of my usual comfort zone just for fun. I've only ever owned one sevenstring, and it still has its stock pickups. So my knowledge/taste of pickup choice comes only from arbitrary bias or listening to demos.

Definitely hit up a store and just try a bunch of stuff out! When I'm looking for pickups I'll usually try to find a guitar similar to mine spec wise and then I'll find an amp that is the closest sounding to mine as well so I can get a close idea of what they will sound like with my rig.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
So, I think I'm honestly leaning toward the active pickup route a little bit more not only because Rondo Music only has those for all their Intrepid models right now, but also because it's easier to go active to passive when replacing pickups than passive to active. This way, I can give active pickups an honest try with my amp, software, and whatnot. And if I REALLY hate them, I can always change them out with passives. I mean, I still have the stock pickups on my Ibanez 7, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest even though people say they're crap. So knowing that, I'll probably be content and just roll with it.

Not only that, I'm not really in a hurry to buy the 8 string. I'm actually quite broke from college and these plans are relatively longer term than I make them sound. Thankfully, I have a lot of patience, so I probably won't be be buying this eight string for a few months. But if/when I do, I'm definitely gonna put up a NGD post (my first one, as a matter of fact). Really thinking about the Bloodburst finish Intrepid 828 (yes, it has EMGs, but I can certainly live with that considering that part is totally replaceable). Really excited for it, but I need to win a scholarship or something. I don't dare buy it until I know I can pay for next semester.

Many thanks to all of you for your input.


Octopus Djentalis
Dec 13, 2007
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This video pretty much answers your question.

I actually love the Cepheus and I buy them off from guys who wants to get rid of them. I have it in both of my 8 strings. It is almost a boutique pickup for fraction of the money.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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Bozeman, MT
Yeah, I've definitely heard that too. I can't say I'm a big fan of Meshuggah, but if the pickups are good... Who knows, maybe I'll end up using Dimarzio D-Activators in the end if I decide that the EMG's aren't that bad.
Feb 8, 2016
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Birmingham, UK
If I were you, I'd forget about the generic brand passive pickups on any guitar, in my opinion, they're utterly useless, you're only gonna upgrade them, and then they'll sit in a box somewhere gathering dust, never to be used in any capacity again.

So, yeah, in my opinion, this is between the EMGs and the Seymour Duncans.

I've actually played both, so I reckon I'll be able to help. Honestly, I think the EMGs are better. With the Seymour Duncans, they are good, and if you hate that EMG sound (and I don't think you do, considering your music taste, if I'm honest!), Blackouts may work for you, as they feel and sound less 'active', or less 'EMGlike', if you prefer. For me, that's the issue, they don't have the bite, the aggression, the power, or the fullness of EMGs, but they don't quite have the feel or detailed sound of a high quality passive pickup. They're somewhere in between. I didn't find them as articulate as an EMG or a good Passive, and that's a death sentence in an 8 string guitar.

EMGs, despite a lot of people looking at them unfavourably, do a lot of things well. They'll give you a great lead tone, they deal with low frequencies well, and for riffs, they're excellent. I do understand that to a lot of people, they sound a bit dead, they are very compressed, but I think for the kind of riffing you're looking at, you'll need that. They're very precise. I really like the neck pickups, actually, they're not a patch on what I play now (Dimarzio Liquifire and D Sonic), but all in all, EMGs do everything convincingly despite excelling in metal.

Also, EMGs have way better resale value than Blackouts, at least over here :p That way if you get them an hate them, you could easily and cheaply swap them out! It does look like you've already decided, and that's ace, really looking forward to seeing the guitar, I just hope what I've put up there gives you a little more insight on what to perhaps expect from the pickups!

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