The Saddest Song Ever

  • Thread starter DrakkarTyrannis
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Forum MVP
Apr 25, 2006
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Austin, TX
For some reason, Angel's Son always gets me. Especially when watching the video, they show Lynn's mom in a couple shots and I always start tearing up.

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Fueled by Satan
May 2, 2005
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Athens, GA
I don't think anyone has mentioned Queen yet, which is surprising. Especially "Who Wants To Live Forever" or the entire "Innuendo" album. Especially since Freddie knew he was dying when that album was being recorded.

Jan 27, 2009
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Porcupine has many sad, but still very beautiful songs for example:

Also Ulvers cover of solitude


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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-santa monica and say goodbye by theory of a deadman
-widow by mars volta
-digital sea by thrice


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory

I grew up on Creed, so naturally I enjoy Alter Bridge, especially with Mark Tremonti actually playing lead. This song is about Mark Tremonti's his mother dying of cancer, and it's obviously written from the heart, and sung beautifully by Myles Kennedy, who has a wonderfully soulful voice


Blind Guardian - Thorn

I know this song is written as a part of an album based on J.R.R Tolkien's Silmarillions, but it still resonates with me, as it carries a message of perseverance and pride, even in the prospect of total hopelessness.


Green Carnation - 9-29-045

I don't even know what this song is even supposed to be about, but it has a certain quality to it that just makes it extraordinarely saddening, and it only becomes more gripping as it goes along, which is quite an accomplishment for a 15 minute song.

Couldn't find a youtube vid.


Kamelot - Memento Mori

How could an epic sweeping and dark power metal tune based around a Faustian story not be sad? And of course, sad isn't the only emotion this song contains, including everything from quiet contemplation to sorrowful pining to righteous anger, all the way to all out rage. Khan has such a smooth, soulful voice, he delivers the goods for sure.


Machine Head - Descend The Shades Of Night

A really well composed song featuring what is probably my favorite Machine Head solo. Even though the solos from The Blackening are quite a bit more complex, this one just fits absolutely perfectly.


Pain of Salvation - Undertow

This is probably the ultimate suicidal poetry type song. Daniel Gildenlow takes a lyrical gimmick and makes something darkly beautiful with it.


Pain of Salvation - Oblivion Ocean

Yet another PoS song. This one is a lament of a soldier who has lost a son and cries to God. Great stuff here.



pixel pusher
Dec 16, 2006
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Man FranDisco, CA
A beautiful mellow Bjork song in Icelandic. I don't even know what shes singing but her voice and the music together are incredibly moving to me.
(song starts at 30 seconds in)

Also just about any Sigur Ros tune. This one builds up to a great crescendo.
Again I don't know the lyrics. It's just sheer emotional power via the music.



The Viking himself
Nov 1, 2004
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Sheffield, UK
I don't think anyone has mentioned Queen yet, which is surprising. Especially "Who Wants To Live Forever" or the entire "Innuendo" album. Especially since Freddie knew he was dying when that album was being recorded.

Dude, I came into this thread with the express intention of posting Queen, glad I aint the only one.

The one that always gets me is "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" by Queen. It is the last video Freddie did, they filmed it in black and white to make Freddie look better. He looks bad enough in the video compared to how he was, but I've seen some colour footage, and he looked absolutely dreadful.

Listening to the song, it almost sounds like Freddie's life is flashing before him, and looking back on his life to confirm or deny whether he achieved everything he wanted out of his life.

Finally, the last line, the way he says "I still love you", many people, including myself, take that as Freddie's last goodbye to everyone, especially the fans, as he knew it wasn't long before he would be gone. THAT is what I find sad about it, the chapter on an era of Queen was closed on that line.

No other song comes even a fraction close to how sad I feel listening to, and thinking about that song always makes me feel a little down.

In terms of anything else that has an effect on me, "Songbird" as covered by Eva Cassidy makes me sad when I'm single, but over the moon when I'm in a relationship. The lyrics make it pretty obvious as to why, pretty much the soppiest love song lyrics while still being well crafted, and you can feel the emotion Eva sang them with. If I hear it when I'm single, I actually get really lonely (hence why I haven't listened to it in about 3 months).

However, one thing thats probably different with me and most people in this thread, is that without anything connected to it (as my examples mention), I find no song sad. I appreciate the emotion coming through in the song, but if someone manages to convey that emotion, no matter what it is, I am actually filled with joy at the fact that the song has moved me enough to care about what is being put across. Only when the song has other symbolism specific to myself, do I ever feel sad when listening to a song.


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jul 23, 2007
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Cambridgeshire, UK
What? No Colin Hay? Are we all mental!? Myself included, because I forgot to mention him in my previous posts :lol:...

I think this song is particularly bad if you're love sick or fucked up about womens. But there we have it, a song I've shed many a tear over.

EDIT: Also, this -



Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2008
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For me it probably has to be Dream Theater's "Space Dye Vest." Something about that one riff after the piano intro part and the lyrics strikes a nerve with me.

+1! i was gunna put that


The Viking himself
Nov 1, 2004
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Sheffield, UK
Wow I didn't know that man. I didn't think this was done that close to his death. That's incredibly touching :( I'll never listen to this song in the same way again now

Aye, I'm a big Queen fanatic, have been since I was about 8 or 9, and basically, if there is a documentary, or an article or a DVD or anything about them, I tend to buy it/watch it/read it as I just love the whole history of Queen. It's when you find out things like that, that songs take on a whole other meaning, and it's horrible to think about the circumstances, but theres still a little joy in knowing that he was so committed to the music that even on death's door he couldn't give it up.

If you read up on the last couple of albums, Innuendo and Made In Heaven (which came out posthumously), Freddie himself said at the time something along the lines of "I haven't got long left, so use me as much as you can and lets get as much music out as possible while we have the chance", hence why some of the performances on the last couple of albums have some of the most passionate and heartfelt feel to the way he sang, The Show Must Go On especially.

cataclysm_child UnRegular
Apr 12, 2007
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Muse - Hyper chondriac music

That song makes me want to cry. Just think it's so sad for some reason...


Autistic philosopher
Aug 28, 2008
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Oulu, Finland
Andy McKee : "For My Father"

This was two years ago when I first heard this song and I bet it's got more of a personal value for me (emotionaly story follows). I had a few months earlier broke up with my fiancée who I had shared my life with for the past three years. Without getting to the dirty details of the breakup, I'm just telling that after we split, I "kinda" treated her really bad afterwards. She wanted to get back together for a long time, tagged along and always sending e-mails while I constantly tried to avoid her. It lasted for almost half a year. Then it suddenly stopped and I was finally able to move on and live my own life. Only to realize that the three years I "hung out with her" were really great, no matter how our story ended in the first place. :rolleyes: It was this particular song that got me to understand how I missed her being in my life and all things she brought with her. When I listened to this track, I literally started to cry because the feeling of realization along with such a beautiful melody (as well as chord progression ^^) combined with such a destructive beatdown of my own stupidity made me feel shit for being such an idiot and never talking things through. After a brief while, we got back together and we're still going, YAY!

Shawn Lane : "Epilogue for Lisa"

This one is a perfect example of how much can you say by playing so little. I heard he wrote this one for his sister who died in a car accident back in the 80s. Even though there's no personal attachment to this particular song, I can hear, sense and feel every single detail of the feeling he captured in this piece musicwise and particularly on this performance. The playing is straight from the heart. So touching it always wets my eyes - as it wet his eyes in the beginning as well, wiping his tears in the end of the song.

Pink Floyd : "High Hopes"

It was back in 2005 when our class (with the only real life friends I've ever got) from the music college graduated and left to pursue their lives, hopes and dreams. On the graduation party, the final day we all were together, a bunch of my friends played this song and dedicated this song to our class, but especially me with this line "Never forget where we came from, even though we might change along the years, we will never forget the impact these people have had in us". Hard to describe, but the lines of the song express the feeling very precisely:

"Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
Dragged by the force of some inner tide

At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world"

Damn. Sorry for being so emotional today! :)


Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
Those are all excellent songs. I love Andy Mckee's playing in general, but "For My Father" is my favorite of his, because it just reminds me of my relationship between me and my dad, who is the person I love most in this world. My dad only likely has a few years left in him (I'm 22 and he's 60.), and this song just reminds me to cherish every moment I have with him.

I also have a soft spot for High Hopes, I also think the lyrics are brilliant.