The "shredding has no feeling" rant

  • Thread starter canuck brian
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The Hiryuu

Dot dot dot.
Oct 31, 2004
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Here-ish, MA
Hey y'all.


I'm relatively new here, been playing guitar for 15 years and I love shredding. I may not even be that good at it, but i still love it. (i can pull off Paradigm Shift.)

So i'm in the local music store going as fast as humanly possible because...that's what i like to do.... and i hear the most dumb assed comment of "that's just noise, no feeling at all." Noise? I didn't say anything back...just kept playing. :scream:

Is it just me or does anyone else get the instant desire knock someone's teeth out when something like this is said? I worked hard to get technique, speed and accuracy, and i'm positive everyone else who has the shredding bug loves going playing to the most extreme of their ability. It just pisses me off when some stupid fat asshole playing a store Gibson at near earbleeding volume thru a Twin (and badly) makes comments like this. :wallbash:

Almost every shred video on youtube has some jerk saying "oh there's no feeling in there" or crap like that. Are shredders allowed to make rips on people like Clapton with "he's just not playing fast enough?" :fawk:

/end rant

I like's emoticons. :hbang:

Don't listen to 'em. That's just the battle cry of the talentless.

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spooky breakfast

its gettin heavy
Nov 17, 2006
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the moontains
You mean "bouncing your finger off the string," right? :scratch: Although you can do some tapping by using the edge of the pick (the lead guitarist for my old band used his pick for tapping on one song and used his fingers on all the others), you can't do 95% of tapping unless you use your fingers. For example, "Midnight" by Joe Satriani has him doing 8-finger tapping with the 4 fingers on the left hand fretting and the 4 fingers in the "playing" hand tapping.

Here's a link of a 33 second clip from it:

Edit: (let's see you do this tapping :lol:)

Tell me that's not technically impressive. I think that kind of 8-handed finger tapping is one of the most technically difficult things to do on guitar (not the most diffcult technique, but definitely one of them). I'm assuming you don't know how to tap due to the things you said in your post.
no, i mean just what i said, bounce your pick against the string light and fast and it gives the illusion of tremolo picking, i started picking with a razor blade so i could do this...and it just looks cool.

spooky breakfast

its gettin heavy
Nov 17, 2006
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the moontains
oh yeah i forgot to mention, you should tap this over the pickups, not on frets, just on the string. i used to do it alot when i started and was picked on by kids who had taken lessons and made fun of my tappedy taps and uber harmonics(i miss my washburn) but i have more technical skill now so i kinda looked back and had the whole "i'm different" realization and started doing my own thing again.


Stay negative!
Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
heres a quick answer, who gives a shit. Everyone has different tastes, i can't believe you took so much offence to that shit you made a thread about it lol. Though he does sound like a cock :lol:

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