The Valkyrie Treaty - Anthem of Patriots

  • Thread starter h8leech
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Valkyrie Treaty
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
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could never get the player to post so here is the link

been maybe a good 2-3 year since ive posted anything here... wanted to share a old track that im gonna throw on my next album.... just a simple song about being a soldier... hope ya dig it

anthem of patriots

this is an anthem of patriots to country
soldiers die while mothers cry and
families weep cause they know we keep
the stars, close to our hearts
it gives us strength when we have been ripped apart
we leave our homes but we are never alone
we fight for you, red white and blue
no one could ever take away my love that i have for you
and if they try know that i will die fighting for it
these were the choices we made
to defend what we believe in
a land of the free and the home of the brave
sheep dogs become lions
when we feel our heard is f*cking threatened
no one could ever take away my love that i have for you
and if they try know that i will die fighting for it
so bring it on
we have the back of America

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