Thoughts on the Blackstar HT-5R?

  • Thread starter BjornMakoto
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
I was able to use the HT 5 i used to own with my band in a jam setting pretty easily while hooked up to a 4x12. It wasnt my normal gigging amp at the time, but circumstances of an extremely small stage called for it to be paired with a 1x12 i owned for an outdoor gig. I micd it up and ran about 60% volume with a tube screamer in front. From what people told me afterwards, it sounded awesome, but I was standing next to it the whole time and could NOT hear it, and the monitors in front of me were feeding back into it really badly so they couldnt be turned up. It kinda sucked playing for 45 minutes without hearing yourself. I ended up selling it after that because I really thought it could have been used in that kind of situation, but nothing really went right. These days, I can easily use my Mark V with a 1x12 in the same situation and have plenty of volume and tone on demand.

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