Thoughts on the Music Man Majesty?

  • Thread starter Maniacal
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Kick em in the nuts!
Aug 14, 2010
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Ocala, Fl
This thread scares me because I got a good deal on one through MF and it ships out next week. Especially when I can still nab a mint JP13 RWN before the Majesty ships


Mar 2, 2011
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For what it's worth, I loved the two Majesties I played in Hallandale FL. Ordering one very soon, the guitar felt really nice and I was completely opposed to the aesthetic changes to the guitar when it was first revealed.

It's not going to be a total tonal departure from the JP12/13 when you think about it sans the Boost on the volume knob and CL/LF on the 12/Rosewood Fretboard on the 13. So if you have an issue with it's tone you most likely won't enjoy the other variations of the series as well.

And basing a guitar's quality on it's setup good or bad is such a horrible way to gauge quality. Setup is preference and easily adjustable especially on guitars like this where the truss rod/action/intonation is right there for you to adjust in plain sight. It's going to feel different and as some people have said toy-like or cheap because gloss always feels better than a satin finish in that regard. Tops pop out more with a gloss finish, etc.

The Block inlay at the 1st fret is something I was never into, I would have much preferred nothing instead, but not my signature guitar :lol:

You should try one, and if it's not setup right ask the shop to adjust it for you.


Lord of all Things
Sep 24, 2012
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Miami, FL
The ones I've played were at that same Hallandale GC, and I stand by my initial unimpressed opinion. I'll further add and agree that setup really is irrelevant to judging the quality of an instrument in-store or out-of-the-box. It would help if stores put a bit more effort into maintaining their floor models, but that'd just be in a perfect world I guess. My main gripe with the instrument still stands at how thin the pickups were and how overall un-wowed I was by the feel of the guitar. In retrospect, it seems like it's a guitar that would shine best in a studio atmosphere where you'd likely prefer a thinner tone to better suit the tracking and later mixing process. As I write this I'm aware pickups can be changed later on to suit everyone's needs and preferences, but I just don't find the price tag justifiable for what I'd want it to do. Personally, while I like it's looks, that isn't the 'be all end all' for me and I'm not at all interested in the hefty circuitry (which I'm sure drives the price that much further) these come equipped with, however useful that might be. Guess it's just not the guitar for me, but it would be nice to try one out with a proper set up and a set of Titans (though not likely I'd get that chance. :shrug: )


Mar 2, 2011
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Yeah definitely, those things are honestly changeable. Price wise it's priced just the same as the previous Anniversary Models for the 6-7 strings. 2450 - 6, 2590 - 7, keep in mind this is in the US and not going to reflect everywhere.

I totally went in expecting to dislike the guitar but I enjoyed it, excited to add it as a 3rd 7 string to have around. It's definitely not the be all end all for everyone, the JPX is still that guitar for haha, I play the 2 X's I have so much more.

And on a different note, you're actually not that far from me man! Always cool to see another Floridian! :D


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
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Davenport, IA
I've owned my Arctic Dream 7 since march. I can honestly say I think it's a fantastic guitar, but I've decided for the purpose of reviewing, I can't really sit and compare it against other guitars because it doesn't... play like any other guitar I've played. I honestly think anyone who's been playing a regular JP/BFR/whatever is going to hate the feel of it right out of the box because it's drastically different.

Here's the thing: there's a level of versatility in sound that I love more than other JP models I've played. I've managed to coax some pretty good tones even out of my shitty line 6 spider 3 practice amp. The illuminator bridge is -miles- better than the crunchlab, (yeah I know the jp13 has illuminators standard as well,) and the sustain... oh my god the sustain.

It's super comfortable to play because of the way it's shaped and honestly, while it's boring, if you hate the JP shield shovel, the black model does a pretty good job of covering that up.

I dunno, to each their own, but keep an open mind when you try it out and remember, at least in my opinion this is a guitar you have to spend some time with.


Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
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New Windsor
When I got my Maj, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread:

But I more recently picked up an Albert Lee HH after being awake for 40 hours (including two 13 hour nursing shifts lol) so my GAS went unchecked... Anyway, if I'm being honest - and I'm a little ashamed to say this - I haven't touched my Maj or my JP13/XI since. Those are great metal guitars, but the AL was just "me." I've even been inspired to write songs after a 4-year dry spell...

The Maj really is a fantastic guitar, but it has its issues. Search the EBMM forums and there are quite a few issues that people report that end up becoming issues they have to send it back to the factory for. My Maj even died in the middle of a set once. THAT was some bull. Turns out the batteries were just dead but unless you plug in your guitar, stare at the back and wait to see the battery's LED status, you'll never know they're almost dead. And it uses three AAs, so naturally they last a fraction as long as a 9V-equipped battery.

Don't get me wrong - it's a great feeling, looking, and playing guitar, but yes; the sound output is a bit weaker (I have a video on the above linked thread where I compare the Maj to the JP13 and the 13 sounds WAY ballsier on the exact same amp settings - so I don't think the issue is the pups).

And honestly, I haven't even used my Mark V recently either! The ALHH + the Mark IV combo seems to be my perfect rig - at least for this point in my musical life.

And the AD finish is definitely not worth the extra $400 - it really is pretty bland in all but the brightest natural light; just kinda hangs out in that blah dark greenish area.

FWIW, I still haven't played a 6-string version; there's always the chance that I'd like it better than my ALHH, but I doubt it. Granted, I don't shred on my AL, but I don't feel like I have to, if that makes any sense.


Kick em in the nuts!
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
Ocala, Fl
I love the illuminators in my JP12-7. And I'm a fan of the way satin feels. But what worries me is everyones claim that the Majesty sounds thin. It's neckthrough, shouldn't it be a bit ballsier? That and I hear the inlay looks cheap.


Mar 2, 2011
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People with the shovel thing :lol: that was probably the most common complaint about it when it was revealed.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
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Davenport, IA
The inlay is pretty dumb and gratuitous, I will say that. It smacks you in the face with all its majesty. *cue TROGDOR*

Also the illuminator and crunchlab bridges are pretty different pickups. The illuminator is quite a bit more trebly, imo. Whether or not it's "thin", I dunno. I just EQ'd it until I got the sound I wanted, which was a bit different from my JPXI, (but different woods, etc.) Think of the tone JP wanted on the self-titled album and compare that even to A Dramatic Turn of Events. It's honestly pretty night and day to me, and I think the majesty fits better within the context of that type of tone, for better or worse.


Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
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New Windsor
The inlay is pretty dumb and gratuitous, I will say that. It smacks you in the face with all its majesty. *cue TROGDOR*

Also the illuminator and crunchlab bridges are pretty different pickups. The illuminator is quite a bit more trebly, imo. Whether or not it's "thin", I dunno. I just EQ'd it until I got the sound I wanted, which was a bit different from my JPXI, (but different woods, etc.) Think of the tone JP wanted on the self-titled album and compare that even to A Dramatic Turn of Events. It's honestly pretty night and day to me, and I think the majesty fits better within the context of that type of tone, for better or worse.

I think this is mainly due to different amp choices. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he used the JP13 for a majority of "Dream Theater."

But I think the difference between the tone of the 13 vs the Maj might actually make me a believer in tone woods... same pups, same strings, same scale, same preamp (for the most part); main difference is in the guitar build itself.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
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Davenport, IA
I thought he used the Mark V for rhythm and a Mark II C+ for solos on both albums. I might be wrong.

I have yet to play a jp13. I live in a place where guitars over $1000 that aren't a Les Paul are several hours away, and I almost drove to Chicago one day out of boredom just to try one out. The JP13 has a mahogany block instead of a maple block, yea?


Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
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New Windsor
Yea I guess you're right; he says he uses the RA-100 on only one of the songs:


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
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Davenport, IA
Also, Decree, what am I doing wrong in my life that I don't own that many MM? hahaha :lol:


Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
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New Windsor
Also, Decree, what am I doing wrong in my life that I don't own that many MM? hahaha :lol:

Hmm. How old are you? What is your job/career? And here's the kicker: are you in a relationship?

haha that's my main thing; a decent/modest paycheck but NO ONE TO SUCK MY MUNNY AWAYS!!! lol People will try to tell you that marriage and children bring you joy, yet in the next breath lament that they don't have money to buy nice gear... Gotta choose your own path, friend. I have no one who loves me or really any friends, but I have a booty load of sweet gear. Perhaps one day I'll start allowing fellow human beings into my life :)


MOAR Music Mans!!!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2014
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Davenport, IA
Hmm. How old are you? What is your job/career? And here's the kicker: are you in a relationship?

haha that's my main thing; a decent/modest paycheck but NO ONE TO SUCK MY MUNNY AWAYS!!! lol People will try to tell you that marriage and children bring you joy, yet in the next breath lament that they don't have money to buy nice gear... Gotta choose your own path, friend. I have no one who loves me or really any friends, but I have a booty load of sweet gear. Perhaps one day I'll start allowing fellow human beings into my life :)


MOAR Music Mans!!!

haha, yeah, relationship expenses are a hell of a thing.

On topic, I almost Pete Townshend'd my Majesty today because the batteries died while I was in the middle of one of those moments where I was feeling particularly proud of what I was playing.

Completely wrecked the mood. :mad:
Mar 4, 2012
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Overland Park, KS
Was not a huge fan when I played it. I didn't like the way it balanced on my leg when I was playing it in a normal position (not classical position), it sorta felt like it was gonna slip off and I had to constantly re-adjust. Pickups I also wasn't too fond of. I also really prefer the shape of the normal Petrucci sig; reiterating what others have said, the majesty looks like a shovel.