Unpopular Opinions

  • Thread starter Mortargag
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
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I will never like everything and there's probably always gonna be bands that make me roll my eyes and think "posers...".

I mean does anyone here truly NOT know any music that you think is lame?

But I can approach this in different ways. I don't point at someone and say "you're a poser, get lost!" but I might say "hey, if you like that band, have you heard THIS or THAT slightly more underground band?"

And if they don't like it and stick to the poser bands, hey that's fine. We all have different tastes and the underground is the underground because it doesn't appeal to everybody.

But my point is, call it gatekeeping or not, but it must be okay to think some music is better than other music.

I'm honest about if I like music or not and I'll say "that band sucks!" (I think I did it in this thread already) but I try not to do that too much. But it's sometimes hard not to get annoyed when very simple music gets very popular, because I think of all the much cooler stuff that COULD be getting attention instead.

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SS.org Regular
Nov 26, 2020
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In my experience with gatekeepers, and not just in music, it's rarely just: "hey if you like this, check this out." It's more like what @CanserDYI said in that people get shamed for not being "deep" enough into whatever it is they're experiencing, and this doesn't just happen in music. Gamers are terrible about this, especially the more toxic side of the Doom and FromSoft communities. If you're a Doom player, you better not be playing anything past Doom II or at least not playing Doom2016 or Eternal or you're a poser. If you summon to fight bosses in the SoulsBorneRing games, you didn't beat that boss "legit" despite it being a feature presented in the game, readily available. If you're playing a game on an emulator, or hell, one of the Nintendo classics on the Switch and you use the rewind feature to get past a certain section, you're not a trve gamer.

@gnoll While I appreciate your approach to gatekeeping, it's few and far in between the assholes who approach it from a much more harmful direction, and I'd argue that gatekeeping has gotten so toxic in other aspects that what you're doing isn't gatekeeping, but rather the opposite, in fact. You're giving people a way in without shaming them, and that is a fantastic thing, and not at all what CanserDYI and I are referring to.


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
How do you feel about country guitar?
That piece, taken out of context, reads to me as folk playing, not necessarily as "country". But I'm not the guitar-hero-worshiping type either way. Rural wank is still wank (and still rural). The best guitar player in the world could be playing country, and I still wouldn't like it, because guitar isn't a competition. That playing has to be in service of the greater piece, otherwise it's just wank.

Obviously, there's more nuance to genres than "pfff, country sucks". I like some stuff that would be classed as folk music, but most things called "country" are like nails on a chalkboard to me. Especially the "drinkin' beer, drivin' trucks, bangin' my trad wife" kind of country. Toby Keith's "I wanna talk about me" is the worst song ever written. I'd rather be hit in the face with a brick. They can be the most artistically and proficiently played nails on chalkboards, but they're still nails on chalkboards. Oh, and banjos were a mistake - they're like if you took an acoustic guitar and threw out all the things that made them good - no sustain, no depth, no warmth - just plunky awfullness.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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This just in...musicians like paying their bills
You're right, Paisley's gotta pay for that 3rd mansion and 2nd private jet somehow I guess. How dare I not realize the man's a musician in need.
But yeah, no fucking shit that's why he writes those songs. I think they just suck ass and the dude's legit capable of better. Unless that's the kind of music he likes writing, in which case... woof. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Pacific NW
That piece, taken out of context, reads to me as folk playing, not necessarily as "country". But I'm not the guitar-hero-worshiping type either way. Rural wank is still wank (and still rural). The best guitar player in the world could be playing country, and I still wouldn't like it, because guitar isn't a competition. That playing has to be in service of the greater piece, otherwise it's just wank.
Idk I just thought it was a musical solo guitar piece, but everyone has their tastes 😆
Especially the "drinkin' beer, drivin' trucks, bangin' my trad wife" kind of country.
I think a lot of people feel the same


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Brad Paisely's net worth is 120+ million dollars, per Google. Just what bills is he struggling with?
Yeah with that kinda fuck-you money, I'd do more shreddy country pickin' albums in line with Nervous Breakdown or the good parts of The Guitar Album just because I can. :lol:


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
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San Francisco, California
I've already let this one fly because I have no filter, but the Gibson SG is garbage. It feels like trash. It sounds like trash. It looks like trash. If it weren't for Tony Iommi and that schoolgirl from AC/DC it would have been shoved in the same trash can as the Corvus long ago, where it belongs.
Firebirds are another trash feeling guitar. Everything on an SG and Firebird just feels like it's unnecessarily moved up and it's uncomfortable to play.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Kitchener, Ontario
I think the loud pop music featuring caterwauling female vocalists that is ubiquitous in retail spaces (certainly in most European cities) and seemingly played all day, year after year, with no end in sight is due to some sinister psychological research that found that people exposed to mildly irritating and disturbing sounds tend to buy more.


Lifelong Learner
Jan 30, 2015
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Charlotte, NC
I think the loud pop music featuring caterwauling female vocalists that is ubiquitous in retail spaces (certainly in most European cities) and seemingly played all day, year after year, with no end in sight is due to some sinister psychological research that found that people exposed to mildly irritating and disturbing sounds tend to buy more.
Sep 21, 2021
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Baltimore, Maryland
Brad Paisely's net worth is 120+ million dollars, per Google. Just what bills is he struggling with?
You're right, Paisley's gotta pay for that 3rd mansion and 2nd private jet somehow I guess. How dare I not realize the man's a musician in need.
But yeah, no fucking shit that's why he writes those songs. I think they just suck ass and the dude's legit capable of better. Unless that's the kind of music he likes writing, in which case... woof. :lol:
Did it ever occur to either one of you that he enjoys what he does and just because he's capable of something "better" in your eyes that doesn't mean he wants to do any of that?

Btw having a networth of 120 mill doesn't mean he actually has 120 mill sitting in the bank..so again perhaps he'd rather make money instead of wasting time doing things that won't


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Did it ever occur to either one of you that he enjoys what he does and just because he's capable of something "better" in your eyes that doesn't mean he wants to do any of that?

Btw having a networth of 120 mill doesn't mean he actually has 120 mill sitting in the bank..so again perhaps he'd rather make money instead of wasting time doing things that won't

the music still blows

EDIT: Also yes. I did take that into account:

Unless that's the kind of music he likes writing, in which case... woof. :lol:

If bro wants to make corny bro country, go ahead. But I'm stilll gonna say it's a waste of talent. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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Did it ever occur to either one of you that he enjoys what he does and just because he's capable of something "better" in your eyes that doesn't mean he wants to do any of that?

Btw having a networth of 120 mill doesn't mean he actually has 120 mill sitting in the bank..so again perhaps he'd rather make money instead of wasting time doing things that won't

I mean, you can still write "basic" country songs that still have interesting guitar in them.

Brad Paisley definitely has the chops where he could pull off something like this