Warhammer 40k Megathread

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Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
Um hello...I was wondering about starting up on 40k. I looked at the website a lot, and I think I want to go with Tenzeech's Chaos Space Marines. Any recommendations on a good way to start? Even though I live in a small town, I do have a Games Workshop store closeby. Thanks!

I don't play Chaos, but first things first... you'll want to get yourself the codex and a battleforce:

Amazon.com: Chaos Space Marine Battleforce Warhammer 40k: Toys & Games

...solely because the cost of one of these versus buying the equivalent number of figures individually is at least half the price. The stuff in Battleforce is about the minimum you'll need to play a very basic game, but it gives you a usable army right out of the gate.

To save yourself some money, I'd advise reading through the codex and checking out some tips on Chaos but more importantly, try playing with the figures you've got to figure out it's strengths and weaknesses accordingly. Some schemes you'll go with will require your to get more troops which can get costly but a lot of the trajectory of your army will come from your named and HQ characters which are usually only $15 a piece and will make a HUGE difference in your strategy and perks.

Also, get stuff used as often as you can. I buy shit loads of bits and pieces off of ebay, which helped with building up the bulk of my regular figures... just make sure all or most of the parts you'll need are included. Also, you can get a good price in shittily painted used figures but air on the side of caution because they can be a pain to fix (adding too many layers of paint pulls out detail, stripping metal figures can be difficult, and stripping plastic figures is nearly impossible). But if you're careful, you can really save yourself serious cash (ie. I got a squad of terminators that would normally cost me $50 for $15 off of the 'bay and a Dreadnought that normally goes for $50 for $12, etc).

But yeah, I can't overemphasize trying your army out before buying a shitload of scheme specific figures. Every army has it's perks but likewise, there are SEVERAL schemes you can go with your army (ie. assault based, psychic based, long range based, and swarm based, etc. the list goes on). That'll be dictated by what HQ's you have (because they're loaded up with unique buffs) and consequently, what troop choices you go with. A lot of guys make the mistake of just buying a buncha stuff they think are cool and don't realize they don't work well with eachother, and they end up only being able to use half their army in a normal game and it's mish-moshed and they get slaughtered.

I started out going with one specific setup, and ended up getting some more diverse figures after a while (since I maxed out my figures of one style) so that I can bring a different army depending on who I'm facing but that gets expensive FAST, so yeah... stick with one style just to start.

The Somberlain

Hollow Man
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Thanks man. Hopefully I'll get that by the end of the summer, after a banjo and tube amp. Ahh, so much to pick up, so little money and time...


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Um hello...I was wondering about starting up on 40k. I looked at the website a lot, and I think I want to go with Tenzeech's Chaos Space Marines. Any recommendations on a good way to start? Even though I live in a small town, I do have a Games Workshop store closeby. Thanks!

Randy's suggestion is definitely a good one.

That said, I'd have a look through the armies Codex (the individual rulebook) first. Even without the rules knowledge, it will give you an idea of the type of troops available to them :yesway::)

Chaos Marines dedicated to Tzeench are pretty powerful, but they're a touch slow when moving, so that can be an issue. They can also be expensive (points-wise, not money wise ;)) which means you could have less models too. BUT, they are very powerful psykers (good psychic powers), and they're very tough with good weapons :yesway:

If you do decide that they are definitely what you're after, Randy's advice is pretty well perfect, I made the mistake of not buying the rulebook when I started, and as a result i went for ages not understanding the codexes properly :wallbash::lol:


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Not a worry dude, it really is an awesome game :yesway: Try going in to the Games Workshop and actually have a go in a game there, and a good look at all the Codexes :yesway::) Well worth the effort :D


Bald and gribbly.
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
Space Wolf player from 2nd Ed. onwards checking in. I dust off my army every decade or so to put boot to posterior.

Skyclaw packs how I love them, yes they die to a man but it's what they take out on the way in that makes for such entertainment.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Ah the Space Wolves :lol: Nothing quite like playing space-vikings in a game :lol: I've never actually looked at the codex, come to think of it... I really should... same with Orks.

I found out which Edition it was when I started playing too, apparently it was the middle of 3rd edition 40k when I first got my Fantasy stuff (Lizardmen and BRetonnia FTW :metal::lol:), and i started collecting soon after that :metal: So I still have my 3rd Ed. Eldar and Tyrandis Codex, and th efirst Tau codex from when it was released :wub:


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
I'm in there :fawk: If you'll look at the posts on that last page you'll see i'm active :lol:

I wish there was a way you could play Warhammer by correspondence, like Chess :scratch:

I was mostly pointing that at Jym and Ian. :D

But yeah, I just had the "correspondence" talk with my father in law the other day. It seems.... possible, but impractical. :lol: I wish, though. That's part of why I tried Vassal. I keep getting impatient and forgetting all the rules and having to start learning all over again from scratch. :(


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
Space Wolf player from 2nd Ed. onwards checking in. I dust off my army every decade or so to put boot to posterior.

Skyclaw packs how I love them, yes they die to a man but it's what they take out on the way in that makes for such entertainment.

Sweet deal. I got a set of 2nd and 3rd edition Space Marines from an old schooler friend of mine. Got any pictures of yours?


Bald and gribbly.
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
Not online sadly, I do have the dubious honour of having some of the earliest metal Terminators though, when they were nowhere near as bulky as they are now. I'll see if I can dig them out.

By the way Demoniac if you look through the 5th ed. Wolf Codex be prepared to laugh at how broken it is. Wolf Guard Battle Leader + Mark of the Wulfen + Wolf Tooth Necklace + Saga of the Warrior Born + Twin Wolf Claws

So D6 attacks + charge (Rending), hits on 3+ automatically, re-roll to hit or to wound if any miss (with a power weapon) and anything killed in HtH becomes an extra attack in the next round.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
^ Holy shit! :rofl: That's insane :D My current Witch Hunters Inquisitor lord is getting a bit that way...

I explained it to Randy, he pretty much gets to:
- Ignore the first wound every turn, irrespective of origin (shooting/assault/whatever)
- may assign any wounds suffered to one of his 3 acolytes before saves are taken
- his acolytes have "Mancatchers" which reduce the Attacks of any model in base contact with them by 1 to a minimum of 1, they also have carapace armour (3+ saves)
- gets a 2+ save against any psychic power
- may re-roll a single shooting attack per turn
- can destroy tanks when he's getting close to the assault (Inferno Pistol, same as melta weapons but only a pistols range)
- master-crafted Eviscerator (to all intents and purposes a power fist)

And courtesy of his retinue he gets a couple of stat bonuses too :cool::evil::metal:


Bald and gribbly.
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
Well stacked sir, I applaud you.

The other sick variant, is to remove MotW and stick the guy on a Cyberwulf (for the extra strength, toughness and rending) and give him say a frost blade.

Njal Stormcaller is also sick, all psychic powers in the list one of which is Jaws of the World Wolf (not unique to him though).

As a psychic shooting attack, trace a stright line along the board, starting from the Rune Priest and ending 24" away. This line may pass through terrain. Monstrous creatures, beasts, cavalry, bikes and infantry models that are touched by this line must take an Initiative test.(bgb p.8) If the models fails the test, it is removed from play. Monstrous creatures subtract 1 from their dice roll due to their tremendous size and strength. A roll of a 6 is always a failure."

Carnifex killer??? Oh most assuredly.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
:eek: That's insane :lol:

Yeah i seriously love the witch hunters, they are quite possibly the greatest assault army i've played (arguably/according to preference i suppose :lol:), and with amazing models to boot :yesway:


Bald and gribbly.
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
:eek: That's insane :lol:

Yeah i seriously love the witch hunters, they are quite possibly the greatest assault army i've played (arguably/according to preference i suppose :lol:), and with amazing models to boot :yesway:

Haven't really played in a while, but I belive Witch Hunters have been beefed up quite a bit. I know my mate Jim's SoB got quite a bit more tank when vows (?) etc were introduced.

One 4 way game (can't remember whether 3rd or 4th ed) we were playing is memorable though. Objective in middle, I'm in the bottom left, Necrons bottom right, SoB top left, Blood Angels top right.

Turn one Blood Angels start beating the ever living snot out of the SoB. I basically rhino rush the Necrons and deploy a metric asstonne(tm) of Grey Hunters plus Dude (aforementioned MotW plus twin mastercrafted lightning claws). Termies and Venerable Dreadnaught, advance towards objective.

Meanwhile 2 Skyclaw packs, sneak through cityscape to SoB flank, surprisngly unobserved.

Turn 2, I turn to Jim.

"Mate, you know what's in jump range."
"No what.......oh no!"
"You know what happens now don't you?"

Cue two squads of screaming power weapon equipped nutters, slamming into his flank. Yes they died to a man, but after slaughtering his command squad and two squad retinue it was so worth it.

He's never forgiven me for it.


Rivethead Magnate.
Jul 24, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
I think my greatest achievement was destroying an entire unit of Necron warriors with a single shot from a Chaos Space Marine Defiler's battle cannon... He didn't have them spaced out enough (fuck only knows why :nuts::lol:), but all 12 of them were killed in one hit :metal::rofl:


Bald and gribbly.
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
I think my greatest achievement was destroying an entire unit of Necron warriors with a single shot from a Chaos Space Marine Defiler's battle cannon... He didn't have them spaced out enough (fuck only knows why :nuts::lol:), but all 12 of them were killed in one hit :metal::rofl:

I believe the British quote is "good shot sir!":cool:


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
The Electric City, NY
So D6 attacks + charge (Rending), hits on 3+ automatically, re-roll to hit or to wound if any miss (with a power weapon) and anything killed in HtH becomes an extra attack in the next round.

Hot damn, dude. I'm glad they're on my side. :lol:

I've been considering getting a few squads of Space Wolves to 50/50 on some smaller games just for looks but damn, if that's how they roll... I might need some to beef up my assaulting.

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