Was disgusted today.

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Chug Life
Dec 10, 2010
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Long Island, NY
I saw one horrible example of a Schecter Damien with a MASSIVE chunk missing out of the back edge. As in, quarter inch deep, 2 and a half inches across. AND IT WAS STILL FULL FUCKING PRICE. :realmad::scratch: Which is why I'm no longer buying Floor Model guitars. I'm ordering them all now. And it doesn't help that half the people that work at these places don't know what the fuck they're doing. :noplease:

Thats when you bring it to the salesman and politely say "theres no way you're getting anyway near that price for a damaged floor model, I'll offer you $xxx." They'll either take it, leave it, or pretend to leave it but call you back in a few days once they realize it's never moving and their manager said "you're dumb for not pushing it". :lol:

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The Dirt Guy
Oct 7, 2010
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Anywhere but here.
Thing is, my locals charge around 50%+ what I can get online, even after shipping and taxes. One store had a Line 6 M9 at $550! You can get that off eBay at $400 no problem.

Ebay is rather destructive in that as you have a lot of basement businesses that have effectively no overhead. Then they sell for very very low profit margins, as they can afford to. If they make 30-40$ on a 700 item they will still be happy, as it didn't cost them anything.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Sarasota, FL
Fuck the Gibsons, someone needs to rescue those ESPs, Charvels, and Fenders.


Pardon my french
Dec 24, 2009
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Le Mans, France
I completely agree with you. People don't appreciate the things they have, nor do they respect them as the pieces of art they are.

Somewhat relevant... While it is very childish and shouldn't be relevant, when I see people with a great deal of expensive gear but they are just terrible players or musicians (or even worse, they abuse this gear!), it pisses me off. That's definitely due to jealousy, no doubt, but it is surely not unreasonable. Terrible sounding Axe-FXs, box pentatonics played on USA Custom Shop Strats and the like all kill me.

You can be young, be a musician, and be rich. Pick two. :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2011
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sounds like i need to get to this place and do some haggling :cool:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Sarasota, FL
Somewhat relevant... While it is very childish and shouldn't be relevant, when I see people with a great deal of expensive gear but they are just terrible players or musicians (or even worse, they abuse this gear!), it pisses me off. That's definitely due to jealousy, no doubt, but it is surely not unreasonable. Terrible sounding Axe-FXs, box pentatonics played on USA Custom Shop Strats and the like all kill me.

Jealousy mode off. :)

If someone get really nice gear (example: parents buy their spoiled kid really nice stuff) and treats it like shit, that is just retarded regardless of who, how, or why.
However, I myself don't get jealous of anyones stuff, though I may get just a tad envious, but even if someone has nice gear and aren't that good of a guitarist, who cares? If they appreciate it and use it thats all that matters.

Also, why do you hate AxeFx? :scratch:


The Armada
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
If someone get really nice gear (example: parents buy their spoiled kid really nice stuff) and treats it like shit, that is just retarded regardless of who, how, or why.
However, I myself don't get jealous of anyones stuff, though I may get just a tad envious, but even if someone has nice gear and aren't that good of a guitarist, who cares? If they appreciate it and use it thats all that matters.

Also, why do you hate AxeFx? :scratch:

Never said it was justified; as I said it was childish and irrelevant.

I don't hate the Axe-FX, I just think it is dangerous as it facilitates emulation--never a good thing in music, and definitely not what it needs right about now. That and there are far too many poor sounding Axe-FX units out there when they can sound soooo much better. :lol:

As I said, irrelevant.


May 2, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Dude are you fucking serious. Who the fuck cares. They can do what they want it's their instruments jesus christ your like my guitar player who want's to keep his shit in pristine condition when we play shows every week jesus christ if it's out of the box it gets scratched what is wrong with you people.



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Sarasota, FL
The store in my town is a joke, so I've got to drive either 15 minutes to a mediocore store that only has Peavey and DigiTech stuff for some reason, or 35 minutes to an hour to go anywhere decent.

The guy who runs the store in town here used to buy guitars and basses from Guitar Center, then resell them for more at his store, and claimed he was a certified Fender, ESP, Gibson/Epiphone, etc dealer, even though he just had cheap ass guitars and was charging twice what they're worth... The only good guitars he has are on the wall that are his and can't be played, just so he can show them off (he has a mint Charvel Model 4 which I keep offering to buy, but he thinks its worth a gazillion dollars). Nowadays he's banned from Guitar Center. He doesn't know his asshole from his elbow when it comes to guitars, and he knows even less about music. For example, according to him Steve Vai sucks, SRV sucked, Hendrix just copied other people, KISS is the best band EVER, and Ace Frehley is the best guitar player in the world. He also talks about all these band stories from "back in the day." He's full of shit, knows nothing, and rips of kids and parents who don't know anything about instruments. He disgusts me.

Edit: Sorry its off topic.


The Armada
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Dude are you fucking serious. Who the fuck cares. They can do what they want it's their instruments jesus christ your like my guitar player who want's to keep his shit in pristine condition when we play shows every week jesus christ if it's out of the box it gets scratched what is wrong with you people.


I care.


Guitar Whore
Oct 6, 2008
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Richmond VA
Dude are you fucking serious. Who the fuck cares. They can do what they want it's their instruments jesus christ your like my guitar player who want's to keep his shit in pristine condition when we play shows every week jesus christ if it's out of the box it gets scratched what is wrong with you people.


They are in the business of selling instruments to musicians like us. They should care if they want our business. We care because we want our equipment to be in good condition.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Sarasota, FL
Never said it was justified; as I said it was childish and irrelevant.

I don't hate the Axe-FX, I just think it is dangerous as it facilitates emulation--never a good thing in music, and definitely not what it needs right about now. That and there are far too many poor sounding Axe-FX units out there when they can sound soooo much better. :lol:

As I said, irrelevant.

Why though? Whats wrong with it emulating other amps? Thats what companies have been doing for years, whether it be amps, pedals, guitars, pickups, TVs, computers, etc... It allows people to get more bang for their buck, in this case giving them many tones that sound good in a small relatively well priced package (a $1500 AxeFx that sounds like $15000 of gear).
Also,I just don't understand what you mean by poor sounding. They are all high quality and they soud good, so what do you mean by they can sound better?

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to argue. I mean no disrespect to you for your opinions, I just genuinely don't understand.


Guitar maniac
Jun 30, 2011
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Bottrop, Ruhr Area
I agree with Church. When you go to a shop to buy new stuff, you want it to be in best condition without scratches or whatever. Because they're selling NEW products... NOT used ones.

Think about this: You go to the next car dealer to grab a NEW car... You would be pretty pissed off if all cars there are scratched and dented because you expect them to be in best condition, cause they are announced to be NEW.

Same business here, but with guitars.


The Armada
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Why though? Whats wrong with it emulating other amps? Thats what companies have been doing for years, whether it be amps, pedals, guitars, pickups, TVs, computers, etc... It allows people to get more bang for their buck, in this case giving them many tones that sound good in a small relatively well priced package (a $1500 AxeFx that sounds like $15000 of gear).
Also,I just don't understand what you mean by poor sounding. They are all high quality and they soud good, so what do you mean by they can sound better?

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to argue. I mean no disrespect to you for your opinions, I just genuinely don't understand.

Well, first, by emulating I mean one person emulating another. I don't think I need to elaborate there.

Second, no, they do not all sound good. Some people's settings sound just plain bad. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Sarasota, FL
Well, first, by emulating I mean one person emulating another. I don't think I need to elaborate there.

Second, no, they do not all sound good. Some people's settings sound just plain bad. :shrug:

I agree that people shouldn't directly emmulate each other, and in the context of the tones available, I'm sure some people directly copy one anothers settings, which is whatever I suppose, but if I had one I'd want to create my own sounds using it.

Theirs the standard, plus/pro, and now the AxeFx 2. From standard to standard, AxeFx 2 to 2, they should sound the exact same. Depending on the speakers and power amp used though, that can greatly effect the tone.

Church2224 - They are in the business of selling instruments to musicians like us. They should care if they want our business. We care because we want our equipment to be in good condition.

I think he meant who cares what people do with their own gear. I mean, I baby the hell out of my stuff and I'm always pretty careful, but to each their own.


Guitar Whore
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Richmond VA
I agree that people shouldn't directly emmulate each other, and in the context of the tones available, I'm sure some people directly copy one anothers settings, which is whatever I suppose, but if I had one I'd want to create my own sounds using it.

Theirs the standard, plus/pro, and now the AxeFx 2. From standard to standard, AxeFx 2 to 2, they should sound the exact same. Depending on the speakers and power amp used though, that can greatly effect the tone.

I think he meant who cares what people do with their own gear. I mean, I baby the hell out of my stuff and I'm always pretty careful, but to each their own.

Yeah I just meant Sam Ash. They should be selling gear in top shape when they sell it to us.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Sarasota, FL
Definately. A new guitar should be flawless, especially as the price goes up, but even cheaper guitars should pass quality control.. Theirs no reason not to have them in the best condition possible.

I won't buy a new, or even a used guitar unless it's in near mint condition.

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Theirs the standard, plus/pro, and now the AxeFx 2. From standard to standard, AxeFx 2 to 2, they should sound the exact same. Depending on the speakers and power amp used though, that can greatly effect the tone.

He's talking about the settings individual people use, dude. Of course two units are going to sound the same if they have the exact same settings, but it's possible to make it sound like shit if your settings are shit. Too much low end, not enough mids, too much distortion, too much reverb, etc etc etc. Just because an amp can sound good, doesn't mean everyone that plays one makes it sound good. The same can be said of any amp.
Jun 29, 2011
Reaction score
Airstrip One, Oceania
He's talking about the settings individual people use, dude. Of course two units are going to sound the same if they have the exact same settings, but it's possible to make it sound like shit if your settings are shit. Too much low end, not enough mids, too much distortion, too much reverb, etc etc etc. Just because an amp can sound good, doesn't mean everyone that plays one makes it sound good. The same can be said of any amp.

^ This.
I think the point Armada was making, (at least how I took it) was that you have these people that buy there 10 year old kid a 3k guitar because the kid decided this week that he wants to play guitar, and its not worth it when he gets sick of it after a week, but there's those of us that actually can play but just don't have the resources to afford that kinda gear.

the same applies to the axe fx you have people that buy stuff just because its the most expensive or because their buddy has it or their favorite band has it but then they use the same sounds and copy these people without being original.......theres nothing wrong with them getting this stuff if they have money for it, they have the right to buy it......I don't see the point in buying a little kid a fender strat as his first guitar tho, I got a pos guitar to learn on with the stipulation that if I could learn to play that, then I get to move up to nicer gear to me that makes sense.

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