Weird shit that has happened to you?


Oct 18, 2011
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Tübingen, Germany
I was wondering if any of you has experienced things that one might classify as "supernatural" or uncommon. I have had a rather boring life so there is only one weird event I can think of. A couple of relatives have told me about strange things they saw somewhere.

I think this thread could keep horror fans on this forum under control until the next good horror film is released:cool:.

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Whisper into nose
Feb 22, 2010
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Vedbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark
We had a Madonna-statuette (religious, not the pop-singer :squint:) in our house, which was given to us by my great grand-mother. My mother decided to place my infant baby sister right below the madonna in her crib. Not more than 1 hour later, while she was sleeping, the madonna tipped down and landed in the crib. She wasn't harmed, so the place the madonna stood was checked for levelness; 100% level. It was odd, so they just placed it back and thinking it was an incident. Half an hour later, same thing happens, but actually manages to hit her this time around. It's placed next to the chimney and close to the reading chair this time.

A couple of years ago, my sister was reading in the chair; it fell down and hit her arm. Now placed next to the TV on the most level and stable place in the entire house.
4 months ago, she was vacuum cleaning and standing below it; it fell down over her and was smashed to pieces in the process.

Really fucking odd.


Nov 11, 2008
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"Albuquerque, NM"
I have got a couple of crazy stories. First one involves me.

So, one day I was at my friends house (whom all believe the place is haunted) and they were talking about weird stuff that has been happening in there. I used to be really skeptic about that kind of stuff, and always had my doubts about that kind of stuff. So as we were talking I was just thinking to myself " this can't be true " and all of a sudden I feel this tap on the top of my head ( I was at their table which is round, and nobody was even close to me at the moment) so I look up, and I shit you not, the lights start to flicker and the chandelier on top started to rock back and forth a little bit. Keep in mind this was a beautiful day, no air conditioning on, so there were no flows of wind coming from any direction. If that isn't a sign I don't know what is.

The other story involves my mother, her sister, and my cousin.

They were in this castle in Mexico, and they were going up this huge staircase. Behind them they were hearing a noise (like tapping of shoes), and they turn around, and there was a man in very old style clothes (like 1700s style), and the man smiled at them. They had thought that he was dressed up and was an employee working there, so my mom took a picture of him. So after that they kept going up the stairs, and my mom wanted to ask him a question and he was no longer there (keep in mind that it would have been impossible for somebody to go down that staircase so fast). So they all thought that it was really weird that he all of a sudden disappeared. When my mom went to get the photos developed, the only thing in the picture was an empty staircase.


Jan 2, 2012
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Boston, MA
The first night I spent in the dorms at MSU freshman year I went to sleep early being tired from moving in and all. My roommate (who I didn't know) was still out. When he did come back, he didn't lock the door (hint: important detail).

I woke up at 4 in the morning when I noticed some random guy in the room. I thought "Ok, maybe this is a friend of my roommate's and somehow ended up here." I asked him why he was just standing in the middle of the room and he looked very confused. Eventually he walked out. The roommate woke up when he shut the door and I told him what happened. He went back to sleep.

I then noticed that this random drunk guy had been standing in front of a chair. I had put my shorts from the previous day on that chair. Of course my wallet and keys were in them. When I got up and looked to make sure he didn't steal my wallet I noticed a puddle on the floor under the chair...

Apparently the drunk fuck had gotten confused, wandered into our room, and took a piss on the chair, my shorts, and my wallet!

It gets stranger. I put the chair out in the hallway because it smelled like piss and went to wash my shorts. When I got back, someone had stolen the chair. I figured it was just as well, because if they wanted a chair that had been pissed on... good for them. I went to hang out with some friends, and when I finally got back the chair had been returned :lol:.

At that moment I realized that every stereotype about college students was pretty much true.

Edit: Didn't read that it was supposed to be supernatural. I never saw the pisser again though. Maybe he was a ghost :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Austin, TX
Pissed on by a tiger. Very windy day, may I add. Wasn't too grossed out, I could see his stripes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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I dunno, but I lose about 50 or so things a day. Hundreds if I'm doing a setup. It's happened for years. I used to think I was forgetful but this is getting out of hand. I don't know how it happens anymore.

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
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When I was just a little dude (ages 1-4), I lived in a small town in Scotland. I remember having an odd "dream" there one night when I was around 3 or 4. I dreamt I was lying in bed looking up at the ceiling, and there was a tall skinny green man looking down at my from above my bed. Next to him was a wispy green woman, holding his arm and also looking at me. I remember being so affected by the dream that I got out of bed and annoyed my parents by telling them about it, and was obviously told it was just a dream and sent back to bed.

Fast-forward about twenty years, and I was killing time while on a ship in the Persian Gulf by reading a collection of stories a historian collected in the late 1800s and early 1900s by travelling around the British Isles and asking all of the oldest people he could find to tell him the stories they remembered about the local myths and legends. In the section on Scotland, one old woman told the tale of the Green Man and his wife, who would come around around at night and kidnap children, leaving changelings in their places (Changeling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Her description of the Green Man and his lady friend were uncannily similar to what I remembered seeing in my "dream" when I was a wee laddy.

Was it just a dream? Yeah, probably, but it was still a little freaky to think about the possibility that getting out of bed to tell my parents about a "dream" is the only thing that kept me from getting kidnapped by supernatural beings.

Or maybe I'M the changeling...


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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I used to live in a trailer that was next door to my mother's best friends house. The house had been rebuilt by her father because the previous house had burned down and the family had died. My mother grew up there with her friend and she has told me many weird stories about the place. When no one was home they would hear footsteps on the stairway. As well my mother saw a little girl pass by in her peripheral vision. When she glanced over there was nothing there. Once when she looked out the window there was a pale white man staring back at her. She freaked out and when they went outside to check no one could be found.

Last year I went on a tour of Waverly Hills Sanitorium and while looking out one of the windows on the staircase I saw the shape of a woman standing on the edge of the roof. At first I thought it was just a statue or something. Upon go up to another floor the guide told us that a woman had jumped or fell from that floor. I was like holy shit. When I was leaving I looked back at the same spot and that shape was gone. I'm fairly certain it was a ghost of the nurse that had died.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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West Haven, CT
My mother decided to place my infant baby sister right below the madonna [statue] in her crib... the madonna tipped down and landed in the crib. She wasn't they just placed it back... Half an hour later, same thing happens, but actually manages to hit her this time around.



Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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West Haven, CT
I once had a dream that I couldn't get out of, I was standing in a hallway at my grandparent's house. There was a figure that appeared to be a black hole in the shape of a female, very distorted. I felt an incredible sense of terror, then my vision would focus and zoom in on her while everything around her began to distort and pull in to her. I would wake up, only to find myself in the same exact scenario. After nearly two dozen cycles of waking up into the dream I finally managed to wake up for real, the problem was that I was completely unable to move any part of my body for about 8-10 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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I once had a dream that I couldn't get out of, I was standing in a hallway at my grandparent's house. There was a figure that appeared to be a black hole in the shape of a female, very distorted. I felt an incredible sense of terror, then my vision would focus and zoom in on her while everything around her began to distort and pull in to her. I would wake up, only to find myself in the same exact scenario. After nearly two dozen cycles of waking up into the dream I finally managed to wake up for real, the problem was that I was completely unable to move any part of my body for about 8-10 seconds.

That's terrifying, I've only heard one other story like that. I once had a dream I was drowning and woke up holding my breathe.


Jan 2, 2012
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Boston, MA
I once had a dream that I couldn't get out of, I was standing in a hallway at my grandparent's house. There was a figure that appeared to be a black hole in the shape of a female, very distorted. I felt an incredible sense of terror, then my vision would focus and zoom in on her while everything around her began to distort and pull in to her. I would wake up, only to find myself in the same exact scenario. After nearly two dozen cycles of waking up into the dream I finally managed to wake up for real, the problem was that I was completely unable to move any part of my body for about 8-10 seconds.

Sounds like sleep paralysis. That's some freaky shit. Being aware of what that goes on in your brain while you sleep as well as being totally paralyzed. It's the same thing that keeps you from acting out every dream you have, but when it gets messed up like that it causes some really freaky hallucinations and generally terrifying stuff.


Oct 18, 2011
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Tübingen, Germany
I remember when I was 16 and my family lived in a house in a neighbourhood that was rather quiet at night. It was unlikely that you would wake up to the sound of a party in the house next door, and in South America, that's a privilege...I mean, being able to sleep without any sort of interruptions. Anyway, I recall this one night where I woke up at dawn wanting to take a leak. I got up off the bed and felt the need to take a look at the street below my window just for the sake of seeing it how empty it would be at that hour (it was around 2 AM). It was then when I saw that in the house crossing the streeet, a child was watering the plants in the garden. Now, I knew the maid who worked in that house had a small child, but he never slept in that house, nor would someone let a little boy water the plants, much less at that hour.

Although I was baffled by that vision (which I know wasn't a dream or just me imagining things), I did my thing and went back to sleep. The next day I asked the aforementioned maid whether her son was staying that week with her, to which she replied with a rotund "no".

I still have no idea what I saw or rather why I saw it.


I’m a grown ass man
Dec 12, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
i LOVE shit like this.

i have had tons of these experiences. everything from notes written in old pieces of paper coming out of the air conditioning ducts in a brand new house, to figures in a mirror behind me, tv turning off and on repeatedly by itself, to someones initials being written in the condensation of my bedroom window while home alone. on the INSIDE of the window.

but the best, i knew of an old graveyard near an old place i lived. im talking 1800s old graves. i used to walk there at night while bored (I'm not scared of anything usually).
coming back home i was climbing the small hill not far from it and when i got near the top i looked up to see a man in a black coat on a black horse. all black. no reflection in the eyes, nor the horses fur, or anything showed any light. like you had a grey peice of paper with a black sticker on it. with a flashlight pointed right at them.
i heard the horse neigh and i ran through the woods toward home. hearing the horse galloping behind me the entire time.

the next day i went to where i saw him and wondered further through the woods. in broad daylight, i saw him on the horse going through the trees. i went to where i saw him disappear and found the ruins of a horse stable with bones everywhere. and on my way home, i found the horse's tracks in the sand which ended right outside my bedroom window.

terrifying, but true.

once i turned 18 everything supernatural literally stopped entirely and nothing has happened since


Jan 21, 2011
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Alright, this is one motherfucking insane story that I'm about to drop on you motherfuckers. Better wear some diapers because you're about to shit bricks.

So we've got these family friends of ours who own a cabin in Sonora (Mountains in California, near Pinecrest Lake) in a neighborhood of cabins known as Mi-Wuk Village. AKA Indian burial grounds. The cabin is waaaay far back in the neighborhood and pretty isolated. It's a two story building on the side of a hill, in which the first floor is on top of the hill, but the second floor is below the first, sort of a 'basement' floor. The second floor is built into the side of the slope. So when you walk in to the cabin, you're on the highest floor and go down stairs to get to the guest rooms/game room (where I slept).

Now, we've gone to this Cabin a dozen times before. We've always had ONE consistent paranormal experience there that just spooked us out the first few times. At exactly 3 in the morning, we hear a rocking chair creaking out in the front patio, and you can only hear it from the master bedroom which is on the top(first) floor. At first this was scary, but my family and I just came to the conclusion that there are other entities/energies living their. I'm by no means religious (extremely atheist) but I do believe that there are other types of 'energies' that we cannot acknowledge, due to lacking the senses necessary to perceive them. So while I was a little spooked at first, it wasn't anything that really alarmed me.

The last two times that we've visited have been apeshit insane.

The first visit, my sister, her friend, and my cousins were watching a movie in the master bedroom (only TV in the cabin was in there) while my parents were out getting groceries for the weekend, as it was our first night there. I'm downstairs in the game room reading a book and listening to music when I hear a scream. I rush upstairs, thinking someone was hurt or in danger. When I get to the master bedroom, everyone is completely pale and in shock, staring at the sliding closet-mirror on the wall.

There was a set of baby handprints, about 4-5 of them, arranged in a fashion as if a baby was crawling on the mirror. They weren't there before, because we always clean when we arrive as the cabin is dusty, and I specifically remember wiping down the mirror with Windex. They weren't just bullshit smudges either. Full fucking handprints with dirt. Nobody in the house was small enough to make the handprints, and the owners don't have a small child either. The only people that visit this cabin are my family and the owners.

As I'm looking at the mirror, in the reflection I see the comforter on the bed press in as if someone was putting their hands on it. Turn around to see baby handprints indenting into the comforter/sheets, crawling up towards the head of the bed. Everyone in the room saw this happen (sister, her friend, and my 2 cousins.) At this point, they all go running out of the room, and I'm just sitting there trying to process what I just saw. Complete fucking shock. Parents came home, sister/friend/cousins frantically tried to tell my parents. They thought we were bullshitting them until they walked into the room and saw the handprints on the mirror.

Nothing else happened that weekend. The rocking-chair creak never occured either. Hasn't since, and it occurred every trip (12+ times) prior to that.

The most recent trip was beyond worse. I'm getting chills just preparing myself to type this out.

So I usually stay in the game room downstairs, as their is a futon and a cool stereo system for me to listen to music to as I sleep. The stairs leading down to the second floor where the game room is located go down about 5 steps, make a 90 degree turn to the right, and go down another 5 steps.

The game room is located at the bottom of the stairs, directly to the left. To the right is a long hallway, which contains 2 more guest rooms and a bathroom. The door to the game room has a glass window in which you can see down the whole hallway if you were to stand in the game room, even if you were outside on the balcony. The balcony is connected to the game room via sliding glass door, and has stairs leading up to the balcony/outside eating area on the first floor which is connected to the kitchen. The view from the balcony is just endless forest.

Alright, now that I've explained the setting, picture this: you're in the game room (which is huge) by yourself at around 2:30-3 AM. Everyone is asleep upstairs/in other rooms. The hallway light is on, giving you vision of the hallway via the glass window on the door, regardless of your position in the game room/lower balcony. The sliding glass door to the balcony isn't covered, so I can see the balcony leading out to pitch blackness (aka the fucking VOID) from my room.

Feeling unsettled? Okay, perfect.

So I'm reading House of Leaves (an extremely meta/horror novel) and listening to Circa Survive. Decide to go outside to smoke a cigarette on the balcony. As I was smoking, I was feeling a bit unsettled from the book and just trying to process what I read. Check my phone, still no service, noticed it was 2:59 AM (weird how we always mentally take note of certain things, isn't it?). I'm leaning over the edge of the balcony trying to relax when I get a strange feeling...

You know, that feeling. Like someone is watching you. Like an intense scare is about to occur in a film. That moment of anticipation as a predator strikes its prey. That feeling when something is just looking at you, but you have no idea from where, leaving you feeling vulnerable and paranoid. Yes, that feeling.

I turn around and look inside my room, only to see the door to the hallway wide open, lights off in both my room and hallway, and the bathroom door open at the end of the hall with the light on. Now, keep in mind, I had the hallway light on, and nobody was awake at this time. And even if someone was just using the restroom...why would they open my door, turn the lights in my room and in the hallway off, and then go to the bathroom and leave the door wide open?

Literally as I turn around, I acknowledge what is going on, and I take one step towards my room. The sliding glass door SLAMS shut. This wasn't a lightweight, well lubricated door either. It was heavy, and just griiiinded when you would try to open or close it. I'm a pretty strong dude too. I didn't think it was possible to see the door slam shut that fast. It slams, and I can see the little lever just lock, leaving me locked out of my room at 3 AM on a balcony in pitch black. Phone has no service so I couldn't call anyone to let me back in. I try to keep my cool, when I see the bathroom light turn off and the door to my room also slammed shut. I rush upstairs to the upper balcony only to see the TV on in the master room through one of the windows, playing white noise/fuzz REALLY loud. I knock on the windows and yell for someone to unlock one of the doors, and my dad comes outside asking me how the fuck I managed to lock myself out. I asked him if he heard all the door/sliding glass door slam and he said he heard nothing. The TV was also off when I went inside the house. Don't have the slightest fucking clue how, but I managed to convince myself to go back in the room, grab all my shit and sleep on the couch for the rest of the weekend.

I explained what happened to my parents the next morning during breakfast, and my mother said she had an extremely vivid nightmare involving something evil in the house trying to hurt me.

She said when she woke up from the nightmare, she looked at the clock and it was exactly 3:00 AM.
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Schecter A7 addict
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Rotterdam area, The Netherlands
I was wondering if any of you has experienced things that one might classify as "supernatural" or uncommon. I have had a rather boring life so there is only one weird event I can think of. A couple of relatives have told me about strange things they saw somewhere.

I think this thread could keep horror fans on this forum under control until the next good horror film is released:cool:.

It's guardian angels and weird destiny stuff I'm starting to believe in. Almost.
  1. My son survived a myocardial infarction at the age of 1 week. He survived the acute phase and we found out a few days after. He's almost a year now and perfectly healthy. The cardiologist says the chance of a heart attack for a neonate or baby is about 0.00000001% and the death rate in such a case is 90% during the acute phase.
  2. The doctor who sent my son to intensive care was a highschool classmate.
  3. When I was 16, I cut a corner where it was impossible to see oncoming traffic, everyday for about a year straight, at 60 km/h on my moped. One day I realized that could be deadly and you guessed it, the first time I did not cut that corner, there was an oncoming car.


The Master of Joints
Oct 28, 2012
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Vilnius, Lithuania
@baptizendinblood - that's easily a 'paranormal activity' worth script story. Maybe even better, less nonsense. :D

When I smoked some pot and drunk about 0.5l of whisky, I saw a bear under a car.
It was easily the scariest thing ever.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Manitowoc, WI
My old house used to be across the street from an abandoned, condemned church. To the left of it, is a two story brick house with a driveway between the two. In the backyard, there is a row of tall cedar trees on the property line. Well first off, the church is creepy. One of those places you don't look in the windows at night and you always get creeped out walking by it at night. Well one night, at about 3 or 4 in the morning, one of my twins got up, so I took her downstairs to sleep in the spare bedroom so she didn't wake the other one up. I put her to bed and turn the corner to go into the living room to sleep on the couch, and the entire place was lit up. There was an orb between the chuch and the house, about 10 feet up in the air. It was so bright that it lit everything up like a lighthouse. Totally creeped out, I did the only rational thing one could do, which was lay on the couch and snap a picture on my phone. I have no idea why I didn't wake my wife up. It still creeps my out thinking about it. It wasn't a car or motorcycle in the driveway as that was not their schedule, not to mention the light was too bright and white to be that, and it also wasn't anything in the yards behind it because of the cedar trees blocking the yards.

Below is the picture I took of it. On the left, you can kind of make out the outline of the house. On the right, the black outline is the church.
