Weird shit that has happened to you?


Very Regular
Apr 30, 2013
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I lost my watch for like a few months. Couldn't find it anywhere. It was my favorite watch, moderately expensive, and it was a gift so I was pretty sad about it. Then suddenly, the watch appears in my car trunk. Just lying there, right in the middle.

The thing is, I look in my car trunk all the time. Groceries, guitars/amps, there was a week where I opened it every time before I drove to re-top-off the coolant with a jug I kept back there. Never saw the watch.

Then the other day, I go to open the trunk to put in groceries, like I do at least once a week, and there it is right in the middle.

I suspect that someone stole it from me, felt guilty, stalked me for 3 months and then snuck it into my trunk to finally rid themselves of the guilt.

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
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Chicago, IL
To get away from supernatural terror,

Not but 10 minutes ago or so I was driving home, and (almost too late) saw an overweight man standing in the middle of the highway (In my lane) in full battle stance with a katana glaring at me, mouth gaping. I swerved off to miss him, and immediately thought I was just seeing .... until I saw other cars swerving, and had a guy pull up next to me like "HOLY .... DID YOU SEE THAT" :lol:

Love me some Austin nightlife

Perhaps you encountered Chris Farley's ghost from Beverly Hills Ninja? That movie will haunt anyone (but I liked it).


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
My story started a couple years back, when I was like 19-20. I attended a University far from my home and I lived with my aunt, in the north of my country. The house is pretty big, and because it was just my aunt and me it gets pretty dark at night. That day my mom had come to visit us and and at 2 am or so she was downstairs talking with my aunt and I was in my room watching tv. My room had two windows, one that was directed to the street and another that looked directly into a firewall of the neighbours house. It is at that same window that the tv was and i was watching right in front of it. Suddenly, two small lights began dancing just outside the window, and I payed no attention to them because I thought them to be car lights. Only when those 2 split into 3 and began changing colors like leds i began to worry. Then a loud buzzing sound started, which made me feel dizzy and sleepy. It reached a point that somehow made me fell asleep right there sitting and woke up the next morning covered in sweat, wearing the same clothes. Funny thing is, my mom and aunt faced the same lights down in the living room which they found odd and told me their experience the next day.

Funny part comes now, ever since that experience, at least once a year I dream of little gray aliens, with big heads and black eyes staring at me, standing beside my bed. I always wake up at that moment only to find the room the exact same I dreamt of, without aliens of course. Last time that happened was a couple months back, as im living again at my parents home, but this time, I saw them opening the front door to the house (my bed is very close to it, since I have no room of my own). I dont know why but this time I felt so much fear that I woke up covered in sweat, wanting to scream as loud as I could but just couldnt do it, and unable to move too much. I mean, it wasnt sleep paralysis, since I could move, but was so afraid to do it I felt frozen and my voice did not respond me. I sat there in my bed for half an hour when I could finally stand up and call anyone. Nothing like that had ever happened to me and has not happened again.

Another experience: At that very same house my aunt owns, my uncle commited suicide by hanging himself, and ever onward the house had that strange energy to it. I would always see "shadow people" at every corner, looking at me, dissapearing when I got any close.

At my parents home, as a kid, a 7-8 feet shadow would stand a little away from me, very menacing. It always tried to get closer to me, but when that happened another shadow would get in the way, strangely the shadow of a cat. Ive always had lots of cats so I know when one is around. Whenever I saw this black thing at night, the kitty would sleep on top of my stomach as if guarding me. I actually felt its weight and if looked at my stomach a circle was always there in the spot of the invisible cat. Made my belly feel warm actually. I dont see that big shadow anymore and the kitty stopped visiting me sadly.


Musical Adam West
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
Another experience: At that very same house my aunt owns, my uncle commited suicide by hanging himself, and ever onward the house had that strange energy to it. I would always see "shadow people" at every corner, looking at me, dissapearing when I got any close.

At my parents home, as a kid, a 7-8 feet shadow would stand a little away from me, very menacing. It always tried to get closer to me, but when that happened another shadow would get in the way, strangely the shadow of a cat. Ive always had lots of cats so I know when one is around. Whenever I saw this black thing at night, the kitty would sleep on top of my stomach as if guarding me. I actually felt its weight and if looked at my stomach a circle was always there in the spot of the invisible cat. Made my belly feel warm actually. I dont see that big shadow anymore and the kitty stopped visiting me sadly.

This sounds absolutely terrifying...:eek:


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
This sounds absolutely terrifying...:eek:

As a kid it surely was. I live in an apartment, a small one, and this thing would stand in the front door and would not let me pass to go to the bathroom. I had to wait until the kitty appeared or try to avoid it if I wanted to go.


Musical Adam West
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
As a kid it surely was. I live in an apartment, a small one, and this thing would stand in the front door and would not let me pass to go to the bathroom. I had to wait until the kitty appeared or try to avoid it if I wanted to go.

Did the shadows follow you when you moved?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
Did the shadows follow you when you moved?

Yup, though the big one I knew it moved to "face me", the kitty mostly walked at my side, always between that thing and me. That stopped when I moved into another city to go to college. When I got back it never happened again.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Yup, though the big one I knew it moved to "face me", the kitty mostly walked at my side, always between that thing and me. That stopped when I moved into another city to go to college. When I got back it never happened again.

Let me guess. It all magically stopped when you stopped the prensado. :rolleyes: :lol:


Very Regular
Apr 30, 2013
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So yesterday I went to pay the rent after work. The apartment management office is open till 7... but yesterday when I showed up at 6:00 was closed.

I even left a personal check in the drop box. Scary stuff.


Sycamore Trees
Oct 20, 2010
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Tucson, AZ
In college there was a large pond by one of the dorms that my friends and I lived in. The dorm was positioned at the northwest end of this pond that was roughly rectangular and there was a walking path along the south side of the pond leading from the dorm. Coming back from class one day (southeast corner of the pond), my roommate and I were walking west along the south side of the path headed back to our dorm and passed our acquaintance Kenny, who was headed the other way (away from the dorm). Once we got back and we're headed up the stairs to our room, coming down the flight of stairs towards us was Kenny. He said hi again as if we didn't just see him. With the orientation of the pond the only way he could've beaten us back to the dorm was if he dove in and cut across the water to get back to the dorm before us, climbed up all the stairs, then started back down them as a new dry man. Doppelgängers bro.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Boulder, CO
I have an odd story that happened when I walked home.

This happened 14 years ago in 2002 back when I was high school. I live in Boulder, Colorado which is a college town. Boulder is pretty close to the mountains. We are a small city surrounded by creeks, trees, and wildlife. And we have a few bike paths in the city.

So I left my best friends apartment around dusk, and started walking home from his place. The walk pretty much was through a few neighborhoods and then a bike path, overpass bridge and then the bike path again through my neighborhood. As I walked I was on a concrete path near by peoples's houses and barking dogs, Pine Trees everywhere.

This walk was pretty much routine for me, I liked walking home cause I would listen to my diskman and jam out to Fear Factory. The walk home would take 30 minutes and I was used to it. I felt safe walking cause I was born and raised and grew up in town. Anyways I walked from my friends place at dusk, and I didn't have my Diskman. It was getting dark pretty quickly and as I got closer to my neighborhood. I had the strange feeling something was watching or following me. I stopped turned around nothing was there. I did this at least twice, nothing was behind me. The uneasy feeling stayed with me even when I got to my place.

When I finally got home I grabbed my key and started to open my door. When I heard a voice whisper in my right ear "HEY!" I freaked the .... out. Ran into my apartment, called my best friend and asked him what to do.

My family is Native American we are Lakota from the Pine Ridge reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. So we have a strong belief in spirits, the spirit world, the supernatural etc. In our culture spirits are nothing to be afraid of, but I was home alone and 16 at the time. My best friend a Navajo guy, told me to smudge all corners of my apartment with sage. So i did that and went to sleep feeling safe.

Usually my apartment had my family there at all times, yet I was alone for three days at that time. I would just wake up feed myself and go to school. I was wondering where my family was. It turned out my mom was away on a business trip. My dad and step mom were trapped in another town because their car broke down they were getting it fixed. And my older brother was in jail cause he got caught taking a piss in an alley by the cops. I was used to having my mom and older brother around. Or having my dad stop by and hangout for awhile. Nothing else weird happened though, the next two days. I would wake up go to school and come back eat, watch tv and go to bed and go to school. I have another story in college which was kinda scary I will post too.
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey
Didn't know this thread existed, otherwise I would've posted my dream here. It's a thread or two down, but I've remembered another one I had recurring when I was a kid. I can't really say that I've had much supernatural occur in my life, but I have had some vivid and wild dreams. When I was a kid, I think around 3-4, I started having this dream that recurred until I was like 13-14. It would start with my family in a car driving through this road that cut through a dense forest with barren trees, not a leaf to be found anywhere. I would either be in the back in my mom's lap or strapped in by a seat belt. After a while of driving through the forest, the road would thin, and I would start to feel this horrible sense of dread. The road became this small bridge over a river, and I started to panic. Something in my head would tell me "Don't look into the water," but my gaze was always fixated out the window and into that swampy mess, and I was never able to turn my head or close my eyes. Sometimes, I would see something peeking up at me from the edge of the murky water, and a few times I actually saw what it was. It was a man's body, terribly mangled and desiccated, with his limbs twisting in unnatural positions. He would always be looking straight at me with those bloodless, glassy eyes, and I could feel his gaze even long after the car passed that river. He wasn't always a corpse though. Sometimes, he would take the form of this strange totem that reminded me of a bird and a lion, but it would always have those eyes. I would see it sometimes in other dreams as well. I remember my mom telling me once about how I would shut my eyes whenever we went over bridges when I was a kid, and how I would tell her about a "bird statue."


Musical Adam West
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
Didn't know this thread existed, otherwise I would've posted my dream here. It's a thread or two down, but I've remembered another one I had recurring when I was a kid. I can't really say that I've had much supernatural occur in my life, but I have had some vivid and wild dreams. When I was a kid, I think around 3-4, I started having this dream that recurred until I was like 13-14. It would start with my family in a car driving through this road that cut through a dense forest with barren trees, not a leaf to be found anywhere. I would either be in the back in my mom's lap or strapped in by a seat belt. After a while of driving through the forest, the road would thin, and I would start to feel this horrible sense of dread. The road became this small bridge over a river, and I started to panic. Something in my head would tell me "Don't look into the water," but my gaze was always fixated out the window and into that swampy mess, and I was never able to turn my head or close my eyes. Sometimes, I would see something peeking up at me from the edge of the murky water, and a few times I actually saw what it was. It was a man's body, terribly mangled and desiccated, with his limbs twisting in unnatural positions. He would always be looking straight at me with those bloodless, glassy eyes, and I could feel his gaze even long after the car passed that river. He wasn't always a corpse though. Sometimes, he would take the form of this strange totem that reminded me of a bird and a lion, but it would always have those eyes. I would see it sometimes in other dreams as well. I remember my mom telling me once about how I would shut my eyes whenever we went over bridges when I was a kid, and how I would tell her about a "bird statue."

Holy ..... I can picture that, and it's terrifying :ugh:


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
...did someone witness a murder when they were a toddler? :lol: Those are some creepy details otherwise for a 3 year old to be dreaming about.
Feb 6, 2016
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New Jersey
...did someone witness a murder when they were a toddler? :lol: Those are some creepy details otherwise for a 3 year old to be dreaming about.

No damn idea dude. lol. I remember it vividly though. I was really creeped out by those nightmares when I was little.