Weird shit that has happened to you?

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Jun 26, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
Got home after work yesterday to find that someone was parked in my space (in my complex, all the covered parking is assigned to residents while the uncovered parking is for guests). I'm usually quite forgiving with my space, especially if it's really not much of an inconvenience to me. But this was the 3rd time in 3 weeks that someone was in my spot when I came home and I decided I'd had enough.

I went to the front office, got my "tow card" that authorizes the tow truck to remove someone from my spot. I made the call and waited about an hour before the truck showed up. They take some pictures and verify both my tow card and ID, then as I'm walking into my apartment I see a guy (presumably the owner of this car) coming out from another building yelling "HEY!" at the tow drivers.

A few minutes later I get a call from the front office telling me "Actually, the space you tried to have someone towed from is not your parking space. Your space is the one next to it." :flame::eek::squint: I'm not sure how that's possible since that's the space I was told is mine, I've been parking in that spot since last August, and I've never once had someone try to tow me or leave a note on my car to let me know I'm in their spot. :scream::realmad:

There's regularly been someone else parked in what's officially "my" spot, so I'm not sure what exactly has been going on. :noplease:

TL;DR- I tried to have someone towed from my assigned parking space, but I've been parking in the wrong spot for 8 months.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
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SouthWest Louisiana
One time my brother was taking forever in our restroom. So, I thought it would be funny to take a dump in my parents bedroom trash bin. Funny little prank for when they got home.
Parents didn't come home for several hours. The fumes stuck to everything over that time. The house smelled like .... all night. It was hilarious.
Feb 6, 2016
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New Jersey
One time my brother was taking forever in our restroom. So, I thought it would be funny to take a dump in my parents bedroom trash bin. Funny little prank for when they got home.
Parents didn't come home for several hours. The fumes stuck to everything over that time. The house smelled like .... all night. It was hilarious.

What the .... did I just read?



Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Paragould, AR
When I was 8, I woke up on Christmas Eve around midnight. The TV was on in the living room and I could see the VCR clock. The way the house was positioned, the living room was next to the den which is where my brother and I slept on couches. I slept on one next to the living room doorway, my brother slept on one across the room. Anyways, the VCR clock read 12:00 a.m. I blinked one time and it switched to 6:25 a.m. To this day, I've not been able to explain it.


Jun 26, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
When I was 8, I woke up on Christmas Eve around midnight. The TV was on in the living room and I could see the VCR clock. The way the house was positioned, the living room was next to the den which is where my brother and I slept on couches. I slept on one next to the living room doorway, my brother slept on one across the room. Anyways, the VCR clock read 12:00 a.m. I blinked one time and it switched to 6:25 a.m. To this day, I've not been able to explain it.

Your VCR was actually a time machine. Duh!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
When I was 8, I woke up on Christmas Eve around midnight. The TV was on in the living room and I could see the VCR clock. The way the house was positioned, the living room was next to the den which is where my brother and I slept on couches. I slept on one next to the living room doorway, my brother slept on one across the room. Anyways, the VCR clock read 12:00 a.m. I blinked one time and it switched to 6:25 a.m. To this day, I've not been able to explain it.

That has happened to me before. I get into bed at night, blink and its 8 am already. I stand up and feel like Ive not slept at all. Never been able to explain how that happens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Don't have time right now for reading all of your interesting happenings.. just thinking..
some don't know how to write lyrics or invent the story for those.
I see plenty of material for plots, lyrics in just this thread.. :agreed:

BTW, when I meditate on geopolitics, I often gets visited by those damn snake-like Illuminati daemons. No biggie, they try to drag me in, but I know better. Piss off I say, and they fizz off with a mixed look of disappointment and a sleezy twisted smile..


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2013
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Recent neurology tests revealed what the doctor referred to as "abnormal brain waves." Did a three-day test to try and see if there were any more and they never turned back up again.

Doctor has no idea what it was, which means its up to my friends and I to fill in the blanks with our own imagination.

Theories we've come up with so far:
I myself am abnormal so it just happens every so often
I'm becoming Tetsuo
I happened to detect a spike of spiritual energy in the room
My as yet unawakened powers of foresight predicted the terrible luck I was about to have over the next three weeks... cause, boy I've had some.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2008
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That has happened to me before. I get into bed at night, blink and its 8 am already. I stand up and feel like Ive not slept at all. Never been able to explain how that happens.

you're smoking waaaay too much prensado :lol::wavey:


Feb 5, 2011
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A few years ago there was a bit of a bad weather. I live in the forest in an old house that has a cast iron stove built into one corner of the kitchen. Beside the old stove we have a new modern one. So I was making some pasta on the modern stove and sat on the cast iron stove. Suddenly something smacks into my ass! I jump off the stove propelled by reflexes, and outside I hear the rumble after a lightning strike. I had to pull down my pants in the mirror and look: there was a small red bruise on the right asscheek. It felt like someone smacking me with a flyswatter. So indirect lightningstrike to the ass. One of the wierder things I had happen to me.

Oh! I also got to think about another bad weather related thing that happened in this house. When the sky darken you really have to hurry up and pull out your electrical devices, we've gone through several phones, and one time before we had any warning, lightning struck and killed our router, my pc's power supply and my brothers computer stopped working.
Anyways, bad weather was on the horizon and i hurry to pull out all the electrical sockets in the house. When im almost done i feel a sharp pain on my left foot. A bloody hornet sat there with its stinger right into the thin skin of the joint. It hurt like hell. No windows were open, and i had been crawling around on the floor in several rooms and somehow that bastard got me. My foot swelled up for 4 days and I could barely walk.


Jan 1, 2011
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Vancouver Island
I was driving home from work one night, left work at 11:30 pm. At one point on the drive home, there's a farm on the right side of the road about 2 minutes from my place. Usually, they have a vehicle parked at the end of their driveway with a for sale sign in the window. This time though, there was no vehicle parked there, but there was a woman jogging along the side of the road.

This is in a fairly rural area, cougars and bears being sighted frequently, so the odds that someone would be even out walking that late are slim.

Anyway, I see this girl from a long way back, she's not bundled up to any degree, just wearing your standard 'going to the gym' type of stuff. It seemed weird, so I slowed down in case she needed help. Right before I got to where she was, she glanced back over her shoulder and disappeared. Simply vanished. At this point, I had slowed down to maybe 30 km/h, and I was maybe 2 car lengths away. I slammed on the brakes, thinking she must've tripped into the ditch or something. Nothing. I got out to check and there was nothing.

No idea what happened. I was fully awake, got out of the car, walked around, heard the normal night sounds you'd expect. Someone suggested that perhaps I'd dozed off as I was driving, but that makes no sense. I'm never reallly sleepy until like 1-2 am. 10-midnight is my peak hours, so I dunno how to explain it.


I'm serious
Aug 2, 2016
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Parimaribo, Suriname
I don't really tell anyone this, but this is some scary stuff. So basically there was house that I lived with my parents for about 8 years, it was rented. My parents had a car crash every year and they kept suffering money losses each year. One day my both atheistic parents went to a Hindu lady that could literally tell the future, they spoke about it always in secrecy and I barely overheard the story. Basically the lady said that we would lose a loved one and have a car crash that year, so be it my father crashed and sadly my grandmother died later that year. The woman told use the only way to stop our misfortune was to move out because there was a vengeful spirit in the house. Basically out landlord didn't do any religious work for his father and his father wanted revenge. Holy .... that story had me scared as hell for years, but life went swimmingly since, keep in mind I'm an atheist.

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Well idk how weird but:

I was about 17 when this happened. Came home from partying with a buddy of mine... headed upstairs and crashed out. Awoke a few hours later to a bunch of commotion coming from the bathroom. I had to piss anyway so I got up. Oh great... Mom's obviously drunk again... sigh... how embarrassing. "Mom... I gotta piss! Hurry up!". I hear nothing but moaning. More time passes and now I'm convinced that she's passed out in there. I tell her that I'm coming in... still no response. So I open the door and am overcome with the heavy smell of blood... wtf? The light is off so I hit the switch and damned if there isn't blood everywhere... all over the walls and the floor and my mom. She's wedged between the toilet and the shower in her nightgown... obviously bleeding out. My heart is now racing. I yell for my friend to call 911. He gets up and starts vomiting all over after seeing what's going on. At this point I'm on the floor with her and kinda freaking out. She keeps fumbling with something around her eyes... like trying to brush something aside. Ah... Now I see... It's a huge portion of her scalp...essentially her whole forehead... just dangling over her eyes as she's seemingly going into shock. I screamed at my buddy to get it together and bring me the phone since he still hadn't called 911. I call my Dad who lives just up the road and he gets there in only a couple minutes. He takes her to the hospital and I'm left trembling and reeling from the ordeal. I remember the sun coming up as I was still cleaning up blood and puke and glass from what seemed like everywhere. Turns out that she was very drunk and fell through a [floor to ceiling] plate-glass window... severing a major vein ( artery? dunno) along with slicing her scalp from one side of her head to the other. It took a lot of sutures to put her skin back on iirc.. maybe some reconstructive surgery too but I'm not certain. Someone at the ER had told my dad that she would have died without immediate intervention so I'm glad I woke up when I did. Unfortunately, that wasn't the only time that I wound up saving her life but I guess that's all for now.