What do you enjoy about shows?

  • Thread starter DoomJazz
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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Sydney, AUS
I love playing wild shows at intimate, packed out venues when the people are there because they genuinely love the music and want to make the most of the night. People getting in my face, swimming over the top of each other. That shit rules. I hate playing venues over 2000 cap and I hate watching bands at venues over 2000 cap. I like intimate rooms, energy and tight acoustics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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For audience:

I'm skinny enough that I'm able to sneak to the very front at almost every show without pushing anyone around, and that's where I most enjoy the shows

In the heavier shows it's so much fun in the front headbanging, bangin on stage etc, and getting an up close and personal view of some of the more impressive guitar playing
And in the smaller venues doing it with the band members doing the same only a few feet away from you. Especially when the most intense of heavy of riffs drops.
And during the bigger shows almost 'fighting for your life' when the crowd purges forward.

I very much dislike all the dicks in the audience. Midst all the chaos in the crowd, I like the think that there's a certain 'metal etiquette,' like everyone helps some guy in the mosh pit up after they fall. I've even had a sweatshirt returned to me that I forgot on the stage guard.
And that's why it irritates me when people are total dicks.
ie. Went to see DTP/Gojira last week, and some guy was so desperate to get to the front of the crowd that he grabs people and peels them out of his way so he can move up. That's the kind of shit I don't like.
I also can't stand when people have their girlfriends or lady friends with them and do that thing where they have an arm on each side and 'shield' them.


Apr 5, 2009
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playing.. seeing an audience understand what we are doing and love it like its their own.. energy!

watching.. seeing an audience understand what the band is doing and love it like its their own.. energy!

pretty cliche, but its the truth


Dec 26, 2011
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Los Angeles, CA
At small shows, I enjoy people doing what they love in an intimate setting like a small club/bar. At big shows, I like it when the sound guy doesn't suck. It's bullshit when the band is up there doing their thing and the sound guy is making them sound like a blurred messy wall of sound.


st. anger ain't bad!
Sep 14, 2011
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Gouda, Netherlands
as a musician: going crazy while playing my own music

as a watcher: bands going crazy while playing their own music.

Don't underestimate a good stage performance, i can't stand bands standing still all the time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
I like it when the bands are not responsible for sound when someone else is promoting (don't ask us to play YOUR show, then tell us WE need to bring a full PA for EVERYONE to use), I like it when the bar/venue/promoter allows bands to backline/load in at the very beginning of the night (space permitting), I like it when the sound equipment provided works and comes with everything (14 microphones and no cables? c'mon!), and I like it when who-ever is setting up the show is honest about promotion..if you're not gonna do anything, tell us so we can get it out there. We have so often had bands/promoters who are like "Don't worry about advertising, we got radio spots, flyers, FB, etc. covered" then you find out they printed like 50 quarter sheet flyers and left them at the bar we're playing at and nowhere else. If the show is well run, thats the best as a performer, then all I have to worry about is getting MY rig set-up and rocking the fuck out. As a fan, I like it when the PA sounds good, I like it when the band start on time, I like when it doesn't take 40+ minutes between bands (drummers who don't even set up thier cymbal stands before they get on stage piss me right the fuck off! You're up next, get fucking ready!), I like it when someone actually EQs the vocals, and I like it when the cover is reasonable. Anything over $5 for unsigned locals is too much unless its like an all-day deal and theres a dozen bands.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I still don't understand the hate for hardcore dancing/moshing. It's energetic music. Don't you ever listen to a song that's so heavy you just want to beat the shit out of someone instead of just standing there? And from the stage, seeing that your music causes people to move like that is pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
I still don't understand the hate for hardcore dancing/moshing. It's energetic music. Don't you ever listen to a song that's so heavy you just want to beat the shit out of someone instead of just standing there? And from the stage, seeing that your music causes people to move like that is pretty cool.

yeah, music makes me feel like beating the shit out someone sometimes, but I don't go to shows to get in fights, and if you're out there "karate dancing" at every breakdown, you're probably gonna bust someone in the lip, or the eye, or you're gonna accidently punch someones GF and then you are in a fight. I have no sympathy when I see some douche windmilling off the crowd thats is trying to WATCH a band and finally one guy steps out and fucking levels him. Actually, that probably makes my night when I see that; some ignorant fuck who thinks its fun to spin kick without knowing his surroundings gets laid the fuck out in the middle of the floor. Saw it at a show a couple of weeks ago from the stage and I was pretty happy about it. If you're at some teeny-bopper HxC show and all the 90lb waifs in girl pants are karate dancing, whatever.....don't do it in a 120 capacity bar where ADULTS go to have a good time.