What is music worth?

  • Thread starter RGD MIKE
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Talk To DeWalt
Jul 27, 2008
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sinsi ohio
being a parent. i knew your reply to "what are your friends doing" before you even said anything ;)

I DONT KNOW lolol, i love that one :)

my reply would have been more like.

well tommy is dead
joe traded his cell phone for crack so i dont know what he is doing.
bobby is all jacked up on bath salts
katie called me earlier but she was huffing paint and digging in a garbage can so i told her to call me back.
george and i might chill later. he said walgreens is closing early tonight, so theres a good possibility we can hold them up and get all the good stuff, be home and wasted before dark :)

oh yeah and careful when you do laundry. im missing a syrenge and my smack. i think im hiv and hep b postivie, so i wouldnt want you digging in my pockets and getting poked . love ya :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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If you just can't see eye to eye with your rents man try considering out growing them, become the bigger person, move out and support yourself if you can. It wont only show your parents that their over the top judgements are wrong but also I would've thought they would find it hard not to be impressed/happy for you. That sort of thing could really change the way your parents see you aswell as improve your relasionship with them in the long run

Either way man if you feel quite so strongly about the matter its not going to do you any good just putting up with it as it will get to the point where you feel like your just banging your head against a wall and getting nowhere.

I hope things get better man


Feb 22, 2011
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Akron, Ohio
Ouch...Carrie Fisher's mad...:lol:

That was painful to watch. Usually that kind of a reaction comes from either jealousy, or it's just an over exaggerated feeling coming from a good place. It's probably the latter, but that doesn't make it right. I think she may just be coming from a place of wanting what's best for you. However, it is a firm belief of mine that respect is earned, not given out easily. (even to parents)

If what you say about your schoolwork and demeanor at home (you said you were respectful) is true, that was a completely unwarranted reaction from her, and I think you should show that to her. Show her how she sounded, and tell her how what she said made you feel, and talk seriously about your love of music.

I experienced a similar situation where someone i respected very much said basically the same thing, and it made me re-evaluate my views of music. It initially made me feel hopeless, but then it strengthened my love and respect for music.

Or maybe you could stop playing music, quit school, become addicted to drugs, become homeless...and when she asks you why all that happened, show her that video and say thanks...:lol: (just kidding...obviously)

...Best of luck to you man. and keep on keeping on :hbang:


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
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If what you say about your schoolwork and demeanor at home (you said you were respectful) is true, that was a completely unwarranted reaction from her, and I think you should show that to her. Show her how she sounded, and tell her how what she said made you feel, and talk seriously about your love of music.
This is good advice, alot of people often overlook how issues can be resolved by simply talking them through properly.:hbang:


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2004
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Ok, here are some quick thoughts. I'm not busting on your mom, i dont know either of you personally, however, that video was moving enough to inspire some insight.

background- i'm almost 40, have an 11yr old son, and went to Penn State for Electrical Engineering. I know where you're coming from, and I can see things from both sides.

Being a guitar player, EE is a geat way to understand the fundamental physics involved in guitar amp circuit analysis, and room acoustics. Nothing you learn will go to waste. Stay the course.

The video-Wow, I have to say, I was surprised at the lack of parental support. If you were just watching tv all day everyday, i could see her point, and would agree. But, you are being creative and stimulating your brain in ways that going to the mall or a skating rink with a bunch of jackhole underachievers will never experience.

Fighting back will not work imho. If you are close to moving out and going to college, just let menopause take its course and continue to be respectful, you wont regret that. Write a nice song for her, you never know, you may feel the winds of change upon you if she can understand your talent in her own language.

I also think, if she saw that video, she wouldn't like how she sounded....i'm not saying show her...i'm just sayin

Above all, dont stop playing and writing....there is nothing more valuable than having a healthy, creative outlet you can always escape to...really.

She apparently likes country western, so learn some Brad Paisley licks and freak her out :)

good luck man, i wish you the best!



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Do you spend time with your mom?
Maybe she just thinks you spend too much time with your guitar and neglected her a bit..
That was heartbreaking to watch..alll the best


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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British Columbia
you have the patience of a god.

my response would have come with an "... are you FUCKED!?.." and so on. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Toronto, ON
I'm the wrong person to give any advice (my mom supported me wherever she could - the only price I had to pay was escort her to an Alice Cooper concert in the early 90s as she didn't want to go alone - in return I got to see Al Pitrelli (and the 24-7spyz lol)) but kudos for posting this, I think it's great that you don't just hide away but want to discuss this openly (which also speaks for the community here, btw.).
I just always find it extremely disappointing to see that generation for generation turns the same way once they grow old(er) - from what you are saying you are contributing far more than a lot of kids do these days. I hope things will turn out well for you buddy.

(and why did she say "stupid guitar" - were you playing the PRS? *chuckle*)

The Munk

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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SF Bay area
Day after day...
hour after hour...
night after night...

As I heard this, some lyrics came mind.....

"Slowly I turned....
Step by step....
Inch by inch...."

But, before choking the crap out of her or setting her sleeping ass ablaze, you need to hash it out with her. Make your feelings known, because she obviously has no clue about why you pursue it.

Music, like emotion, is priceless.


Feb 16, 2009
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No one else seems to want to say it, and sorry if I offend you, but:

Your mom is a total cunt.

Having dealt with this type of stuff from my stepdad for years and years over any little thing that he could find, including shit that didn't make sense, and threatening me over shit that I wasn't even doing, I can tell you with certainty that your only options to get anything from someone like that are to either
A. Be perfect in every way.
B. Get away from the fucker.

Once again, sorry if this offends, but after having to put up with the same sort of shit for years and years, I have no tolerance for it.


The Dirt Guy
Oct 7, 2010
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Anywhere but here.
While her approach to talking to you is very poor, I agree with the sentiment from it. Music is not a way to make a living, if you want stability, or not being plain old broke. Sure she doesn't communicate that well, but from my perspective I think that is her concern. If she isn't exaggerating how much you actually play, I can only echo, there are a lot more important things out there than guitar.

That aside practicing can be quite annoying for non musicians, I had a fair bit of resistance to it in my teens, even though my plan was to go into engineering. I spent all my time practicing, I was anti-social to extremes, it isn't exactly healthy.

I put in an hour or 2 of practice most days, sometimes none if I am too busy, time with the wife however comes first. I am a proficient player on many levels, particularly when I am playing my bass. However we all need to grow up and realize we will need a real job, and guitar is not very likely to provide it. Entertainment things like music are nice hobbies, but I don't think we should be paying people to do it for a living. I don't think the arts are there are all as a basis for making a living, because the monetary exchange helps to destroy the value of them.

Edit: Just want to add, yes I realize you plan to head off to school later, but don't make a lot of the mistakes I did. High school was a joke, but I came out of it a terrible student overall as I spent all my time playing instruments and such. That bit me very hard in university.


with a Tuna sandwich
Dec 20, 2008
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Brookline, MA
While her approach to talking to you is very poor, I agree with the sentiment from it. Music is not a way to make a living, if you want stability, or not being plain old broke. Sure she doesn't communicate that well, but from my perspective I think that is her concern. If she isn't exaggerating how much you actually play, I can only echo, there are a lot more important things out there than guitar.

That aside practicing can be quite annoying for non musicians, I had a fair bit of resistance to it in my teens, even though my plan was to go into engineering. I spent all my time practicing, I was anti-social to extremes, it isn't exactly healthy.

I put in an hour or 2 of practice most days, sometimes none if I am too busy, time with the wife however comes first. I am a proficient player on many levels, particularly when I am playing my bass. However we all need to grow up and realize we will need a real job, and guitar is not very likely to provide it. Entertainment things like music are nice hobbies, but I don't think we should be paying people to do it for a living. I don't think the arts are there are all as a basis for making a living, because the monetary exchange helps to destroy the value of them.

I agree :yesway:


Ukulele Shredder
Sep 24, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
While her approach to talking to you is very poor, I agree with the sentiment from it. Music is not a way to make a living, if you want stability, or not being plain old broke. Sure she doesn't communicate that well, but from my perspective I think that is her concern. If she isn't exaggerating how much you actually play, I can only echo, there are a lot more important things out there than guitar.

That aside practicing can be quite annoying for non musicians, I had a fair bit of resistance to it in my teens, even though my plan was to go into engineering. I spent all my time practicing, I was anti-social to extremes, it isn't exactly healthy.

I put in an hour or 2 of practice most days, sometimes none if I am too busy, time with the wife however comes first. I am a proficient player on many levels, particularly when I am playing my bass. However we all need to grow up and realize we will need a real job, and guitar is not very likely to provide it. Entertainment things like music are nice hobbies, but I don't think we should be paying people to do it for a living. I don't think the arts are there are all as a basis for making a living, because the monetary exchange helps to destroy the value of them.

Edit: Just want to add, yes I realize you plan to head off to school later, but don't make a lot of the mistakes I did. High school was a joke, but I came out of it a terrible student overall as I spent all my time playing instruments and such. That bit me very hard in university.

He clearly has a good work ethic and is getting good marks in a difficult course though. I'm halfway through my second year of a Mechatronics Engineering double degree, averaging distinctions and I still spend most of my day on the computer or playing guitar (ie not studying as hard as I should).

Ultimately I'd love to make all my money from music, but knowing how hard that is to do, I decided I needed to go to uni.

There is more than enough time in the day to play a serious amount of guitar, and work/study enough to make a decent living. Anyway we all know, money doesn't buy happiness (although it does buy gear, which is basically the same thing :lol:)


He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
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Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
I understand that she shouldn't have judged the OP for the two days after returning from Michigan. Is it possible that there is a much longer period of staying cooped up in that room which is being glossed over?

Obviously I don't know the OP, but there were a few accusations in that vid, the verity of which I'm curious about.

Does the OP stay in more often than not?

Does the OP average more than two hours on the computer daily?

Is the OP employed in any way? If so, how many hours a week?

I agree with those who surmise that these topics are probably not new... but if these frustrations have been building for a long time, then how long has the OP been repeating the same actions, enclosed in a dark room, with only photons on a screen to represent friends/"subscribers"?

Were any of her points real? Or did she just make them all up? Given the video you posted, it does appear that you're not in the brightest of rooms there, so if she's spot on with that accusation, I'm inclined to think there is definitely truth in some of the rest.


Nov 18, 2010
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St. Joseph, MO
Wow. It's the summer. WHAT ELSE are you going to do?! Sit around with your fingers in your ass? That was INCREDIBLY rude. You sounded like you really got hurt. Shit!! SHE MADE ME FEEL LIKE I WAS A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT, TOO!

This part especially pissed me off.

Bitch said:
If I turned on country western music and blasted it in your room everyday - every single day, and I just sat here, you would think that I was just... worthless.

  • You don't blast country western music. Ever.
  • Country western music isn't music.
  • (Please read the aforementioned points again for reference.)
  • Sitting around listening to bullshit music is one thing, but sitting around making music is totally different. Making music is creation. Creation - the thing that separates us from other lifeforms - the greatest gift that God ever gave to us - the realizing of dreams, FFS!
  • "Where are your stupid friends?" She's really being a twat right there.
  • "Playing with their-their.. GAME things?!" LOLOLOLOLOLOL - LEARN WHAT THE FUCK IT'S CALLED.
  • "The mentality of your generation just... it just boggles my mind." Obviously. Does she have any idea how much technology has changed the world in the last 25 years? The last 10 years? The last 5? There's really been an exponential advancement. The change between her parents and herself is much different from the change between you and your parents. I would assume. (Don't quote me on this.. lol)

I cannot believe that a mother would stand there and mindfuck their own son. Yeah, maybe she has a point; you need to be open to that possibility -- I've had that happen to me and video games -- but she went about it in a terrible way.

Although never to the extent to which this happened to you, I've been chastised by my parents regarding my ways. I usually just shut the fuck up and wait til they calm down. Though it seems like she's doing this kinda consistently (I read your other post correctly that she's been doing this a lot recently?). I would suggest talking to her. Tell her how much it means to you. Fuck, if you feel ready (and are 17), you could go ahead and move out. But I don't recommend that -- especially if you want help living in the future, regarding college and the rest of high school.

Sorry to hear about this, man. What's your dad doing in all of this? Is he too afraid to step in? Does he have the same views? What?

Good luck to your future, dude.


Rebel Extravaganza
Sep 29, 2008
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A few of the many contradictions in this video are that
A)I have been home from vacation for a mere 2 days, so I haven't had time to make plans.
B)I do not own nor play video games, never have
C)I had played guitar for less than 20 minutes today, when i posted this
D)I am always respectful, do tons of chores, etc
E)I have a 4.0 gpa and plan to attend a private university for electrical engineering
F)I payed for 95% of my gear, including that Invader 100 and rack in the shot

I can keep going but it is useless. This kind of stuff is going to keep getting thrown at me no matter what I do or how many times I try to talk to her.

No, stuff like this, and much much worse happens pretty regularly. It's just been a little while.

The answer is - Bitches are crazy.
My mom was too, but i certainly gave her much more of a reason to be that way than you i can tell that, but it's your mom so what can you do.
The best thing you could do is move out and get your own place.
After awhile she will miss you and she will be soo sweet and interested in everything your doing and want to hear about it, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2009
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San Diego, CA
Oh man, that video was painful. The bigotry.. she acts like she knows so much about the human experience and what life is all about :rolleyes:. If all you say is true, than it sounds like your future is in better shape than most people. Don't let her bring you down.

And what is music worth? I think art and science are the most valuable tools that humans have, in the grand scheme of things.