What tubes should I get?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2012
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Everett, WA
Hey guys, so I've been sharing my head with some very close friends of mine and at one of their shows, something happened to it and it didn't get packed.

With that said, they've told me they're going to replace it and the tubes that I had bought and installed... but that's the problem, I don't remember what tubes I had put in!

So, the amp that I had was a Peavey Valveking VK100. Now, since I play in a death metal band, what would be the best tubes for that style of music? I told them the total would most likely come out to around $1000 because that's about the total amount I had put into the amp (I got the head and a cab on sale at Guitar Center for $800.)

I had purchased 4 power tubes and replaced all the 12AX7s (I'm pretty sure for the preamp tubes I had Sovtek or JJ Electronics for most of them, and I think the one in the back of the amp by the power tubes was a Tung-Sol.)

So what are the best possible tubes I could get for my style of music for around $200?

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"TWAT" for short
Mar 18, 2012
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Austin, TX
The Valveking only has three preamp tubes and a quad of 6L6's, so the total should come out to far below your budget.

Most guys use JJ power tubes (6L6) but the choice in preamp tubes is where it comes down more to taste.

JJ's will give you a full, slightly dark tone, so they're really well-rounded
Tung-Sol's will add a bit of high end and clarity (I'd recommend this for V1)
EHX's will be a sort of middle ground to the JJ's and Tung-Sol's (I'd use these for the other two slots for death metal)

Keep in mind that changing tubes won't make a night-and-day difference unless you're replacing old, shot-ass tubes, so all of the different characteristics will make a subtle, but still noticeable change.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2012
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Everett, WA
I was just browsing through dougstubes and I joggled my memory a bit, tell me if this combo would seem right for death metal. (I'm not 100% certain of v1 and v2 but I'm positive about v3.)

v1: Tung Sol 12AX7 (high gain)
v2: JJ ECC83S (high gain)
v3: Sovtek 12AX7LPS (with balanced triode)

You're right about the power tubes, they were JJ 6L6GCs. Thanks for helping me remember that!

Keep in mind that changing tubes won't make a night-and-day difference unless you're replacing old, shot-ass tubes, so all of the different characteristics will make a subtle, but still noticeable change.

I replaced all the tubes because one of the power tubes went out, so I just decided to replace all of them. The reason I'd replace them on the new amp is because I want it exactly how it was when it was lost/stolen, because that means I would have purchased the tubes for nothing. Not gonna let them slip away from that one lol. I'll keep the ones I replace as back ups though.


"TWAT" for short
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I replaced all the tubes because one of the power tubes went out, so I just decided to replace all of them. The reason I'd replace them on the new amp is because I want it exactly how it was when it was lost/stolen, because that means I would have purchased the tubes for nothing. Not gonna let them slip away from that one lol. I'll keep the ones I replace as back ups though.

Gotcha :yesway:

But yeah, that combination of preamp tubes should do just fine.


Theta Sagan Swords
Feb 21, 2012
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Boston, baby!
I'm a solid state guy as of late, but I remember my Engl e530 opening up nicely with some Mullard preamp tubes. Worth looking into.