What's the current status on Ibanez replacement bodies


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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So I've decided to breath some new life into my old rg570. It was my favorite guitar for a long time, and was my main for my old band that would gig regularly for about ~4 years. Needless to say the body is pretty beat. Unfortunately it's sat neglected in it's case for a little over a year now. So i decided why not show it a little love.

I've already decided I'll keep the old body as is, pickups and electronics intact, basically to hang on the wall for sentimental reasons. In an effort to save a little money I plan on migrating the rest of the hardware over to a new body (neck, nut, tuners, bridge, etc. Basically everything but the electronics). Now lately I've been gassing hard for a pointy, "metal" guitar like a Jackson warrior, bc rich iron bird, Ibanez destroyer/"star", etc.

Right now I'm torn between the xiphos and the DT star body from Perle guitars. My only real hang up, is Perle only offers the AANJ neck joint for both of those shapes, however my RG 570 has the square heel. Obviously the screw holes won't line up, but would there be any issue with filling the old ones and drilling new ones that will line up with the new body?

Other than that, I was just wondering if there were any other companies that were turning out custom/replacement bodies (preferably with extreme shapes) that would fit older Ibanez necks/hardware with little to no modifications?

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Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
I don't think anyone is doing square or slant joint Ibanez bodies, at least on a regular basis. I know Perle used to, so maybe send an email. Did he refuse to do them?

Unfortunately you can't just put a square or slant heel neck on an AANJ body, the necks terminate at different points. You'd have to modify the neck to bring it down further and shape that part.

It's not like MIJ Ibanez necks are all too rare, you can still grab pre-Prestige Japanese RGs with AANJ for ~$200 if keep looking and since you're looking to get a new body, the condition of the old one won't matter.

For the record, both ET and Jaden Rose no longer do Ibanez based stuff. Perle is just about the only shop in town that specializes in Ibby replacement.

cip 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2013
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I'm looking in to producing some, however it won't be till the end of the year or early next year, just as a small hobby. I'm Also in the UK which could be a hassle for shipping especially after Brexit. But it will be a while as I said before they're made.

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