What's the most ignorant thing anyone has ever said to you about music?

  • Thread starter Daemoniac
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May 10, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
All these have been said about my band

"Drop the Marilyn Manson stage antics and focus on the music"
"People only go to your shows to see your Slipknot ripoff costumes"
"You only have fans because you dress up"


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Jun 6, 2006
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In the dark side of my mind
Living in Louisiana anything other than "Pantera" or "Down" is considered nu-metal rap rock. Lots of Rednecks in my area and not judging them I mean many have huge vinyl stickers on the back of their trucks that says "Redneck" in very big bold letters,lol, but all these red necks love their "Pantera" with a passion....,you say one bad thing about them expect to get jumped....seriously.

I love Black Metal and a perfect example was just the other day at my local music shop I was playing on a Mesa Triple Rectifier with an LTD EC-1000. I was just playing a few licks from "Dimmu Borgir" when one of the employees says in his native tongue " ah so yooz like to play dat nu-metal shit huh?"lol

We were both outside the store and I was playing some "Dimmu Borgir" songs from their Puritanical album from the cd player in my truck to show him some really awesome metal and not nu-metal. His words were something along the lines of "yeah man nothing against that whole rap/rock nu-metal stuff but I love my Pantera I just cain't take that while nu-metal emo scream kinda music....but if it's whatch yer into dat's all that matters".

I get this at least twice a week. One time at a gas station I had some "Old Man's Child" blasting pretty loud on my truck system and once again some other guy or "southern" guy was just standing there next to me shaking his head back and forth...."all you guys with yer nu-metal you have no clue what real metal is.....try listening to Lynerd Skynerd or Down, that's real metal not that messy nu-metal or emo whatever you call that noise",lol

I just laugh....nothing against "Down" they've just never been my cup of beer....but how in the Hell is Lynard Skynard considered metal?


Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
In the dark side of my mind
....also like the post above I can completely relate to the whole 7 string guitar thing being directly linked to being a Korn fanatic. I walked in my local guitar shop this week with my Schecter Blackjack ATX C7 and right away the employee is like, "uh oh we got anotha Korn freak here",lol
I asked if they had any .70 strings in stock and he freaked out and said it would be impossible to use that on an electric....after I told him I prefer .70's for tuning down to G he was in total dis-belief, saying that it would be impossible to be able to have that low of a note register.....well on my Engl and Schecter I can tune all the way down to a whole octave lower from standard E and it is as tight as can be.
In all of New Orleans and towns close by the thickest strings I have found are .58's good luck finding .60's....eBay is what I stick to now.

I could never imagine having such a non creative mind like many so called musicians here.....many are so close minded it's depressing. I hope the music scene is better in North Carolina where I'm moving soon.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
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Melton, VIC, Melbourne
I guess it would be "You can't play that, you're not good enough." Got no idea how playing ability has anything to do with instrument of choice.


Huge nerd
Dec 16, 2008
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Marietta, GA
The whole emo calling thing got way out of hand.
For some people, it became a derogatory way of describing any form of rock music.
I've had people call what I listen to, be it technical death metal, blues rock or hard rock 'emo':noplease:

Another one is one of my friends (well not anymore, used to be) referred to anything with black metal, death metal or deathcore/metalcore vocals as 'screaming music':wallbash:

Edit: Somehow this thread got screwed up and my post became the Original post instead of Demoniac's post so bear in mind if you want the original topic post, look at the second post in here:scratch:

In conversation with a friend's snooty brother I mentioned that I listen to a lot of metal. He all but literally turned his nose up at it.

So I launched into the usual metal apologetics "while you may not like the aggression and the energy present in most metal, you cannot dismiss the level of musicianship, the complexity of song writing or the strong use of melody much of it uses as opposed to current pop or even classic pop" or something of the like

He fires back "heavy metal just plays scales"

"home boy, all music is just creatively playing scales, metal or otherwise"


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2005
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Worcester, MA
No biggie here, but there's kind of a big hardcore scene in my state (most of the bands, though, assume that nu-metal riffs + using the phrase "sever all ties" in a song constitutes hardcore but I digress...), so many people use the term "hardcore" for anything heavier than Green Day.


Jan 3, 2009
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The most ignorant thing I hear a lot of times (unfortunately) is thinking that being famous is directly proportional to being good at playing/singing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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Ocala,Fl U.S.
I had on a cannibal corpse shirt on and some kid comes up to me and says. "eh are you emo?" and i say" no wtf cannibal corpse rapes those emo kids" then he says" well i still think your emo" and the thing is i dont do finger nail polish, no long hair no metal wristbands or anything.


Vulcan Lute God
Oct 17, 2006
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Whitby Ontario Canada
I had on a cannibal corpse shirt on and some kid comes up to me and says. "eh are you emo?" and i say" no wtf cannibal corpse rapes those emo kids" then he says" well i still think your emo" and the thing is i dont do finger nail polish, no long hair no metal wristbands or anything.

Were you crying and/or cutting yourself at the time? Just askin
Nov 11, 2009
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Northern Cali
I love this thread sooooo much.
So much talk of meshuggah i switched from the faceless to meshuggah just cause i got the urge!
But in all seriousness i have a story of what happened to me, rather recently too.

Some kid saw a picture and an old band members facebook of me and her backstage and i was wearing my beloved HatecrewDeathroll shirt. So the kid says something like "Children of bodom is fucking garbage, they are a skidmark on music's integrity"
So ofcourse im going to back up my favorite band of all time and call him out on it and said "wtf are you talking about? Bodom are musically amazing and the only valid reason you probably say they suck is because you're a fat punk rock junky"
after that i checked his music interests and he likes some deathcore and deicide and suffocation and some older metal.
So i go back and add another comment "ok i think you may be dumb for calling a band that is closely related to some of what you listen to and has even toured with bands you like (I.E. black dahlia muder, job for a cowboy) a skidmark on musics integrity when these bands you like are super similar."
i get a response....
"No i listen to REAL metal like deicide and suffocationa and good bands like that, Children of Bodom is complete shit, i hate that faggot symphonic black metal crap."
This is when i literally didnt care about anything anymore.
SYMPONIC BLACK METAL!?!?!? (i have nothing against that genre, trust me on that. I just found it hard to believe that he called CoB that. The rest of the "discussion" if you will just showed his true ignorance even MORE. but this amount of ignorance set me off)
So i basically tried teaching the kid to say "i think they arent good because ___" not "theyre faggots for using keyboards" (he also said that) ofcourse the lesson didnt work so i said "you know what, fine, im trying to help you so some big guy who loves slayer doesnt rip your head open, but you know what, fuck you, have fun being the ignorant prepubescent dickhat you are." and havent talked to him since.
shit pissed me off.


Silence the discord
Mar 21, 2009
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One of my teachers said it's no use categorizing metal further than "metal." I thought that was ignorant. But then I asked how could one then explain a band's sound, or tell a friend about what band X sounds like, and his argument was "Why not just mention other similar artists?"


Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
In the dark side of my mind
You use that much energy on some stupid fat kid? Just do like I do and cook them up and eat them. They taste like chicken with a hint of pork....awesome for protein.:cool:

I love this thread sooooo much.
So much talk of meshuggah i switched from the faceless to meshuggah just cause i got the urge!
But in all seriousness i have a story of what happened to me, rather recently too.

Some kid saw a picture and an old band members facebook of me and her backstage and i was wearing my beloved HatecrewDeathroll shirt. So the kid says something like "Children of bodom is fucking garbage, they are a skidmark on music's integrity"
So ofcourse im going to back up my favorite band of all time and call him out on it and said "wtf are you talking about? Bodom are musically amazing and the only valid reason you probably say they suck is because you're a fat punk rock junky"
after that i checked his music interests and he likes some deathcore and deicide and suffocation and some older metal.
So i go back and add another comment "ok i think you may be dumb for calling a band that is closely related to some of what you listen to and has even toured with bands you like (I.E. black dahlia muder, job for a cowboy) a skidmark on musics integrity when these bands you like are super similar."
i get a response....
"No i listen to REAL metal like deicide and suffocationa and good bands like that, Children of Bodom is complete shit, i hate that faggot symphonic black metal crap."
This is when i literally didnt care about anything anymore.
SYMPONIC BLACK METAL!?!?!? (i have nothing against that genre, trust me on that. I just found it hard to believe that he called CoB that. The rest of the "discussion" if you will just showed his true ignorance even MORE. but this amount of ignorance set me off)
So i basically tried teaching the kid to say "i think they arent good because ___" not "theyre faggots for using keyboards" (he also said that) ofcourse the lesson didnt work so i said "you know what, fine, im trying to help you so some big guy who loves slayer doesnt rip your head open, but you know what, fuck you, have fun being the ignorant prepubescent dickhat you are." and havent talked to him since.
shit pissed me off.
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Cali
You use that much energy on some stupid fat kid? Just do like I do and cook them up and eat them. They taste like chicken with a hint of pork....awesome for protein.:cool:
haha well no the kid isnt fat by any means. plus i was being nice cause that kid is also the girl's friend (somewhat anyway) so i was trying to make nice ya know... for possible after jam fun times. :cool:EDIT: (after rereading that last sentence, it seems a bit off.... i meant with the girl, not the dude.)
but ya know... i havent had enough protein lately.. maybe ill take your advice.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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well i got various storys...

first i can remember was back in school when i was like 15-16, something like that... i was listening to my piece of mind CD (!) at the time in the class during a small break...
some girl in my class came over to me grabbed my earphones while asking "what are u listening to?" and before i could even answer she put one plug in her ear... current song was "the trooper", barely 3 seconds later she pulled it out, had a disgusted mimic and throw my earphones on the ground...
needless to say...that was very low

i've been named a satanic a few times because i was listening to megadeth... don't ask me

well your music is noise happened to everyone of us, so don't even get me started

before we started the first song of our set some 17-19 yo came over to our singer and just asked "do your songs have breaks???"

damn i hate this ignorance stuff :-D


The Dragonrider
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, MA // Northern VA
SYMPONIC BLACK METAL!?!?!? (i have nothing against that genre, trust me on that. I just found it hard to believe that he called CoB that.
If you listen to the first couple albums, you'll see that calling them isn't particularly unreasonable. That said, those are also their best, by far.
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