Whitechapel Megathread: All things Whitechapel!

  • Thread starter AlexWadeWC
  • Start date
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Jan 29, 2007
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For anyone curious, we are tracking the new record with my LTD signature AW-7 model. We tried out 8 different guitars, including all of our signatures, and even a few Ibanezs loaded with Bare Knuckles/Dimarzios and ultimately after tracking and comparing them all track by track we decided my signature sounded the best.

For amps we are using a Kemper Profiling Amp with a profile that our producer made of an EVH 5150 III, oversized Mesa 4x12 with V30 Celestions, miced with SM57 and Beyerdynamic M 201 microphones. It sounds AWESOME and am stoked on the tone. He might re-amp later on but I doubt it, he loves the tone we've dialed in as well.

The majority of the record is in drop G but there is one song in drop A and one song in B standard. I dig having a few different tunings on the record, kinda helps give their songs their own identity.

This new record is definitely some of the angriest and too the point music we have ever written. I feel like with A New Era our style went a little "artsy" and this record is way more too the point and brutal.

awesome. any chance we can get a hold of that kemper profile? :D

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2010
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Orange, CA
I have a questions that has been on my mind for quite a while. How would you compare Ben Haclerode writing/playing style to kevin's? And actually one more question, that just came to my mind. Do you, Ben (savage) and Zach write all the drum parts or do you just let the drummer come up with the ideas? I say this because I have realized that the drums in some of the song are very "melodic" and follow the guitars very well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Yorkshire, UK
For amps we are using a Kemper Profiling Amp with a profile that our producer made of an EVH 5150 III, oversized Mesa 4x12 with V30 Celestions, miced with SM57 and Beyerdynamic M 201 microphones. It sounds AWESOME and am stoked on the tone. He might re-amp later on but I doubt it, he loves the tone we've dialed in as well.

What happened to the Herbert (I think It was a herbert atleast) you were gassing for?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Dublin, Ireland.
The majority of the record is in drop G but there is one song in drop A and one song in B standard. I dig having a few different tunings on the record, kinda helps give their songs their own identity.

Just wondering what string gauges you used for the Drop G tuning??

Ah and cant wait for the new album, i'm sure its gonna slay!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2011
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first of all, how many hours to you practice a day,
and second, have you considered solos on the new record, or that's not too WC?
May 1, 2010
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Austin Tx
What is your home setup like that you recorded the stuff on soundcloud with? I love that guitar tone, care to drop some knowledge or patches in regards to that tone?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
I think its great that you are using your sig, thats awesome! Regarding the Kemper, Ive just recently even paid attention to what it is and my understanding especially from watching Ken's video on it, is that you can basically copy the tone from any amps settings you create. I guess my question is why are you using it instead of the actual EVH 5150 III? Is it because of one or both of the following reasons? That it actual sounds better than the original because it can be eq'ed and modified further? Or that since tracking is done over a series of days, that you can essentially lock in one tone and save it for use at different times rather than risk a knob being adjusted or tubes sounding different and the tone changing on you on the real amp? Is that what the Kemper is all about? Its really that good? Im still becoming aware of what the Kemper does and was just curious why it would be used over the real deal! So basically now I need to get one? :lol:

The Kemper is awesome. It sounds just like the amp and cab miced up in my opinion or sometimes even better because like you said you can EQ it further. For this record it's perfect because we are actually recording guitars and vocals at my house, so instead of having a real amp and cab blaring in my house all day we are able to track DI and it still sounds just as good if not better. We did the drums at Audio Hammer in Sanford, FL and then Mark Lewis traveled up here and has been staying with me while we finish tracking at my house.

I have a questions that has been on my mind for quite a while. How would you compare Ben Haclerode writing/playing style to kevin's? And actually one more question, that just came to my mind. Do you, Ben (savage) and Zach write all the drum parts or do you just let the drummer come up with the ideas? I say this because I have realized that the drums in some of the song are very "melodic" and follow the guitars very well.

Ben's writing style is definitely way more technical than Kevins, Kevin could throw some crazy shit down but some of the drums on this new record with Ben behind the kit are just ridiculous. He's really good and definitely likes to show his dick sometimes hahaha, but he knows when it's best to lay back and chill in the pocket too.

What happened to the Herbert (I think It was a herbert atleast) you were gassing for?

I personally wanted to use his Herbert profile because I was blown away by it but ultimately Mark thought the 5150 III profile would be the best to sit in the mix. I still want a real Herbert bad now though! Hahaha

Any advice on 5150III settings?

Tube screamer in front of the amp with Gain on 0, Tone at 12:00 and Level at 3:00, then Lead channel with Gain on 11:00, Bass at 3:00, Mids at 11:00, Treble at 1:00, and Presence at 2:00

Just wondering what string gauges you used for the Drop G tuning??

Ah and cant wait for the new album, i'm sure its gonna slay!

We're using 68, 52, 40, 30, 18, 14, 11

first of all, how many hours to you practice a day,
and second, have you considered solos on the new record, or that's not too WC?

We've had solos since This Is Exile..... but yes, there will be solos on the next record. And I don't have a set number of "hours" I practice per day, i just pick up my guitar and play when I want to.

What is your home setup like that you recorded the stuff on soundcloud with? I love that guitar tone, care to drop some knowledge or patches in regards to that tone?

For my demos/recordings I use an Axe FX Ultra into a Presonus Firestudio into Logic 9 on a MacBook Pro.

For my Ultra patch I like to use the OD block with the TS808 setting, into an Amp block with either the 5150 or Das Metal amp sims, and then a cab block with the Metal 4x12 cab and the U87 mic.


Jun 29, 2011
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Acton, MA
how do guys come up with like your riffs? do you just improvise until you find something you like?
also for breakdowns does it work the same way? xD
whitechapel ftw!:hbang:
May 4, 2011
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The intro to the title track on TSD used to have a really slow intro, almost like sludge on the demos I found.

Do you guys plan on doing anything similar in the future? Because I have never heard anything like that intro.

Also, what do you think of Mortician? :D
Jul 24, 2007
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Vancouver, BC, Canadia
Have you considered a solo project just for shits n giggles? If you did what would it draw influences from primarily & what genre/s would it fall under do you think?


Metal Cholo
Feb 15, 2012
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Portland, OR
Damn took long enough for a thread like this to start but so far its awesome:hbang:. I think Whitechapel should bring Chino Moreno back for another song on the next cd. What you think? Who would you recommend to show up as a guest on the next new cd?


Music has no rules
Feb 12, 2009
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Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Alex - i notice on studio updates (photos and videos) that zach is never present, does he records he's guitar track or do you and Ben Savage record all the guitar tracks in the studio ???


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Alex - i notice on studio updates (photos and videos) that zach is never present, does he records he's guitar track or do you and Ben Savage record all the guitar tracks in the studio ???

Zach is always at the studio with us, on This Is Exile Ben tracked all the guitars so it would only be one playing style on the record and sound tighter, on A New Era Ben tracked the majority, I did a few songs that I wrote more on, for this new record all 3 of us have tracked on the CD.

Damn took long enough for a thread like this to start but so far its awesome:hbang:. I think Whitechapel should bring Chino Moreno back for another song on the next cd. What you think? Who would you recommend to show up as a guest on the next new cd?

I don't think we'd do Chino again as to not be repetitive, I wish we could have got some guests lined up for this cd, we tried to get George Fisher from Cannibal Corpse but he wasn't available :(.

Have you considered a solo project just for shits n giggles? If you did what would it draw influences from primarily & what genre/s would it fall under do you think?

Yeah I really want to do a total Meshuggah rip off side project. Just heavy ass 8 string djent. I love that shit but it'd be weird to write anything like that for Whitechapel.

The intro to the title track on TSD used to have a really slow intro, almost like sludge on the demos I found.

Do you guys plan on doing anything similar in the future? Because I have never heard anything like that intro.

Also, what do you think of Mortician? :D

Hmmm i'm not sure if I remember that, I think Somatic Defilement only had one intro....

Not a fan of Mortician though!

how do guys come up with like your riffs? do you just improvise until you find something you like?
also for breakdowns does it work the same way? xD
whitechapel ftw!:hbang:

Yeah I mean Ben knows a little theory but never really uses it when writing, maybe here and there. We just jam out until we find something we like!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Port Huron, MI
you should have people from this forum do guest appearances; There are some awesome guitarist, bassists and vocalist on here.


digidun digidun wakka wakka skree
May 14, 2011
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Brewster, OH
I like Somatic Defilement the best, something about your guy's tone on that album.