Who is the best guitarist with the worst technique?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Left handed guitarists who play strings upside down, doesn't get worse than that :lol: Or really weird while it still seems to work for some players. How do you even learn to play like that and what are the reasons? Is this even considered as "bad" playing technique?

Similar to Dan Swano. Have always thought playing left handed with upside down strings made he's song writing unique.

Check out his main band Edge of Sanity (Unorthodox + Crimson) and specifically Moontower.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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Planet Claire
Johnny Ramone. I can't for the life of me understand how he did all that aggressive chainsaw shit with his guitar slung that low. I feel like I have no leverage at all when it's below my belly button.

Similar to Dan Swano. Have always thought playing left handed with upside down strings made he's song writing unique.

Check out his main band Edge of Sanity (Unorthodox + Crimson) and specifically Moontower.
I didn't know this, always adored Crimson though, what a masterpiece of an album.


Sep 27, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
See I've always felt the exact opposite about Syu. I'm utterly mesmerised by how insanely hard he seems to be bashing the strings while still sounding super clean and articulate. I'd rather see that than any dime-a-dozen hyper economised Petrucci fanboy hands
Ohh I definitely agree that it's more fun to watch. My right hand economy is terrible, I think for riffing it's no issue, but for fast lead playing it's definitely a hindrance so I still don't know how Syu makes it work

Sermo Lupi

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2009
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Yeah, I think the guys who really over-obsess "right" or "wrong" technique are either trying to sell you something or it's just the one thing they can do.

But I like the idea of the thread because it's more of just like "how the heck is he holding the pick like that?" and stuff.

Loads of valid ways to play the guitar. I think the perception of right and wrong is what it is because there's also loads of players who are completely self-taught and are years or decades invested into objectively poor playing techniques.

Maybe if someone is neck deep in the Troy Grady forums and convinces themselves that Van Halen was a hack because he didn't pick like Paul Gilbert, then yeah, go get your head checked. Otherwise, anyone who's played a while has seen some really baffling shit.

Let's not forget all the other bizarre things guitarists believe. Some guitarists will string their guitar backwards and complain about tuning issues while blaming anything and everything but themselves. Then argue with you about the right way to do it because it improves the tone when the string takes a left turn to Albuquerque after it exits the nut slot.

Or how about the guys who clearly never figured out their technique in their teens when they had the time to put the practice hours in, yet will swear up and down there's a genetic component to playing certain things, as if you need to be Lebron James to summit the insurmountable task of 16th notes at 80bpm. It's probably how we get those weirdos who argue until blue in the face that the bottom three strings should only be fretted with their thumb because Blues Bumblefuck did it in 1930s when men were men and music was chaste and pure.

Obviously these discussions can get out of hand (a la Youtube comment sections), but bad technique is definitely a thing. Good musicians can get pretty far despite it...thus this thread, I guess.