Why are you mad right now?

  • Thread starter Faine
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\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Windsor, ON
Just got home from a job interview which both went good and bad:
It was 2x60 min, the first 60 min is pretty relaxed with one guy who was very open about it, and it went great. It was the interview part of it and also him explaining about the company and the position that I applied for.

Next 60 min is a "case interview" for which I am told that "there is no wrong answers, we are interested in seeing how you analyse things and how you come up with solutions, while the solution itself is not so important". Now this part is done with a different guy and it kinda feels like a soft version of an exam. I pretty quickly find that to this guys it is more like "there is only one right answer, and I don't really care how you got to your wrong answers". So basicly I spend 60 min trying to guess the correct solution for a range of questions that I haven't had the oppertunity to prepare for (they didn't send me the topic or anything), and part of the idea with the case test is that I don't necesarryly need to have any background information on it.
So yeah after 2 hours I leave feeling like I failed pretty hard, even though I don't really see how I could have done it any differently.

I am gonna be much surprised if they actually offer me a job (although the first half of the interview went great). However I have a second interview with another company next week and I am like 90% sure they will hire me, so in the end it does not matter that much, though I am still somewhat pissed.
Some companies do this in an interview to see how you react to stress and problem solving situations, the whole "there is only one right answer and I want you to squirm trying to think of it" hardass act may just be that, an act to see how you react and to gauge your responses. Best of luck to you, man.

Also, you're not allowed to post anymore because your current post count is 666. :lol:

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Musical Adam West
Jul 4, 2015
Reaction score
The managers at my new job are being dicks a bit. I guess it goes along with the complex of being a manager at a fast food restaurant...


Marc Spector
Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
Bargersville, IN
Was woken up by my brother's soon to be ex-wife telling me to watch their sons while she went to an appointment. Why she failed to plan ahead and ask someone in advance is beyond me. She asked my mom this morning, who apparently volunteered me to do it. You'd think I've gotten used to this.


Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
The Riff Filled Land
Do you have everything logged?

Can you get statements from the police?

Yes everything is logged, no with the police this is India and they won't agree to anything because of my Visa.

In retrospect that post was a little premature as he sent a follow up email clarifying a few details (He apparently sent it on his way to the airport in a rush) which now makes the explanation for me coming back early a lot closer to the reality.

It still neglects a few things but I can fill in the blanks when I'm back, but still potentially leaves me with the mess of having to make up some lost credits while writing my thesis, because I will be damned if I'm staying at this faculty longer than August this year.

I will keep you lads posted, and thanks for the concern bro. Sadly I still can't keep food in me, but thankfully there have been a few positive developments but I will post them in the appropriate thread :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2013
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Roma, Italy
The old hag at the ID cards office wrote on my ID card that I'm streaked... :lol:
Which is totally false.
I might have 20% grey hair, but wtf, I won't be streaked before 2-3 more years.
I don't have problems with white hair, I have problems with not writing the truth.
I will be streaked for sure before the ID Card expire...but hell, it's an official document, not the guessing game.
(Not mad actually, but on the border between funnily amused and slightly pissed)


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Some degenerate little .... broke into my car while I was at work last night. Cleaned out the whole thing, ripped apart the entire center console and busted up the driver side control panel. This is the second time in 3 months. Absolutely ....ing ridiculous.

I work at a Holiday Inn here in town as the overnight guy at the desk, I barely make minimum wage and I JUST bought a nice S5470, an RG8, and a new set of BKP Painkillers to drop in. Then this .... happens. God damn I am beyond angry. Cause a couple hundred dollars worth of damage for a $30 stereo, why not. Go for it.

I hate this town hard enough to start a pop punk band so I can make music about how much I hate this town.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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QC, Canada
I just...cannot conceive how...

I can get a full skateboard across the continent, from California to Quebec Canada, OVERNIGHT...but I'm still waiting on a tiny little phone case from Pennsylvania that I ordered on Dec. 24...

How does that even work?! =/

At this rate, I expect my Strings & Beyond order (that shipped monday from North Carolina) to arrive BEFORE the phone case. :lol:

Tech Wrath

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
Chicago, Il
My girlfriend's a dude :scream:

Jk but 25$ Behemoth concert is 17+ and I'm 16. Bout to call them up and complain like a bitch


So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
I just...cannot conceive how...

I can get a full skateboard across the continent, from California to Quebec Canada, OVERNIGHT...but I'm still waiting on a tiny little phone case from Pennsylvania that I ordered on Dec. 24...

How does that even work?! =/

At this rate, I expect my Strings & Beyond order (that shipped monday from North Carolina) to arrive BEFORE the phone case. :lol:

Found your problem :fawk:

Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
Ok so, the Film Scoring & MIDI Techniques course at my university is an unbelievable pile of sh*t. (If you guys remember seeing me posting my anticipation in the "Why Are You Happy Now" thread.)

The other nine students are all absolute morons - some have never even composed a single piece of music before, which leads me to question how on earth some of them are even in the class. WHY ARE YOU IN A CLASS THAT SHOULD BE ABOUT COMPOSITION IF YOU HAVE NEVER COMPOSED SOMETHING? DO YOU EVEN PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? The instructor hasn't taught the class in ten years, (which explains why it hasn't been offered as part of the curriculum,) and he barely understands the VAST recording technological differences that have occurred in ten years.

I went through the syllabus and schedule that the instructor set, and the material being covered throughout the semester is all stuff that I already have mastered. In fact, the course should NOT be called: "Film Scoring & MIDI Techniques". It should instead be called: "Intro to MIDI, Outdated Analog Techniques, & How to Open the Video Viewer In Pro Tools". What a joke and what a waste of tuition money. Literally nothing about actual film scoring or composition or ambiance or even simply syncing music to a film is in the course. I am so letdown and so mad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Copenhagen, DK
^ Damn that sucks!

I know sometimes university courses suck, but I can imagine the letdown must be much bigger when you have actually paid for it.

Is there not some way to get the thing refunded since it is clearly a sh!tty course?

Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
^ Damn that sucks!

I know sometimes university courses suck, but I can imagine the letdown must be much bigger when you have actually paid for it.

Is there not some way to get the thing refunded since it is clearly a sh!tty course?
Yeah, I still have time to withdraw and get a refund or to register for another course that I would like to take (if there is an opening).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Copenhagen, DK
I'm guessing that you saw my post ridiculing the immature kid who kept saying "JUST DO IT" in his thread before it got merging into the "Official Axe-Fx Q&A" thread? :lol:

Hahaha :lol: no I actually didn't, I just happened to be thinking that it would be alittle fun to write "just do it" as a reply.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
QC, Canada
I just...cannot conceive how...

I can get a full skateboard across the continent, from California to Quebec Canada, OVERNIGHT...but I'm still waiting on a tiny little phone case from Pennsylvania that I ordered on Dec. 24...

How does that even work?! =/

At this rate, I expect my Strings & Beyond order (that shipped monday from North Carolina) to arrive BEFORE the phone case. :lol:
Your order status is: Complete
Your order was shipped on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 at 4:32:11 pm EST.

Un.......ing...believable. :lol:


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
My girlfriend's a dude :scream:

Jk but 25$ Behemoth concert is 17+ and I'm 16. Bout to call them up and complain like a bitch

Hah, wow. Why 17? What an arbitrary number.
I remember missing out on a Dillinger Escape Plan show a couple years back because I was sold 18+ tickets, but on the morning of the show, they moved the venue down the road to a 21+ place that I couldn't get in to. Never was able to get my money back. Still gets me pissed.

Sucks bro. I wish shows weren't so tied in red tape sometimes.