Why are you mad right now?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Copenhagen, DK
....ing dick-faced cock gobblers at work keep stealing or throwing out my creamer and milk from the refrigerator in the break room. Large bottle of heavy whipping cream? Gone. Small bottle of milk? Gone.

Why is it so hard to understand that if you didn't buy it, you shouldn't touch it?

Do you write your name on stuff with a permanent marker or similar?
When I went to university we had a student break room, also with a refrigerator with some policies:
- If there is no name on stuff it belongs to everybody
- Write a date on stuff so that other people can throw out your old food a month or a week later, because you forgot you put it there in the first place.

It didn't work perfectly because hundreds of people visited that room during a week, but for the core user base it was quite nice, and people where good to watch out if other people where using stuff that wasn't theirs like milk and butter.

But yeah the piss in a bottle sounds like a pretty awesome way to ensure that people don't use your stuff :lol: gotta remember that one.
Could be especially nice if they don't notice (because you mix relatively little milk into coffee) but then a couple of days later you could let the story slip and at some point just watch someone insta-puke :barf:

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High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Oh my God, UPS!! Not even two weeks after yet another mishap and now another screw up! How does FedEx do it all so well and UPS can't seem to consistently manage themselves in any regard to shipping notifications, delivery dates, etc..???

So I open up an email today with tracking info. I'm expecting it to be to me lol... but NOPE... They are sending me someone else's tracking info!!! Who the hell is getting MY tracking info then??? Shipper is Axe Palace but this misdirected notification is from UPS Quantum View. Strangely... I DID place an order with Axe Palace a few days ago but alas... this notification isn't mine... it's someone else's.

Okay... so I call UPS to try to make sense of all this. First person... NOPE. Transfers me to someone else... NOPE. Transfers me to another person... but what the hell???... half way through waiting about a total of 15 minutes now... I'm disconnected!!! Hey! Awesome!! And with both people I spoke with, I am of course trying my best to explain things as both say over and over "Yep... uh huh... okay... yes" Making me feel like I'm at least talking to the right people... but no. Each time by the time I was done trying to explain and ask what was going on... I'm promptly told "Oh that's another department... Let me transfer you." AAAARRRGGGHH!!!!

Why even call back? I don't think they have a clue what's going on and they sure as hell don't know who should be handling it. Just... effit. Maybe try again tomorrow.

Slunk Dragon

Gear Nerder
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Harper Woods, MI
Mad doesn't describe how I'm feeling, though furious is a start.

Turns out the place I was a pizza delivery guy at for just under four years, the franchise owner is literally the biggest piece of sh!t. He has had several drivers get stabbed, robbed and gunpoint, and nobody calls or anything to make sure the driver is okay.
The other things I have seen are just absolutely unjust. From having people overworked, underpaid ($550 salary for 52 hours a week, no OT, for STORE MANAGERS), under-appreciated, and really just working through employees like water.
He doesn't fix his properties in a timely fashion, his office is run by people who don't care about the 50+ stores he has. They don't even have a concern about how much money his stores make.

I seriously want to do something. I am sick of sitting by, watching him make oodles of money, and just using honest, hard-working people until they just give up. Even corporate doesn't care, and I know because the lack of action over anything, for YEARS, is evidence enough that nobody at the corporate level cares, either.


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
....ing dick-faced cock gobblers at work keep stealing or throwing out my creamer and milk from the refrigerator in the break room. Large bottle of heavy whipping cream? Gone. Small bottle of milk? Gone.

Why is it so hard to understand that if you didn't buy it, you shouldn't touch it?

Dude, oh my god, this.
I work the overnight shift, so if I forget something in the freezer (nights lol, have fun eating microwave dinners for eternaforever), it is GONE when I come back in later that night for my next shift. Without fail.

.... I left a bottle of hot sauce in there one time when I was on a frozen burrito kick and the whole bottle was empty within 2 days. Put a note on my food that says "NOT COMMUNITY, DONT EAT IT IF YOU DIDNT BUY IT" and the response is along the lines of "woah chill man, its like what 2 bucks, jesus," like somehow, I'm in the wrong. :fawk:

Oh my God, UPS!! Not even two weeks after yet another mishap and now another screw up! How does FedEx do it all so well and UPS can't seem to consistently manage themselves in any regard to shipping notifications, delivery dates, etc..???

The question that I always find myself asking is "How in the hell did UPS come to be the brand standard to begin with?!"
FedEx and even USPS does such a laughably better job it's ridiculous. I have to specify whenever I buy something to PLEASE not use UPS if it's an option, regardless of the upcharge, they screw up everything, and take forever.

The big thing they do that grinds my gears is that they stick to their estimated arrival date, even if it should get there earlier. I bought a guitar one time and the ETA was something like the 28th, the guitar shipped out on the 16th, and it was -in my city- on the 20th. It then took them 8 days to put it on the truck for delivery. Tell me that is not intentional delay.

The food service struggle
Welcome to corporate america. People are expendable, laws are more like guidelines, and unless you can make me money, you mean less than nothing to me.
A friend of mine actually got pushed around and taken advantage of so hard when he started his first job (at a pizza place, go figure), that he actually developed a psych problem before me and his brother pretty much forced him to quit. They'd insult him, short his pay, deliberately ruin his work, talk down to him on a personal level in front of customers, and this is all coming from management. Nobody was accountable for anything.
If I lost my job, Djod forbid, I would sell everything I own before I work in the food industry. Even his brother, who's a chef at a really high end Japanese restaurant, is treated like crap.
Gets me mad whenever I even think about it.

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
The question that I always find myself asking is "How in the hell did UPS come to be the brand standard to begin with?!"
FedEx and even USPS does such a laughably better job it's ridiculous. I have to specify whenever I buy something to PLEASE not use UPS if it's an option, regardless of the upcharge, they screw up everything, and take forever.

The big thing they do that grinds my gears is that they stick to their estimated arrival date, even if it should get there earlier. I bought a guitar one time and the ETA was something like the 28th, the guitar shipped out on the 16th, and it was -in my city- on the 20th. It then took them 8 days to put it on the truck for delivery. Tell me that is not intentional delay.

Man... I was just telling my fiance yesterday that from now on I'm going to request FedEx anytime that it's a "major" item to be shipped . She asked me "Even if it's going to cost $$, as opposed to UPS free ground?". I told her "Absolutely... even if we have to pay. It's simply not worth the deplorable communication, constantly incorrect information, damaged products, and piss-poor customer service that we've grown to expect from UPS".

Interestingly enough... ( now that UPS has FINALLY begun sending me MY tracking info instead of OTHER PEOPLE'S TRACKING INFO lmao) I also have a concern that they are way off on their est delivery date this time. When I was finally able to see my tracking info yesterday, I said to myself "No way it's going to take that long. I'll bet that this thing shows up today or Monday at the latest". And if it DOES take as long as they're estimating, then that's just crazy... almost a solid week since it supposedly shipped. Fed Ex estimates delivery dates correctly every time ( iirc) and I've had things shipped thru FedEx ( free to me) that arrived much quicker from locations much farther away. I'd like to say that it's awesome if something shows up early but the problem is that we need to know when something is scheduled to get here since we both work and need to often times make arrangements so that things aren't left out in the weather all day long.

Anyway.... sorry for the rant. I'm done. We'll see what happens, but long story short.. I too am going to start requesting and paying for FedEx from now on. I'm done with UPS as well... at least whenever I have a say in the matter.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I'm baffled on a daily basis as to how some architect's can be so bad at their job, despite us (the engineering consultants) telling them EXACTLY what we need them to do; and to top it off, they'll tell us that they're going to do it and still don't!

For the love of God, if you want your project to come in on time and possibly under budget - help us, help you.


So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
I'm baffled on a daily basis as to how some architect's can be so bad at their job, despite us (the engineering consultants) telling them EXACTLY what we need them to do; and to top it off, they'll tell us that they're going to do it and still don't!

For the love of God, if you want your project to come in on time and possibly under budget - help us, help you.

The inverse of this is also true :lol:

Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
Looks like the Wired Guitarist head honchos are trying to go back to their practices of flipping high volumes of gear for profit. This time they are just doing it under the guise of a website ("store") built under the pretense of being for their group/community. Thank God they've been perma-banned from here and other forums have caught on to their bullsh*t and are shunning them.


Heard the Good News about Maple Fretboards?
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Denver, PA
^ Not unrelated... Banned members using vendor accounts... :mad:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
QLD, Australia
ok so Im in a point where Im doing sub-contractor work for a couple of guys but money still not enough (not enough jobs), so Im looking for jobs and AAAGHHGGGG why some ppl ahve to be so dam stupid o their job adds :wallbash:

two cases I often come across:

1- this add is the perfect example of "random things to ask in the job application that has NOTHING to do with the job to be applied for"

ok so Im a photographer/videographer, Im looking for jobs in either field either shooting or editing. I came across an add for a company that is looking for a video guy to edit and shot. Right out of the bat they are asking for a
This position is offered with an initial trial period and is likely to turn into a part-time or permanent role should it work out for both parties.
:realmad::realmad: why you ahve to take advantage of people!!!. I already did this in my previous job, I had to work for free for 3 months, I lost sooo much money during that time, but I didnt had enough "experience" back then so fair enough. But seriously, if you are asking for portfolio, samples of work and a resumee, then why would you need someone to work for free???, you know what I do, so why do I have to "prove" to you I can do it... AAHGGG

not only that, but I check this company website and work. They do exactly the same kind of work that I used to do with my previous employer, the same work, with much less quality. And I bet you since I live on a "small" place, that these guys know my previous boss and company. So If I would liek to apply I know I could land the job easily, there is no reason why not

but then, this is what they are asking for the application
Next Steps....

Please don't bore me with your standard response and approach to applying for a job, make your cover letter engaging and real and ensure you respond to the below questions.

1) Who you are and what you are looking for in your next challenge?

2) What aspect of what we do, aligns with your ideal job opportunity?

3) How your experience matches what we are looking for?

4) A link to a portfolio or examples of your best work.

If you are ready to join our team, and grow along with us please email direct to XXXXXX

are you FFFFFF serious?????. Is this a job application or an highschool aptitude test????... So let me answer, why would someone would ask those questions as a part of a selection process?, is to eliminate the ones who wont take the time to answer?. Who really who would make an honest answer about that???, would you want me to be honest, or would you want me to lie and write what would you want to hear??, this is not a editorial work, this is a mere video editing, plain an simple. Do you know how to use this XXXX softwares?, do you have experience??, show me your work and done!!!. What happened with the good old "I want the job because I need money, and you guys are offering a job in the field I have experience" :wallbash:

2- this is the other thing I hate coming across in a job offering

What's your expected annual salary?
seriously I hate that more than anything and this is why I believe is the worst thing a company can do to find people

I get the point to try to find someone "cheap", like if you are deciding between 3 candidates, then just pick the one who is willing to do the job for less money.

but...... it actually reduces my chances to get the job

again this is another editing job, for photography this time (I have 3 years experience editing photos full time), so I could have a really good chance to get the job right?..... wrong!

-I really really want this job, so I would put my price down to expect to get it.... then the company would see I selected a "too low" annual figure, they might think I do not value my job enough, or I do not know how so I must not have experience

-I put my real figure on how much I really would like to earn..... Figure is "too high" for the company, they think I would be way too overpriced

-I put the figure that "they want", I still wont get selected, not because my experience, but because someone else just selected a slight lower price salary

What really makes me mad is that this is not a small company Im applying for, this is a "big" name, or a well establish company. So they know how much budget they have for this position, if not they wont be looking to hire, so they know how much they want to spend, so why wont you say that from the start!!!!

Lets say what they want to spend annually it a "low" figure for X reasons. Why wont they say that in the job listing??. In that way I can make the choice or apply for the job or not as the salary its not enough for me. Even as saying something like "the salary would be from $$-$$$$ depending on experience". In that way you know from the start that ALL the applications you would get would be people willing to work for that price, then the only thing you need to do is find the one with best expereice. But instead you have people putting random numbers playing bingo with your salary offerings hopping to win the lotto of "who has experience but tick the option of less salary"


end rant....


The One Who Knocks
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Dutchess County, NY
Stupid UPS was delivering my PRE SE 7 string at 9:33 am. Didn't even here a knock, and at 9:35, there's a sticker saying we missed the deliver. We have a chihuahua, so I definitely would have heard someone knocking. Now gotta wait until after work tomorrow to pick it up, and I was looking forward to only having a half day of work today so I could jam out on having a 7 string again. Those bstrds....


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
Houston, TX
That's why I love FedEx. I usually just get them to hold my package at their location that way I can pick it up the same day without having to worry about delivery.


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
jobquest rant

Man, the job-quest is the biggest pain in the ass I have ever experienced, and really really sparked my general hatred and cynicism towards people in general. Everyone's always trying to take advantage of you and screw you as hard as they possibly can. They want to waste your time, make you jump through hoops, demean you, pay you almost nothing, and expect the highest tier of work from you in the lowest amount of time. I literally cannot imagine how freelancers and contractors deal with it almost 24/7.

I'm not sitting at a position that's going to advance my career at all, and have been meaning to change that, but the idea of having to deal with the job-quest again just makes me nauseous. :fawk:

Stupid UPS was delivering my PRE SE 7 string at 9:33 am. Didn't even here a knock, and at 9:35, there's a sticker saying we missed the deliver. We have a chihuahua, so I definitely would have heard someone knocking. Now gotta wait until after work tomorrow to pick it up, and I was looking forward to only having a half day of work today so I could jam out on having a 7 string again. Those bstrds....

Dude, please refer to the huge UPS rant at the top of the page :lol:
There is no love for them around here from what I've seen...at least my local delivery guy is pretty cool. I came to an agreement with the guy after that exact same thing happened with my Agile 8-string, that if there were any big boxes heading to my house and I wasn't home, to just sign for me and leave it on the porch. One of the few benefits of living in the middle of nowhere is that you can do stuff like that.

Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
1.) when a seller contacts you about selling you a guitar, and you reply saying that you would like to purchase and have the money ready to go, but then you never hear from them again. (Like, bro...do you want my money or not?)

2.) when a seller contacts you about selling you a guitar and gives you an initial listed price, but then informs you that the guitar has been damaged and repaired, then proceeds to jack the price up higher. (Because, yes, a damaged or previously damaged guitar is worth more?)


The One Who Knocks
Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
Dutchess County, NY
Yeah, from now on, I'm doing what you guys do, and requesting anyone but UPS for delivery, even if there's an upcharge. NEVER had an issue with FedEx, or even USPS now that I think about it.
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey
I'm kinda surprised at all the problems with UPS. I think they've screwed up on me once in the dozens of times I've used them. USPS on the other hand is always a nightmare to deal with.