Why are you mad right now?

  • Thread starter Faine
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2015
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SouthWest Louisiana
My ear's been clogged since last friday and my doc just recommended some hydrogen peroxide and it's doing .... all. I have a new found respect for people that have to deal with actual hearing loss, because even just having it slightly muffled is a massive pain in the ass.

I've always had trouble with my sinuses draining after a cold or something. Ears would always give me fits.

Proceed with caution. I'm not responsible for busted ears.

When my cold would finally go away and my ears were still clogged, I would pinch my nose and start to build up air pressure SLOWLY. When I'd hear my ear open I immediately stopped. Later on I would start to spit up nasty stuff. I did this every time my ear would get muffled.
This method along with mucinex would clear me up in just a few days.

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Jun 26, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
Today's my "friday." Less than 10 minutes to go at work and I get a call on our Assistive Technology Support line where my caller is legally blind. So that keeps me at work for an extra hour. Then I finally get out to my car, and it won't start.

I'm waiting for a coworker to wrap up his shift to give me a jump. Here's to hoping that works.


Frost Giant
Dec 27, 2009
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Oulu, Finland
I'm just so ....ing tired. I didn't sleep last night at all an haven't slept well since last weekend or so. I think it's the season that does it to me though, so I'll just wait for this to get over with.

Thank beelzebub it's friday and it's going to be a rather easy at work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Grand Junction, CO
Someone just ding-dong-ditched my house. My wife is up stairs with our daughter trying to get some sleep before work at 5AM.

The paranoid part of me is going crazy. . . We moved pretty recently so very few people know where I live so I have to assume it is just random kids, but still sh*t like this freaks me out. . .


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
cant sleep. I spend the whole afto on the watter surfing (like 5-6 hours), so Im pretty tired. Its 1:00am now and I already had 1 hour lying in bed and nothing so I gave up and pick the computer

I hate this bed/pillow combo.... but to get a good one cost too much $$$$ and I dont have any. And even if I had I prob spend it on a new guitar/bass lol I should invest on a new "real" bed, I know, but its one of those things you take for granted and never think of it or give too much importance when its prob one of the most important things

worst part is I want to wake up early to do stuff but now I wont be able to do so, and If I do it would mess with my whole day as I would be tired as F, which would give me two options, to spend the rest of the day tired and hope to go to bed "early" or to have a nap but then I wont be able to sleep at night again.

stupid bed


Jun 8, 2007
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Gatineau, Quebec
^ Not super related, but along the lines of messing up sleep patterns, I made the mistake of pulling an all-nighter on Saturday and it kinda ruined my Sunday. Tried to take a nap around 1pm to compensate, but felt worse when I woke up. I picked a bad time to mess with my sleep- it's gonna be a really busy week. Two shows to play, a party to throw, and a roadtrip all this week, plus working as usual, and starting all that off with a sleep debt. S'goooooooonna be an interesting week.

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Just wait till you get to the point that your sleep patterns/ sleep habits are so screwed up that you eventually just have to power-crash for short bursts whenever body and mind eventually shut down... 2 hours here, 4 hours there... sucks.

Arise/ Where am I?/ What time is it?/ What day is it?/ Do I smell?/ Shower or Axe?/ Toothpaste/ Redbull/ Stumble out the door/ Hello world!



Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
I don't think I'll get that far, I'm pretty good about getting decent amounts of sleep most of the time. This past weekend (and maybe this whole week) are more of a symptom of other weird changes going on in my life right now.

In keeping with things that make us mad in this thread- I feel like I've reached a weird point where it's difficult to establish a comfortable "normal" day anymore. Like I've spent the last two years doing a lot of sort of "working on myself" and a large part of that has been getting comfortable living on my own, being able to keep myself occupied and entertained, setting and working toward goals, etc.- and in that time I established a "normal" for myself. Get up, go to work, go to jams a couple times a week, come home and make food, work on personal stuff, talk to some people online, watch a lot of youtube, going for long walks for health purposes, socialize with coworkers and old friends sometimes, etc. rinse and repeat, etc. Nothing super extreme, just keeping busy, being productive, trying to maintain a reasonably happy life, good mood etc. But things keep happening that mess with that balance, and they're usually in the form of some kind of great day happening that in comparison makes the established "normal" feel unsatisfactory for the next while.

I don't know how much sense that makes, but a good example is that I took some time off work a while ago (reasons are irrelevant) and on the first Monday, I went on a completely spontaneous road trip with an old friend, and it was a really great time. But then the rest of the week I had nothing to do- to the point where I was depressed and drinking a bunch. If I had gone nowhere, I'd still have been bored and maybe depressed- but having that one really great trip exaggerated how little was going on in my life once I got home, and it hit really hard.

Things like that keep happening, and it makes it feel like the whole balance is gone. Some days I'm ecstatic because something exciting is coming up, or has just passed, but the next day I'll be staring at the walls wondering what to do with myself. I've lost that "normal".

I know that's really vague. :lol:


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Just wait till you get to the point that your sleep patterns/ sleep habits are so screwed up that you eventually just have to power-crash for short bursts whenever body and mind eventually shut down... 2 hours here, 4 hours there... sucks.

Arise/ Where am I?/ What time is it?/ What day is it?/ Do I smell?/ Shower or Axe?/ Toothpaste/ Redbull/ Stumble out the door/ Hello world!


My shift at work is 11pm-7am.
Literally everyone I know are all normal people, so on my days off, I have to be awake for normal people hours. Sleeping pattern changes twice a week.

This post is actually my entire life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
QLD, Australia
Just wait till you get to the point that your sleep patterns/ sleep habits are so screwed up that you eventually just have to power-crash for short bursts whenever body and mind eventually shut down... 2 hours here, 4 hours there... sucks.

Arise/ Where am I?/ What time is it?/ What day is it?/ Do I smell?/ Shower or Axe?/ Toothpaste/ Redbull/ Stumble out the door/ Hello world!


lol been there done that way too many times. AS I work from home I tend to be bit lazy with my video/photo editing so with the old "i would do it latter", till the point reachs where the deadline is just there and spend a whole week sleeping an average of 3 hours per day and the last day without sleeping lol

the worst was once 5 years ago where I didnt slept for 2-3 days (dont remember if I reached the third day properly. I needed to finish some stuff before a trip so it was the only way. Duuuuuude forget about drugs, dont sleep would make you trip!!. I reached a point where I didnt knew wtf was happening, scary/cool

In keeping with things that make us mad in this thread- I feel like I've reached a weird point where it's difficult to establish a comfortable "normal" day anymore. Like I've spent the last two years doing a lot of sort of "working on myself" and a large part of that has been getting comfortable living on my own, being able to keep myself occupied and entertained, setting and working toward goals, etc.- and in that time I established a "normal" for myself. Get up, go to work, go to jams a couple times a week, come home and make food, work on personal stuff, talk to some people online, watch a lot of youtube, going for long walks for health purposes, socialize with coworkers and old friends sometimes, etc. rinse and repeat, etc. Nothing super extreme, just keeping busy, being productive, trying to maintain a reasonably happy life, good mood etc. But things keep happening that mess with that balance, and they're usually in the form of some kind of great day happening that in comparison makes the established "normal" feel unsatisfactory for the next while.

I don't know how much sense that makes, but a good example is that I took some time off work a while ago (reasons are irrelevant) and on the first Monday, I went on a completely spontaneous road trip with an old friend, and it was a really great time. But then the rest of the week I had nothing to do- to the point where I was depressed and drinking a bunch. If I had gone nowhere, I'd still have been bored and maybe depressed- but having that one really great trip exaggerated how little was going on in my life once I got home, and it hit really hard.

Things like that keep happening, and it makes it feel like the whole balance is gone. Some days I'm ecstatic because something exciting is coming up, or has just passed, but the next day I'll be staring at the walls wondering what to do with myself. I've lost that "normal".

I know that's really vague. :lol:

I understand, Im just in the same place as you, but already doing it for the last 1 1/2 years (plus Ive always been a "loner" myself) and Im actually fine. But yeah its not an easy job. When I had my full time job I actually kinda hate it the routine. Wake up-gym-work-lunch-work-home-TV/internet-sleep-repeat

now I working freelance at home Im more at peace, I got back into surfing which it has made a huge change on keeping things smooth as my monetary problems are rising up more and more as per lack of job.

I actually am in a worse scenario as you as I got no friends up here. My "co-workers" from my previous job was 2 dudes who lived too far, now they moved away, didnt really a hang out type, and my boss which I cant stand him outside of work, way two different personalities between us. And since I moved here because of job, all my friends are 3 hours drive away.

The only thing it keeps me sane is my puppy dog, keeps me happy and occupied as I take her for long walks. But the days I dont have her (as I share her with my ex) gets boring reaaaally quick.

Not saying get a dog (or maybe), but try to keep yourself occupided with something, anything. And force yourself to not buy alcohol

Also another thing it work wonders for me is to remind yourself everyday that this time is the only time you have. This "freedom" you wont have it again so try to enjoy it. You think you are bored and lonely and depressed ect. When time comes when you find a partner and move in togueter, you would reach a point pretty fast where you look back at this moment today and think "man I wish I had that much free time again", this applies with a new partner, job, friends, new place, life in general. I know Ive been there so thats why Im fine with me now as I know life would change at any time without warning, so enjoy this moment of solitude while you can bro :wavey:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
QLD, Australia
My shift at work is 11pm-7am.
Literally everyone I know are all normal people, so on my days off, I have to be awake for normal people hours. Sleeping pattern changes twice a week.

This post is actually my entire life.

I used to work on a bar so my work times where pretty similar around the 9pm-5am mark, and on weekends thursday-friday-saturday. So forget about weekends and social life.

and this was when I was living with my GF at that time. I seriously think that affected our relationship even if we didnt think so. My saturdays was a wake up at 2pm or earlier if I forced myself to it, do nothing as I couldnt make plans since I had to eventually go back and get ready for work in a few hours. So only hang wiht my GF for a bit and go away again. We never got to go out go out, or party, socialize togueter with friends or anything as I was always working. And during one time I was doing that job, plus another job monday to wenesday at 8am-4pm(with a 2 hour drive to get to that job). That was a crazy time, I dont know how I pulled off

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
But things keep happening that mess with that balance, and they're usually in the form of some kind of great day happening that in comparison makes the established "normal" feel unsatisfactory for the next while.

Things like that keep happening, and it makes it feel like the whole balance is gone. Some days I'm ecstatic because something exciting is coming up, or has just passed, but the next day I'll be staring at the walls wondering what to do with myself. I've lost that "normal".

Quite profound and genuinely understandable. So much the same feelings right here. The thing that sincerely messes with with me lately ( over the last couple years) is that I was at a place in my life where I felt at the very least, content for the most part. I still felt as outlined above but hell, I'm older, have lived one hell of a colorful, dangerous, radical life... meaningful at times, very very rough at times, absorbing fantastic experiences, and enduring horrible losses... bringing me to a point that I was just simply glad to still be alive and waking up another day.

But then... 3 years ago, in to my life walks this lovely, young, strong, exuberant, positive woman and decides that I'm what her life has been missing and so we start a relationship. She's as devoted and transparent as they come. She's wonderful in so many ways and she wants us to "live life together and experience all that the world has to offer!". And that's awesome, and every one of my friends, associates, family says "OMG She's the most perfect woman you could have ever ended up with!!"

And they're right... to a degree, I guess. But all this is also after coming out of so many horrid, failed, messed-up, heart-breaking relationships, that [shortly before we moved in together] I had just gotten to the point that I was DONE with relationships and content to live the rest of my life "ramping things down" so to speak. But apprehensively I decide to entertain the prospect of where this relationship might go. I still [three years into this thing] don't know if I made the right decision... mainly being much more concerned with the quality of her life... not so much concerned about mine.

So now we're engaged... been so for almost 2 years. But I keep wriggling and procrastinating... almost fighting it. I won't even go into the whole "true love"/ "meant to be"/ "love of my life" thing... but suffice it to say that I have already been there and it seems very unbalanced in regards to how she is so deeply in love with me, and yet... despite that I DO love her dearly... that I don't have the same level of excitement or adventurous spirit. To put it succinctly, she is where I was [with another woman] about 15 years ago.... ugh!

Sometimes I feel as if I'm robbing her of a life that could be SO much more/ better than it is with me. I want her to have so much but I embarrassingly, and sometimes so regretfully feel as if she deserves someone so much more in-tune with her same mind-set... and especially someone younger. I'm on-board... don't get me wrong. Just that I'm like the rough-ridden metal-head, and she's like the fair-maiden bubbling with anticipation and wonderment. Sh!t... you know what it's like for someone like me to giggle or snuggle. Half the time I want to beat myself up for this level of submission lol.

But along we go... hand in hand... walking down this path together. She... starting her life and me... feeling as if my best years are behind me... sigh.

Geeze... I'm not even gonna proof read all of that. I know it's long-winded and likely full of grammatical errors. But it all just flooded out right there and I guess I'll slink away now and leave it as documentation of my spiraling insanity. It's all a bit complicated but the details intertwined into all of this ( as well as my life in general) read like some absurd and genuinely complex novel... so so much that I haven't even touched on... Thank God lol.

Thanks for reading, if anyone did.

My shift at work is 11pm-7am.
Literally everyone I know are all normal people, so on my days off, I have to be awake for normal people hours. Sleeping pattern changes twice a week.

This post is actually my entire life.

lol @ "normal people hours". I know this scenario all too well... My inconsistent work schedule combined with my fiance's inconsistent work schedule and my my insomnia... surely makes for a sometimes interesting "What do you want to do today?" scenario. I'm a night-owl too, which doesn't help at all lol. At least life keeps me on my toes. Thankfully we don't have any kids or I believe I would have abandoned them in the back yard, lost them in the McDonald's ball-pit, or sold them for guitar gear! So at least we don't have the constraints/ demands of all that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
QLD, Australia
^^ all I can say for now (since Im pretty dead tired 3am now lol) is that try to embrace her and dont be afraid to let yourself go a lite into her world. I know you have been there/done that in the past in which resulted in pain. Maybe thats why you are like "meh" now. But even if you feel your best years are in the past, maybe you still have one more run with this chick if you let it be.

"me man, me dont cuddle!"... hehehe just enjoy it ;) dont go all the way down to her level, but just a little.

Also remember in every relationship there would always be someone who loves the other more way more. Someone would chase the other. This time its her the one after you, so as you "dont have to do anything" you eventualy fall into that "meh" attitude and start questioning things. But would you preffer this scenario or to be you the one chasing her with the "I love her!, but does she?" question in your mind.

and believe me, the grass is not that muhc greener on the other side. You dont know what you have till you loose it ;)

and your case goes well with the point I was making for TedEH to enjoy his moment of single lonely life. You were just starting to enjoy it, settle in and BAM! girls appears and change life completely with no way back

also as a side not, hope you dont leave this account open for her to read your post lol

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
^^ all I can say for now (since Im pretty dead tired 3am now lol) is that try to embrace her and dont be afraid to let yourself go a lite into her world. I know you have been there/done that in the past in which resulted in pain. Maybe thats why you are like "meh" now. But even if you feel your best years are in the past, maybe you still have one more run with this chick if you let it be.

"me man, me dont cuddle!"... hehehe just enjoy it ;) dont go all the way down to her level, but just a little.

Also remember in every relationship there would always be someone who loves the other more way more. Someone would chase the other. This time its her the one after you, so as you "dont have to do anything" you eventualy fall into that "meh" attitude and start questioning things. But would you preffer this scenario or to be you the one chasing her with the "I love her!, but does she?" question in your mind.

and believe me, the grass is not that muhc greener on the other side. You dont know what you have till you loose it ;)

and your case goes well with the point I was making for TedEH to enjoy his moment of single lonely life. You were just starting to enjoy it, settle in and BAM! girls appears and change life completely with no way back

also as a side not, hope you dont leave this account open for her to read your post lol

I'll just sum up my thoughts rather than adding more blah-blah...

You're right and you're awesome. Thanks, dude... sincerely. :yesway:

Also... We've talked in depth about all of this. She could read all of what I've posted on here. She keeps no secrets from me ( 1st time that I've experienced that) and so I will not do her any differently... aside from that Cave Sluts "documentary" that I watched the other night!

Oh... and EDIT> Does .10 mm/ .004 sound good for the 12th fret gap? Killing 2 birds with one stone here lol.


Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
remind yourself everyday that this time is the only time you have. This "freedom" you wont have it again so try to enjoy it.

I know you don't know much about my current situation, since I was being vague on purpose, but this advice still works. :lol:

I was talking to a coworker today about the benefits of approaching complicated situations with very simple outlooks, and I think that the very simple "just enjoy what you've got while you can" approach might be what I need lately.


Is a Lurker
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
I don't know if mad is the right word exactly, maybe more anxious, but in about two hours I have to go to the dentist to get my bottom two wisdom teeth extracted. Not looking forward to that. :noplease::noplease::noplease:

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Just make sure to keep the holes clean as follow-up regiment... above anything else. Dry-socket sucks and is painful. The wisdom-tooth extraction not so much. Mine were a breeze and that's been forever ago. All 4 at the same time and it was completely pain-free since I was doped and KO'd. Little sore and weird-feeling afterwards but not bad at all. Oh... AND they let me keep 'em cause I'm sick and strange like that I guess.

Best of luck!


Shameless Contrarian
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Chico, CA
I don't know if mad is the right word exactly, maybe more anxious, but in about two hours I have to go to the dentist to get my bottom two wisdom teeth extracted. Not looking forward to that. :noplease::noplease::noplease:

Mine was super painful afterwards, but that's really atypical and probably had a lot to due with my crazy tolerance to painkillers that I have for some reason.

Even still, the worst part was just not being able to eat for a week.
Smoothies are your friend. Nothing is more metal than eating smoothies for a week.
