Why are you mad right now?

  • Thread starter Faine
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
I bought one pack of acoustic guitar strings and they cost me $15. Broke the G string before I even got to play the damn thing. :wallbash:

Looked online for some singles replacements and it is cheaper to just buy a whole new pack.. WTF.

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May 16, 2012
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Like my weekend wasn't already ruined enough because I had to stay in army to be the duty officer till the next Friday but my phone charger also broke so now I have to lend one from a room mate and ration my phone usage and that's not easy when you have to sit behind a desk for 16 hours a day.

Edit: And for some reason I can't charge the battery more than 82%. #fvck_smartphones


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
Might be time to move on anyhow. When it comes to getting anywhere in life motivation is almost always more important than raw talent. Talent won't get you anywhere if you don't put in the effort.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I had my first nightmare where I actually felt terror and felt like shit after waking up. Usually, if I have a nightmare, it's about something emotionally that has happened and it's easy for me to deal with. This crap however...

Perhaps I'm just not hardened enough, I only have like 1 nightmare a year. This made me respect those with chronic night terrors, I would go insane in a few days.

It's currently 04:50 am, been awake for about 20 minutes. Put on some big band jazz to make me think of something else. I really need to sleep though. 6:30 it's time to get up for work. Fortunately I only have the regular 7-4 shift today and not 7-8 like yesterday.

Fvck this shit :lol:


So Did We
May 24, 2010
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Oakland, CA
I had my first nightmare where I actually felt terror and felt like shit after waking up. Usually, if I have a nightmare, it's about something emotionally that has happened and it's easy for me to deal with. This crap however...

Perhaps I'm just not hardened enough, I only have like 1 nightmare a year. This made me respect those with chronic night terrors, I would go insane in a few days.

It's currently 04:50 am, been awake for about 20 minutes. Put on some big band jazz to make me think of something else. I really need to sleep though. 6:30 it's time to get up for work. Fortunately I only have the regular 7-4 shift today and not 7-8 like yesterday.

Fvck this shit :lol:

They've not been nightmares but my dreams lately have been total whack and also involve exes or crushes. And my dreams, as a rule, are basically always anxious or really stressful. It's fvcking shitty.

Alex Kenivel

Stunt Guitar
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
1. Haven't had band practice in weeks due our singer/bassist's father getting murdered.

2. Haven't had much time/energy to go into the band room (at my house) and just play around, mess with samples and jam out for hours because now I have custody of my son full time.

Number one I cant really do anything about and I most def. don't blame anyone in his situation besides the fvck who murdered him.

Number 2 I just need to work on and I blame my damn self for that one. I'd better get used to cramming my schedule with tons of things and consuming more caffeine if I ever want to be productive in both fatherhood(x2)/husbandhood and musicianship.

Alex Kenivel

Stunt Guitar
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
I had my first nightmare where I actually felt terror and felt like shit after waking up. Usually, if I have a nightmare, it's about something emotionally that has happened and it's easy for me to deal with. This crap however...

Perhaps I'm just not hardened enough, I only have like 1 nightmare a year. This made me respect those with chronic night terrors, I would go insane in a few days.

It's currently 04:50 am, been awake for about 20 minutes. Put on some big band jazz to make me think of something else. I really need to sleep though. 6:30 it's time to get up for work. Fortunately I only have the regular 7-4 shift today and not 7-8 like yesterday.

Fvck this shit :lol:


I have had chronic nightmares for a while. Not much lately. Keeping a dream journal and practicing lucid dreaming works for me. Maybe that could help


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2014
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Southern Oregon
My Blackstar HT-5R Metal crapped out after a month... Luckily the only licensed service guy in southern oregon is 5 miles down the road, but he said the product is so new the website to order the parts doesn't have the ones needed so he has to wait for Korg to get back to him.


So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
1. Haven't had band practice in weeks due our singer/bassist's father getting murdered.

2. Haven't had much time/energy to go into the band room (at my house) and just play around, mess with samples and jam out for hours because now I have custody of my son full time.

Number one I cant really do anything about and I most def. don't blame anyone in his situation besides the fvck who murdered him.

Number 2 I just need to work on and I blame my damn self for that one. I'd better get used to cramming my schedule with tons of things and consuming more caffeine if I ever want to be productive in both fatherhood(x2)/husbandhood and musicianship.

Dude, I'm sorry. :(


SSO's Fat Mac
Aug 31, 2013
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Upstate NY
Well, just got the call from my mom. My great grandma passed after being in the hospital for five days. My grandpa called her to tell her, she went so subtly that my grandma almost didn't notice immediately.
I just feel weird because over the last year I've become kind of a nihilist, so I feel guilty thinking that there's no afterlife when everyone else in my family does...I'm playing Amazing Grace at her funeral, the second time I've done it at a funeral (last year was my grandma). I feel nothing. Which makes me feel bad that I feel nothing.

I've gone through multiple beliefs and philosophies in the last couple of years but ever since I hit the idea that none of it is true, there's no afterlife, no intrinsic purpose to anything, I have not been able to pull myself out of that mindset. Sometimes I wish I could believe in something, but I just have that gnawing feeling inside of me that it's not true. And I won't let myself believe in something just because it sounds nice.

I feel like people think I'm cold, and I'm starting to believe it. Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Houston, TX
Sorry to hear it man. Something to consider though, not believing in a particular faith or the after life doesn't make any of it purposeless. If you consider the perpetual nature of the human race up to this point we each contribute a little something to the future. Whether it is a helping hand, offspring, an idea, creativity, happiness, etc. We are all connected in this way and that gives life meaning IMO. Honestly, whether there is or isn't an after life, death lacks meaning either way. Is thinking that all of this is just a test really an emotionally fulfilling reason to exist? To me it isn't. Food for thought and happy thoughts for you and your family. :hug:

Also, I think you're feeling empty from the decision you have reached because you are coming to the realization that this is it, but because you were raised thinking otherwise it is hard to look at it outside of that framework. I don't know how close you were with your family that has recently passed, but I know for myself my feelings of guilt/sadness/remorse/etc. are heavily defined by how strong my bond is with those individuals. If I only saw them every-once-in-awhile it affects me a lot less than when it is someone in my life I interact with every single day or someone who held a lot of meaning for me.


SSO's Fat Mac
Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Sorry to hear it man. Something to consider though, not believing in a particular faith or the after life doesn't make any of it purposeless. If you consider the perpetual nature of the human race up to this point we each contribute a little something to the future. Whether it is a helping hand, offspring, an idea, creativity, happiness, etc. We are all connected in this way and that gives life meaning IMO. Honestly, whether there is or isn't an after life, death lacks meaning either way. Is thinking that all of this is just a test really an emotionally fulfilling reason to exist? To me it isn't. Food for thought and happy thoughts for you and your family. :hug:

Also, I think you're feeling empty from the decision you have reached because you are coming to the realization that this is it, but because you were raised thinking otherwise it is hard to look at it outside of that framework. I don't know how close you were with your family that has recently passed, but I know for myself my feelings of guilt/sadness/remorse/etc. are heavily defined by how strong my bond is with those individuals. If I only saw them every-once-in-awhile it affects me a lot less than when it is someone in my life I interact with every single day or someone who held a lot of meaning for me.

You're very right. I believe we create our purposes by our own desires and actions. I've told people this: "I believe that life intrinsically has no purpose because I do not think that something negative will happen to me when I die if I do not achieve some specific goal in my life."
Being raised Catholic and then leaving that belief behind really opens your eyes to the good, the bad, and the ugly in religion. When my grandma died last year that was almost the final nail in the coffin of religion for me. She was such a bitter woman who told my great grandma (the one who just died) that she was going to hell. It made me sick when I heard that conversation. It made me think how utterly vile and ridiculous it is to condemn people to eternal damnation while believing that you're the righteous one even though you're the one doing the condemning.

I feel free, yet at times it feels like I'm so free I don't know what to do. But I know that as I grow I'll get better and I'll be happier. It's just when you have a family of Catholics crying and talking about how someone who just died is in heaven, it makes you feel a bit cold in comparison when you think that's not the case..


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Grand Junction, CO
I'm mad because I sat on my couch all morning waiting for Fedex to deliver my guitar, only for them to deliver it 18 minutes after I left the house for a very important doctors appointment!!! AHHHHH!!! :wallbash:

I called to see if I could just go pick up my package "yeah should be read in 48 hours" haha so wait for delivery tomorrow, or pick it up two days from now?. . .


Thinks Jazz = Metal
Apr 10, 2011
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Louisville, KY
I bought Mario Party 4 and 5 to relive my childhood memories and have some fun games to play with my dudes. 5 doesn't work whatsoever even though the disc looks pristine. Now I have to go through shipping it back and all when all I wanted was a simple purchase for a beloved item I used to have :realmad:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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North Vancouver
Cracked my Windows phone screen....:realmad:

I have have been reasonably careful with it but I do renovations so it gets banged around a fair amount and survived amazingly well...until while lounging at home I accidentally bump the screen with my wedding ring ( diamonds side of course :rolleyes:)..BOOM big crack across the left corner...:wallbash:

ps: is 3 emoticons to many...it feels like to many...