Why Do You Hate Deathcore?

  • Thread starter BlindingLight7
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Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
I think deathcore is being used as a bad name now. For instance good deathcore would be like Suffokate, Whitechapel, Salt The Wound, All Shall Perish, 1931, etc. But bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Heavyheavylowlow, The Irish Front, and all these 14 year olds who play drop E 3 octaves down give it a horrible name and now it's referred to as a bad genre. But as an avid fan of good deathcore, I guess you could somewhat say I'm a defender of the faith and a bit biased. But it's all about what you make of it. I guarantee any death metal junkie could find atleast a couple deathcore bands that they would dig if they gave them a chance.

That being said, I leave you with this:

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Jul 24, 2007
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Vancouver, BC, Canadia
I think deathcore is being used as a bad name now. For instance good deathcore would be like Suffokate, Whitechapel, Salt The Wound, All Shall Perish, etc. But bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Heavyheavylowlow, The Irish Front, and all these 14 year olds who play drop E 3 octaves down give it a horrible name and now it's referred to as a bad genre. But as an avid fan of good deathcore, I guess you could somewhat say I'm a defender of the faith and a bit biased. But it's all about what you make of it. I guarantee any death metal junkie could find atleast a couple deathcore bands that they would dig if they gave them a chance.

Im not even that big on death metal and i dislike all the bands you mentioned :lol:

But BtBaM are sweet; but more metalcorin than deathcore.


Bring the gain
May 16, 2006
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Dayton, OH
I've stopped listening to BTBAM as much lately. Not that I don't like them, I've just listened to it way too much. :lol:

And Dustie's negativity towards Ibanez kinda made me not appreciate them as much.


Manager / RHLC ©
Sep 21, 2006
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Guys, I need some musicians for my new 2 bands. One is called "In front of you" and we make Electrolatindeathcore. The second one is called "Bring da groove" and we make Skafrocubanlatinjazz...

:fawk: :rofl:


Nov 16, 2008
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Its funny how I love some deathcore but hate most of it like most of you guys do. I Think the whole labeling of a band isn't bad but I don't think people should hate an entire genre because 60% of them are fags. I Hate about 90% of grindcore but some of it is great.

screw all scene kids


None shall pass.
Apr 22, 2005
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London, Ontario, Canada
Its funny how I love some deathcore but hate most of it like most of you guys do. I Think the whole labeling of a band isn't bad but I don't think people should hate an entire genre because 60% of them are fags. I Hate about 90% of grindcore but some of it is great.

screw all scene kids

You're hilarious. You say don't hate something unconditionally just because a fraction of them you don't like, and then you say screw all scene kids. :rolleyes:


noob bear
Jan 3, 2009
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Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico



Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
SUPER-HANDSOME MOD EDIT: knock it off with the font "sh**", that was painful to read, plus you seem to have trouble using HTML tags:lol:

hollllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sh**.

ok i play in a band that will be lumped into this post. i take great offence to this only because you are all supposed to be musicians.

creators, artist, people who LOVE the art we create. all i see in this post for the most part is a ton of talk about a type of music that you obviously didnt give a chance.

i am a 33 year old guitar player, i have been playing guitar for over 20 years. i have been in various bands from death metal, to hardcore and i suppose now i am in a "death core" band for the most part. here is my view on "deathcore"

IF you know anything, and i mean anything about metal for what it really is, the first true metal breakdowns were done by, slayer, anthrax, sod, exodus, hell the list goes on and on from the 80s all the way to today. in 1986 the breakdown to start and end all breakdowns (slayers riegn in blood) started a trend that changed metal for everyone, that song/lp can stand up to any modern day breakdown/metal lp that is recorded up to date.

Now, the simple fact is, metal is not main stream. not real metal. it pushes the boundries. some by tech shread over the top fancy pants metal. some by speed and balls out thrash, some by smooth rock and blues influenced metal. ANNNNDDDDDDD yes some by brutal hands down heavy smash your face off your body break down metal.

so grow up with the terms and finger pointing of genres, and just appreciate the fact that while you are sitting home talking shit about the music you HATE. these people are writing, touring, recording, pushing the limits of the music they love and taking the time to give up everything that a conventional life brings, to do what we all love.


i know everyone has their own taste, but making people who work there asses off making something read a post smashing what they do to pieces, is kind of heart breaking.
Dec 19, 2007
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To the two posts above me.....really? I didn't really want to get into it because if you like deathcore fine..no harm done. personally I think it's the worst shit around and I wish Nu-metal would come back as it was at least fun. Imdeathcore I really think is just trolling, if you're not then I apologize, but you really come off that way. And to shred..the raining blood break down and the millions of "core" breakdowns are vastly different and you have to see that. Besides, if EVERY band did the raining blood break down it'd be rather mundane and boring. Every one of these core bands has the same downtuned breakdown nonsense in the middle of their song because it's what labels are pushing because it's selling. Genres were about a certain mentality and mindset and the music that came along with it. Death metal, thrash, black metal can all be respected in their own way because of what comes with the scene. Core kids wearing girls pants hanging off their asses, emo hair cuts and too small shirts, pig squealing, and crudely imitating death metal style isn't exactly something that's destined for longevity.

Metal has ALWAYS been heavily gaurded by it's fans..that's how the overall genre managed to stay so strong with other musical genres died and began deviating. Metal fans won't accept bullshit, they know what they like, they know the history of the music, and they won't go with what's popular just because it's popular. THIS is why most of them don't like these core groups because they're just a heavy version of pop marketed towards kids who don't really see a difference.

These bands are popping up out of the goddamn woodwork ALL having the same look, formula, etc because it's what gets you signed. Just like Nu Metal, when it's not carrying them anymore they'll stop doing it and they'll try something else, trying to hang in there with the new crop of bands. That isn't something to be respected musically. I can respect extreme metal bands who do it because they love the music, who do it knowing it won't lead them to a big financial payoff, who prosper in the scene despite no radio play, tv spots, headbangers ball appearances etc. That's the difference. I can respect REAL hardcore bands, REAL metal bands, and REAL people who do it because they truely love the music, not people doing it because it's the quickest way to a record deal and because it's what's hot right now

And if YOU knew anything about extreme metal you'd know that.


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
read exactly what you wrote, METAL HAS ALWAYS HAD ITS BULLSHIT. my point is, putting all of the bands that play this kind of music in a lumped subculture is the same as saying all 80s hair metal was talentless. MY point is that as much as you may or may not like something, there are people that work day and night to make this happen. regaurdless of skill levels ect.

SLAYERS breakdown is the most stolen, rewritten, and it is also the first REAL breakdown that anyone can come up with. making it a ground breaking thing that has PUSHED people to remake the mold. there is defenetly a link to the modern day break down and what slayer did in the mid 80s. if you think differnt you are kidding yourself.

and as far as metal and pop goes, remember your roots. aka remember when metallica was a metal band. yeah me too....metal gone pop goes way beyond deathcore.

To the two posts above me.....really? I didn't really want to get into it because if you like deathcore fine..no harm done. personally I think it's the worst shit around and I wish Nu-metal would come back as it was at least fun. Imdeathcore I really think is just trolling, if you're not then I apologize, but you really come off that way. And to shred..the raining blood break down and the millions of "core" breakdowns are vastly different and you have to see that. Besides, if EVERY band did the raining blood break down it'd be rather mundane and boring. Every one of these core bands has the same downtuned breakdown nonsense in the middle of their song because it's what labels are pushing because it's selling. Genres were about a certain mentality and mindset and the music that came along with it. Death metal, thrash, black metal can all be respected in their own way because of what comes with the scene. Core kids wearing girls pants hanging off their asses, emo hair cuts and too small shirts, pig squealing, and crudely imitating death metal style isn't exactly something that's destined for longevity.

Metal has ALWAYS been heavily gaurded by it's fans..that's how the overall genre managed to stay so strong with other musical genres died and began deviating. Metal fans won't accept bullshit, they know what they like, they know the history of the music, and they won't go with what's popular just because it's popular. THIS is why most of them don't like these core groups because they're just a heavy version of pop marketed towards kids who don't really see a difference.

These bands are popping up out of the goddamn woodwork ALL having the same look, formula, etc because it's what gets you signed. Just like Nu Metal, when it's not carrying them anymore they'll stop doing it and they'll try something else, trying to hang in there with the new crop of bands. That isn't something to be respected musically. I can respect extreme metal bands who do it because they love the music, who do it knowing it won't lead them to a big financial payoff, who prosper in the scene despite no radio play, tv spots, headbangers ball appearances etc. That's the difference. I can respect REAL hardcore bands, REAL metal bands, and REAL people who do it because they truely love the music, not people doing it because it's the quickest way to a record deal and because it's what's hot right now

And if YOU knew anything about extreme metal you'd know that.

oh and for the record there are a ton of these bands that i can not get into. i also am not into the girls pants bad hair thing. BUT WERE YOU ALIVE IN THE 80S. JEEZ

i love all music and i give every band a fair chance. sorry to say it but there are metal core guitar players out there that will school most of us on this board. just saying.

ps my favorite band is steely dan hahahah for the record hahaha


Sep 13, 2007
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grand rapids, mi
Deathcore isn't all the bad. It's so easy to hate it b/c it's what scene kids love and it's what's popular in the metal scene now. There are some very good bands out there though. Like The faceless, Beneath the Massacre, Animosity, The eyes of a traitor, Through the eyes of the dead, ect. There are a lot of bands that are trying to further metalcore by adding a death influence like as blood runs black. But i think mixture and experimentation is great and will help further music. I've listen to death metal ever since I got into music when i was kid and I don't hate deathcore. I don't necessarily like it but hey there's always gonna be bands that sound exactly like each other it's how music is.
Dec 19, 2007
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read exactly what you wrote, METAL HAS ALWAYS HAD ITS BULLSHIT. my point is, putting all of the bands that play this kind of music in a lumped subculture is the same as saying all 80s hair metal was talentless. MY point is that as much as you may or may not like something, there are people that work day and night to make this happen. regaurdless of skill levels ect.

SLAYERS breakdown is the most stolen, rewritten, and it is also the first REAL breakdown that anyone can come up with. making it a ground breaking thing that has PUSHED people to remake the mold. there is defenetly a link to the modern day break down and what slayer did in the mid 80s. if you think differnt you are kidding yourself.

and as far as metal and pop goes, remember your roots. aka remember when metallica was a metal band. yeah me too....metal gone pop goes way beyond deathcore.

oh and for the record there are a ton of these bands that i can not get into. i also am not into the girls pants bad hair thing. BUT WERE YOU ALIVE IN THE 80S. JEEZ

i love all music and i give every band a fair chance. sorry to say it but there are metal core guitar players out there that will school most of us on this board. just saying.

ps my favorite band is steely dan hahahah for the record hahaha

Ehh...first off..saying ALL anything automatically makes you wrong as generalizing is rarely ever 100 percent correct. Some of those bands aren't bad at all, but I'm talking about the majority which are clearly all similar and uniform. Yeah, metal's always had bullshit, but the real stuff sticks around and it's the fluff that gets blown out of proportion. And you can find traces of all types of things in metal, yet the textbook core breakdown and the Raining blood breakdown don't exactly go hand and hand, especially taking into consideration the music that comes before and after said part.

And metallica in my opinions a bad example..they were doing well before they "sold out" and the stuff they're doing is because they have the money and means to try new things. I wouldn't call them pop, however lots of metal fans can't stand metallica because of what they've done. Don't agree but I see their point and respect them for it.

And I hate this "I don't like labels" thing. That seems to always be the rallying cry of people who know the truth yet don't really want to admit it. Those "I'm not gay or bi..I don't like labels, they're so stupid" type of guys are the kind of guy who's clearly gay, yet doesn't like to be called so

"Deathcore is just a label..labels are stupid"...yeah..girlpants bree bree music is what it is. Just because you don't like the connotation it doesn't change it.

And are all core musicians bad? Of course not, but I'm not knocking their level of musicianship, I'm talking about the overall music.

When I listen to real death metal I get that death metal vibe..the same vibe that made me fall in love with it. This new shit is just empty. It doesn't have that feeling and it's like diet death metal for kids. Everything about it is young to me and it won't be around long.

And just because someone's working to make something happen..doesn't make it good. Afterall someone worked to put Britney Spears on the map and surely you won't tell me that her and Aretha Franklin are on the same level. To me that's what it is, Deathcore is like Britney Spears, cute and alright if you like no substance. And Death Metal is like Aretha Franklin, legendary, and the real deal.............also fat and black.

As much as I don't care for the genre, it has it's place like all pop metal does. It brings kids into metal and those who are really into it will stick around once the fad is over with to discover the bands who paved the way for the fad.


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
Ehh...first off..saying ALL anything automatically makes you wrong as generalizing is rarely ever 100 percent correct. Some of those bands aren't bad at all, but I'm talking about the majority which are clearly all similar and uniform. Yeah, metal's always had bullshit, but the real stuff sticks around and it's the fluff that gets blown out of proportion. And you can find traces of all types of things in metal, yet the textbook core breakdown and the Raining blood breakdown don't exactly go hand and hand, especially taking into consideration the music that comes before and after said part.

And metallica in my opinions a bad example..they were doing well before they "sold out" and the stuff they're doing is because they have the money and means to try new things. I wouldn't call them pop, however lots of metal fans can't stand metallica because of what they've done. Don't agree but I see their point and respect them for it.

And I hate all this "I don't like labels" thing. That seems to always be the rallying cry of people who know the truth yet don't really want to admit it. Those "I'm not gay or bi..I don't like labels, they're so stupid" type of guys are the kind of guy who's clearly gay, yet doesn't like to be called so

"Deathcore is just a label..labels are stupid"...yeah..girlpants bree bree music is what it is. Just because you don't like the connotation it doesn't change it.

And are all core musicians bad? Of course not, but I'm not knocking their level of musicianship, I'm talking about the overall music.

When I listen to real death metal I get that death metal vibe..the same vibe that made me fall in love with it. This new shit is just empty. It doesn't have that feeling and it's like diet death metal for kids. Everything about it is young to me and it won't be around long.

And just because someone's working to make something happen..doesn't make it good. Afterall someone worked to put Britney Spears on the map and surely you won't tell me that her and Aretha Franklin are on the same level. To me that's what it is, Deathcore is like Britney Spears, cute and alright if you like no substance. And Death Metal is like Aretha Franklin, legendary, and the real deal.............also fat and black.

As much as I don't care for the genre, it has it's place like all pop metal does. It brings kids into metal and those who are really into it will stick around once the fad is over with to discover the bands who paved the way for the fad.

ok ok, i got you, but what i am saying is EXACTLY what you are saying. i think you have misunderstood what i ment. i am saying that you or anyone saying ALL DEATHCORE is bad, is the problem. there is a lot of bad pizza out there but damn man pizza is frigging amazing. now with that being said. ill take the metallica thing....

METALLICA GAVE UP EVERYTHING METAL TO MAKE MONEY....saying to me that they were doing well as a metal band....i will agree. they were at no way on the level of the metallica we know today. everything after AND JUSTICE FOR ALL is just crap.

now do i blame metallica for doing it....HELLLL NO. i like money too hahaha

you are also right, the fluff will get pushed aside, but in saying that you are agreeing with everything that i am trying to say.

id like you to check out my band. please take a minute to listen. see if you hate it. im curious hahahah

Dec 19, 2007
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Not bad musically..however I don't like the vocals and the core element to it. Those types of bands always start off promising..and then go into those breakdowns and stuff and there's where I lose interest. And I love good death metal vocals. These guys now sound way too young. I like my death metal vox to sound inhuman..sounding as if they're coming from a MAN(even if coming from a woman)..these vocalists out now sound like boys doing a mimick job. Maybe when they get older they'll sound better, but I don't like the "youth" I hear in the vocals. As said before I like that death metal vibe..and you can't get it from those types of bands however for the genre, this is definately one of the better bands I will say that. I can actually listen to it and like it for what it is


Mar 2, 2009
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tomsriver nj
well thanks, we are all in our late 20s early 30s, so i dont think its an age thing. but i do agree with the over done vocals with a lot of those bands. i appreciate you taking the time to check us out.

see this is what i love. people having an adult conflict like grown people.
good times.

Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
3 in, 3 up. Far up.
Fuck all these "core" genres and just genres in general being made up every 3.5 seconds. I've even talked to a bunch of these guys at a recent concert that call their band "Beardcore", because they all had ginormous beards. I couldnt stop laughing in their faces, and they were dead serious.

Its just so ridiculous and unnecessary.

Every single band listed in this thread is simply "Metal" to me. If its heavy and it makes me wanna start killing people...its Metal...not post hardcore, not pre hard core, not semen-core, not mammogram-core, not any kind of core, its all just Metal to me.

everything after AND JUSTICE FOR ALL is just crap.http://www.MYSPACE.COM/FITFORANAUTOPSY

This man speaks the truth. +1.


Forum MVP
Apr 25, 2006
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Austin, TX
I like your stuff, Patrick.

To me, I'm getting a death metal vibe.


May 9, 2005
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Rincon, Ga.
Just curious, how many chicks show at these concerts? A friend of mine talked me into going to a Christian battle of the bands and all the bands were doing this "death metal style" and all I know it takes alot of teamwork, skill, practice, and strong vocal cords and the chicks there were turning into "hedonistic vixens" so, no I really can't say I hate it!


Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Deathcore isn't all the bad. It's so easy to hate it b/c it's what scene kids love and it's what's popular in the metal scene now. There are some very good bands out there though. Like The faceless, Beneath the Massacre, Animosity, The eyes of a traitor, Through the eyes of the dead, ect. There are a lot of bands that are trying to further metalcore by adding a death influence like as blood runs black. But i think mixture and experimentation is great and will help further music. I've listen to death metal ever since I got into music when i was kid and I don't hate deathcore. I don't necessarily like it but hey there's always gonna be bands that sound exactly like each other it's how music is.

Wait, The Faceless, death-core? :scratch:
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